

MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Welcome to 6 Minute English with me, Rob.
歡迎和我一起來到BBC 6分鐘英語,我是Rob。
And me, Finn. Hello.
In today’s programme, we’re talking about freedom. It’s a big subject and it’s something the BBC has been exploring in its Freedom 2014 season.
That’s right. There’s been a season of programmes about what freedom means to different people.
Well, we’re going to try and summarise what freedom really is and look at some related vocabulary. But first a definition – what does freedom mean?

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Your car is already an extension of your smartphone. Many vehicles let you make phone calls, play mp3s and access GPS info using voice commands, buttons or a touch screen on your car’s console or steering wheel.
But pretty soon you’ll be using your handset to control your car. In addition to being able to unlock your doors and start your engine from your iPhone or Android, new apps will even let you command your car to park itself. These advances and dozens more were on display at the recent International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas and the North American International Auto Show in Detroit.
What we really need, though, are more ways to control our cars without creating more distractions. BMW and Mercedes have the right idea: they’re working on ways to let drivers interact with their cars using hand gestures and eye movement in addition to voice controls and touch screens.
Gesture control should be useful, especially because most drivers already get lots of practice. Then again, the arm and leg it costs you to afford one of these vehicles might render some gesture controls moot.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
At Brooklyn's recycling depot, discarded metal and plastic gets bulldozed into a large mound. The stuff is then scooped onto the first of a series of rising conveyor belts, from which the trash is sorted through means both mechanical and manual.
All that effort produces a variety of salable products, from metals to paper fibers. But is it worth it?
In the case of an aluminum can the answer is an unqualified yes. Such a can can be recycled endlessly with no loss of quality. And recycling a can uses less than five percent of the energy that it takes to refine bauxite ore into fresh aluminum.
Recycling is worth it when it comes to all metals, though we're better at recycling aluminum than say neodymium. In principle it could work for plastic, too. But because plastic is made from petrochemicals, low oil prices can make it cheaper to just dump old plastic and manufacture new. And plastics degrade as they're recycled, as does paper.
That said, a simple cost-benefit analysis does not correctly measure the environmental costs of dumping plastics or cutting down more trees for paper products. The EPA suggests that recycling in the US reduces the same amount of greenhouse gas pollution as taking more than 38 million cars off the road.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello I'm Rob.Welcome to 6 Minute English. With me today is Finn. Hello Finn.
Hello Rob.
Now Finn, I'd like to start by asking you a question. Would you eat a purple coloured tomato?
Purple? Well, that depends. Is it a naturally coloured tomato? Where does it come from? Is this an artificial tomato? Rob, tell me more.
Artificial – yes, you mean is it man-made and trying to copy something that is natural? Well, in a way - yes. Because scientists have developed a genetically modified purple tomato; they took red tomato plants and changed their genetic patterns so that they now produce new, purple tomatoes.

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
The 2016 presidential candidates have subjected voters nationwide to a cognitive challenge: can you untangle what one candidate is saying while the others talk over him? That challenge is a test of something called the cocktail party problem, or "speech-on-speech perception." Which researchers in The Netherlands recently investigated, with a group of 18 musicians and 20 nonmusicians—to see if musicians are any better at it.
The scientists played the study subjects a sample of one speaker masking another—for example, try to follow what the second speaker is saying: Except they used Dutch samples. Anyway, the participants listened to this multi-voice babble with headphones, then attempted to repeat the target sentence, to see how many words they could make out. And it turns out musicians scored significantly higher than non-musicians did in deciphering the target phrase. The study is in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
Turns out musicians might be better at something called "stream segregation"—separating out one meaningful audio stream among others. "And this is the case indeed for musicians when they want to listen to hear out one specific instrument, within a group of instruments." Etienne Gaudrain, a hearing scientist at University Medical Center Groningen in the Netherlands. His co-author, Deniz Başkent agreed. "Anecdotally, when I speak to my musician friends, they do indeed mention situations like this, that they say they can switch their attention easily to either hear one stream, like from an orchestra piece or a band, or they can also combine patterns. So this requires quite a lot of cognitive control to be able to hear one stream or two streams together or to hear all of them together, but we think they are very well trained in this kind of skill.”
研究結果表明,音樂家更擅長區分聲音流——在嘈雜的聲音流中區分出有意義的聲音流。“實際上,這就像音樂家在想要辨別某種特定的樂器的聲音。”埃蒂安是荷蘭格羅寧根大學醫學中心的科學家,這樣說到。他文章的合作者Deniz Başkent對他的觀點也表示贊同。“在我和自己的音樂方面的朋友們談到這個情況時,他們會講到這樣的情景,自己可以將注意力從管弦樂、樂隊等一種聲音流中進行轉換,也可以同時聽多種聲音。這就要求嚴格控制自己的認知來聽一種或兩種聲音流,或者聽所有的聲音流。我們認為他們在這方面的技能非常的優秀。
It's unclear whether this ability helps the candidates much. Neither Mike Huckabee, who plays bass in the band "Capitol Offense," nor Martin O'Malley, who strums and croons in "O'Malley's March," made it far enough to really exercise their ears.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English: we’ll be talking about a story in the news and learning some vocabulary along the way. I’m Alice and joining me today is Rob. Hi Rob.
Hi there Alice.
Now, Rob are you a cyclist?
Yes I ride a bicycle.
Even on the mean streets of London?

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