👉 托福成績難提高的3大原因及救命秘笈 👈
碧瓏司-BeLong'S 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
與“夏天”有關的短語 🎐🎐
✿ high summer 盛夏/仲夏,也可以指鼎盛時期,全盛時期
That was the high summer of English Literature.
✿ Indian summer 深秋(初冬)的小陽春;(老年的)回春期
I had to take my holiday late but fortunately we had an Indian summer and the weather was splendid.
The book describes the last 20 years of Churchill's life, including his Indian summer as prime minister between 1951 and 1955.
✿ in the height of summer 盛暑期;在……的高潮中,在……的頂峰
I wouldn't go there in the height of summer.
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♣ 10個英語成語 ♣
1. Every little helps.
❖[解釋]點點滴滴,有其助益。一顆顆糧食堆成山,一塊塊銅板成千萬。偏遠地區的孩子沒學上,我們有義務幫助他們。希望大家多支持,捐錢、捐書、捐鉛筆,什麼都行。多捐多感謝、少捐也不嫌,Every little helps。
2. Good wine needs no bush.
3. I am all ears.
❖[解釋]我在洗耳恭聽。我很感興趣,我在集中精力,全神貫注地等你往下說。比如:女朋友說"我今天下午去參加面試了。你想知道結果嗎?"女朋友沒往下說,就等男朋友開口,希望他說:"Tell me! Tell me! I'm all ears!"
4. If the cap fits, wear it .
❖[解釋]要是言之中肯,就接受吧。你的作業沒做好,老師認為你看電視太多,影響了你的學習。老師說你是"電視迷"(TV addict),你不承認。你我同住一個宿舍,我很清楚老師說的是對的,所以If the cap fits, wear it。
5. In for a penny, in for a pound!
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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):
🎁 中英文稿:
The lubricant of the global economy is having a fire sale: a barrel of crude oil in Texasnow costs less than $50. Which makes now the perfect time to raise taxes on gas.
The U.S., of course, already has a gas tax, but it has not gone up since 1993. As a result, the things the gas tax is supposed to pay for—roads, bridges, tunnels—are crumbling. And when gas is cheap, people tend to use more of it, and they buy gas guzzling SUV’s while sales of hybrids and other fuel-efficient cars languish.
As a result the air gets worse, whether you're talking about choking smog, insidious soot or, yes, climate change. A gas tax would help reduce all that damage. And it's an idea that even some tax-hating politicians have warmed to—as long as it's called a user fee instead.
And if we really want to get serious about climate change and other environmental ills, we might consider taxing all fossil fuels, which are too cheap given the health costs they impose. Such a carbon tax could help keep coal, oil and natural gas safely in the ground in favor of alternatives like electric cars and cleaner power plants. For American politicians, however, such a notion may be a bridge too far.
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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):
👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Alice…
And I’m Rob. Now, Alice, what did you get up to at the weekend?
I did some spring-cleaning, which means cleaning a place very well, especially places you don’t clean often. So, I was tidying up my wardrobe, trying to organise things… and suddenly hundreds of shoes tumbled on my head!
Poor Alice! But why do you have so many shoes? And why do you keep them at the top of your wardrobe? I only have three pairs.
I like to match my shoes to my outfit – and three pairs wouldn’t do the trick. Well, the subject of today’s show is having too much stuff. And you’re making me feel guilty, Rob. You must have too much of something.
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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):
Hello I’m Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m joined today by Finn. Hi Finn.
Hi Rob.
Today we’re talking about high-speed train travel. Many countries have very fast trains that whisk people from city to city in super-quick time.
Yes, we might think that air travel is the transport of the future but it seems high-speed train travel is becoming just as popular.
I’ve travelled on high-speed trains in Japan – the Shinkansen – and I have to admit it’s an exciting experience, very comfortable and you get to see things out of the window.
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