

 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello I’m Neil. Welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m joined today by Finn. Hello Finn.
Hello Neil.
Now, I have a question for you: what age did you leave home?
I left home at 18, Neil.
That’s quite young, isn’t it? Why did you leave home?

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medicine  drug 的差異

雖然 medicine  drug 都有「藥」的意思,但還是有差喔!medicine 指的是專門用來治療或預防各式疾病的藥物;drug 則通常是指麻醉劑、迷幻劑或興奮劑drug 會使人心智麻木,不當使用的話可能會上癮,也因此 drug 通常帶有貶義,有毒品的意思。


  • cure 療法;治療
  • remedy 治療;藥物;補救
  • prescription 處方
  • therapy 治療;療法
  • treatment 治療;療法


吃藥千萬別講 eat medicine !那是直接翻譯的中式英文。吃藥正確的用法是 take medicine

A: Are you feeling better now?
B: Yes, much better. I’ve been taking the medicine for three days.
A: Okay. Rest when you can!

A: 你有好點了嗎?

B: 有好多了。我已經吃了三天的藥。
A: 好,多休息!


antacid 解酸劑;胃藥

antibiotic 抗生素

Antibiotic cures illnesses and infections caused by bacteria.

antidote 解毒劑


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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Plants, just like animals, get injured. For plants, it's often because some herbivore is snacking on them. And, also like animals, plants usually seal those wounds up quickly to avoid infection or the loss of important materials.
But scientists recently found a plant that does not seal up a wound. Instead, a type of nightshade called Solanum dulcamara does its version of bleeding, releasing drops of an unusual liquid at the wound site.
“What we found is that the plant is actually damaged by herbivores like most plants are in nature. And in response to that it secretes sugar secretions from the wound edges where the herbivores have damaged the plant.” Tobias Lortzing is a graduate student at Freie Universität Berlin and one of the study authors.
“我們發現這種植物和自然界的多數其他植物一樣,經常遭到食草動物的傷害。對此,小癲茄會在食草動物對自己造成的傷口邊緣分泌出醣類。” Tobias Lortzing是柏林自由大學的畢業生,也是該項研究的作者之一。
The researchers at first thought the flow could be just a passive bleeding, where the plant lost some of the sugar solution being transported internally.
[TL:] “But it might also be and that is what we finally could show that the plant is excreting the stuff on purpose. So it's changing the chemical composition and it also controls the amount of secretion that it produces.”

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello I’m Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m joined today by Neil. Hi Neil.
Hi Rob.
Today we’re talking about something many of us are familiar with – drinking in a bar or a pub. Now Neil, do you have a favourite bar or pub?
Well, I have a few favourites. One in particular is a pub I used to go to after work with friends and colleagues where you got personal service – they brought the drink to you, which is very unusual in this country.
It certainly is! I like the old-fashioned-style English pubs, with plenty of ale on offer, cosy little corners to sit in and a roaring log fire. I’m not so keen on those bright, loud and modern bars – and the drinks are expensive there too!

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
There's nothing like that fresh, rain-washed air after a storm, right? "The idea has always been 'the rain is cleaning.'" Mary Gilles, a chemist at Lawrence Berkeley Lab. She and her colleagues study microscopic airborne particles, so "normally we don't collect during rain. Because our intuition is, 'the air's clean, why would we be collecting right now?'"
Two years ago, they went against that intuition and collected after a rainstorm, at a field in northern Oklahoma. And what they found was actually a wealth of particles—about half a micron in diameter, nearly spherical, and glassy-looking under the microscope. Lab analysis revealed the miniscule bits to be carbon-based blobs of soil material—like decayed bits of plants and soil-dwellers.
But how they got airborne was a mystery. The researchers think that what’s happening, based on a follow-up experiment, goes something like this. The rain leads to puddles. Organic matter leaches into those puddles, forming a film on top of the water. Then, as raindrops strike, they form tiny air bubbles. These bubbles rise to the surface and burst through that layer of organic material, catapulting the soil particles into the air. The study is in the journal Nature Geoscience.
Tiny as they may be, the particles may actually affect the climate. "We think that they have the potential to actually be absorbing incoming solar radiation, and then that feeds back into global climate change." Meaning we might want to factor them into climate models. ‘Cause they appear to be more than just dust in the wind.

