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🎁 中英文稿:
The global population is now nearly seven and a half billion. And that’s just humans. Because our planet is also home to one-and-a-half-billion cows, another billion sheep, and a billion goats. Their combined belches account for a full fifth of the world's methane emissions—and methane is about 30 times more potent at trapping heat than CO2.
But those methane emissions might get cut—by feeding the grazers something called 3-nitrooxypropanol. "I can tell you, they like it. No rejection at all." Maik Kindermann, an organic chemist at DSM Nutritional Products in Switzerland. Liking it, in the cow world, he says basically means they'll still gobble up their food, even with this stuff mixed in.
Kindermann's company developed the additive a few years back. It jams up an enzyme crucial to the production of methane by microbes that live inside the animals. And it only targets those methane-belching microbes, while leaving the rest of the microbiome untouched. The result? A 30 percent decrease in methane emissions. The study is in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Kindermann says he thinks the compound could be a win-win for the planet—and the animals. "You know the methane is kind of a waste product. And this energy, instead of losing it for the animal, it can be reused for the animal in terms of performance, and at the same time we are doing something for greenhouse gas emission and climate change." The product’s not on the market yet—toxicology tests are ongoing. But the hope is that it might take some of the heat off of beef.

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello I’m Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m joined today by Finn. Hi Finn.
Hi Rob.
Today we are talking about Casanovas. Finn, could you explain what one is?
Yes a Casanova is a man who is a smooth talker, very charming and great at seducing women –to be blunt, or to be honest, they are good at getting women into bed!

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🎁 中英文稿:
Urban gentrification is thought to happen like this: artists move into lower income neighborhoods, looking for cheap gallery and living space. "So they move into these neighborhoods, and they make these neighborhoods really pleasant to live in. They kind of create a nice kind of buzzy scene." Chanuki Seresinhe, a data scientist at the Warwick Business School, in the UK Next come the hip cafes and shops. "But what happens is of course then other people are then attracted to move into these areas. And so the demand for these places increases, and housing prices then go up."
人們認為城市中產階級化是這樣發生的:藝術家們進入低收入社區,尋求廉價的畫廊和生存空間。“然後,他們搬到了這些社區,在這裡愉快地生活,創建了熱鬧的氛圍。”Chanuki Seresinhe是英國華威商學院的數據科學家。接著這裡的社區就有了時髦的咖啡館和商店。“當然了,之後的一些人被吸引來到了這些區域。然後人們對這些地方的需求就增加了,房價隨之上漲。”
So the story goes. But Seresinhe and her colleagues wanted to see if online data told the same story. So they analyzed four and a half million photos uploaded to Flickr, from 2004 to 2013—each geotagged somewhere in London. Then they tallied how many of each neighborhood's photos were tagged "art." And they found that neighborhoods with a higher proportion of "art"-tagged photos actually did see a higher spike in property prices during the study period. The results are in the journal Royal Society Open Science .
Foursquare and Twitter data can also track gentrification trends, as another recent study showed. But the link here isn't necessarily predictive—maybe neighborhoods with rising prices just attract more photo-tagging art enthusiasts. "That's why I wouldn't say, you know, go out and buy a house in an artsy neighborhood, you're going to be rich in five years' time. Because sometimes there could be other factors involved."
But the connection does suggest your photos and social media posts can be used for more than bragging about brunch. "Sharing this data could be so valuable for academic research. We can actually use this data to do something good in the world." Like giving local organizations and urban planners a better look at how and why cities change. All you've got to do, is add a few tags.

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1. 我們為什麼bury the hatchet(冰釋前嫌,直譯為將短柄小斧埋起來)?
bury the hatchet短語釋義為:end aquarrel or conflict and become friendly,意思為結束爭吵或衝突,並變得友好。這個短語出自17世紀美國本土的風俗,將斧鉞埋在地下表示放下武器,爭戰雙方宣告和平。
Leading tech competitors bury the hatchet to improve energy efficiency. 
2. 我們為什麼要談stealing someone's thunder(搶別人的風頭,直譯為偷走某人的雷聲)?
steal someone's thunder短語釋義為:win praise for oneself by pre-empting someone else's attempt to impress,意思為先發制人地打動別人,為自己贏得讚譽。這個故事來自於18世紀的劇作人約翰·鄧尼斯,他發明了一種機器,可以類比雷聲作為舞臺音效。他的發明在之後的劇作中被人使用(話劇《馬克白》中),對此鄧尼斯大吼,“Damn them! They will not let my play run, but they steal my thunder”(“該死的!他們不讓我的劇演出,但是他們偷走了我的雷聲”)。
But senior officers stole their thunder by revealing for the first time estimates of the funding needed for the new centre. 
3. playing to the gallery(迎合大眾趣味,直譯為對樓座位置的觀眾演出)從何而來?
playing to the gallery短語釋義為:act in an exaggerated way in order to appeal to popular taste,意思是為了取悅大眾口味而以誇張的方式演出。從17世紀中開始,影院中位置最高也最便宜的座位被稱為gallery(樓座,樓上旁聽席),也就是觀眾中最不文雅的一群人的座位。因此,為這樣一群坐在樓座位置的人演出就帶有了討好大眾低俗口味的意味。

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😄 “銀髮上網族”樂趣多😄


Seniors learn how to use social networking applications on their smartphones at a class organized by social workers in the Huayuanzhabeili neighborhood in Beijing on March 30. Wang Zhuangfei / China Daily
Silver surfer refers to the population of individuals over the age of 50 who utilize the internet on a consistent basis. 
The number of older users has increased dramatically over the past several years due to their being more accustomed to the technology. 
Research shows that the silver surfers are spending a majority of their time using search engines and online shopping sites. 
Other sources indicate that this growing trend among the older population is due to the increase in use of social networking sites to stay in touch with family members or close friends that live far away. 


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🎁 中英文稿:
Picture a brave fireman carrying a pet from a burning building. Now, imagine that global warming is the burning building, a cherry tree is the pet, and a bear is the fireman. You’ve now got the gist of a new study that finds that cherry trees may be able to survive rising temperatures thanks to mountain-climbing bears that carry the cherry tree seeds to cooler climes.
It’s projected that, over the next hundred years, temperatures on Earth could rise an average of nearly five degrees Celsius. While some animals might be able to migrate north to escape the brunt of the heat, plants can’t uproot themselves quite so easily. But researchers wondered whether the creatures that disperse plant seeds might be able to help.
So scientists spent three years sifting through the droppings of Asiatic bears, looking for cherry tree seeds. And they found that the bears were indeed transporting the seeds to cooler locations—not by moving to higher latitudes, but higher altitudes.
Seems the bears snack on the fruits that are found at the foot of the mountains in spring and then make the climb to higher elevations to enjoy young leaves and buds and flowers, particularly as the season progresses.
The researchers could tell that seeds had been deposited higher up the mountain than they had been harvested by the ratio of their oxygen isotopes, which changes with altitude. And the 300 or so meters the seeds ascended should buy the resulting trees a degree or two in heat relief. The study is in the journal Current Biology.

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