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日本人最擅長開會嗎?揭秘不同國家的會議文化  📝
Do the Japanese run the best meetings?
If you want to get your point across in a meeting in Finland, keep quiet; and let your counterparts deliberate. Of course, that won't work at all in, say, Canada.
As more of us do business across cultures and far-flung offices, every meeting can feel like a riddle. What do the long silences, idle chitchat and serious faces really mean in context?
It's best to prepare ahead of time so you can quickly zero in on cultural quirks before you head to the meeting table. Here are five rules of thumb for different countries to make navigating your next international meeting a little less nerve-wracking.
📝  Stick to the schedule
➤Where: Germany, Austria, Japan
We've all been to meetings that have a loose agenda, if any at all. They don't start on time and they seem to repeat as stragglers wander in. Not so in these countries. Japanese users of  Do.com

, an online meeting platform, are more likely to create a detailed agenda and pass out supporting documents several days prior to a meeting than meeting goers in any other country, according to founder Jason Shah.
"People [in Japan] are cognisant of how much time remains and don't go over," said Shah. It's expected that you'll understand the written materials ahead of the meeting. If a meticulously planned meeting runs over the allotted time, the gathering might be deemed unproductive, he adds. Ultimately, it can lead to a negative outcome because participants may be seen as inefficient.
Germans and Austrians have a similar sentiment, said Stuart Friedman, founder of Global Context, a cross-cultural communication firm based in Redwood City, California in the US. In the US, a well-planned gathering that exceeds its scheduled time might signal great interest or excitement over the topic, but meetings that run long in Germany are often taken to mean that the parties are not communicating efficiently, he said.
📝  Don't even think about a brainstorm
➤Where: China, Malaysia, Singapore
Backtracking or debating a topic can go against the traditional Chinese concept of "saving face", which is meant to avoid any mistakes or actions that could bring embarrassment. Laughing at even an obviously amusing answer, pointing out a potential mistake or even being too straightforward in an answer can derail the entire meeting.
Meetings in a number of Asian countries typically have a desired outcome, without much room for taking a new direction. Knowing the meeting's outcome saves participants from any confrontation or debates, but can be an odd experience for westerners.
"Some people will fly to attend a meeting that they hope to be a brainstorming session, but [in China] brainstorming doesn't take place in meetings," Friedman explained.
📝  Savour the interruptions
➤Where: Italy, France, Spain
When Pascal Soboll meets with clients in Italy or Spain, he's no longer offended if they duck out early or arrive late. Rather than attend the entire three-hour meeting, the managing director at innovation and design firm Daylight Design, has learned that his counterparts there — and in some parts of France — attend based on their own timetable.
"People change their schedules very spontaneously," said Soboll. "They tend to come and go."
For Soboll that means tweaking his own German-based expectations of client behavior. Rather than expecting the same group to sit through his entire presentation (often analyzing the company's existing strategy) he makes it easier for people to turn up as needed. Those who have missed a portion of the presentation can then review and ask questions to avoid information lapses, he adds.
📝  Please, no small talk
➤Where: Finland, Sweden
While chitchat about everything from the weather to the latest sport scores can be good way to ease into more serious meeting discussions in North America, this type of warm-up exercise isn't acceptable in places like Finland and Sweden where non-meeting related discussions can be perceived as a way to veer away from a formally-set agenda and as a waste of other people's time.
In some countries, including Finland, there are long pauses in the conversation, which can make visitors feel like there's an awkward silence. Don't try to fill it, though, with small talk or anything else. In parts of Northern Europe business people are more comfortable with pauses that can be as long as a minute peppered throughout the conversation, explained Friedman.
These breaks are used as a way to process what the other person is saying without interrupting. But a clashing of customs can make it easier to distrust the other side during a meeting, so it's crucial to keep this difference in mind.
"The Americans' insistence on breaking the silence causes [the Finnish] to not trust [them]," for instance, said Friedman. "If someone Finnish gets quiet we wonder what excuses they are contemplating."
📝  Decode the feedback culture
➤Where: South Korea, Germany
When Soboll visits Seoul for business meetings, he anticipates the sort of feedback he will get by first making sure he understands the relationships of those across the table from him. The most junior team member speaks first to give some initial input and the decision maker typically speaks last to make the final call. The feedback order creates a formality to the meeting that helps the participants to understand the significance of each person's input, he adds.
German meetings, to that end, can feel equally cool, he said. There's often no way to tell how things are going. "German clients don't applaud or jump for joy," he said. "No one is going to spontaneously say how much they love this work."
zero in: 瞄準
rule of thumb: 經驗法則
deliberate: 仔細考慮;商議
straggler: 落後者
savour: 品嘗;享受
backtrack: 改變主意;原路返回
文章來源: http://goo.gl/Z24Flf


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