





從去年下半年開始炒起來的熱門話題「Netflix要登陸台灣」,這兩天終於正式開張,也有不少人已經登記帳號,享受免費試看。不過,關於首波在台的片單是否夠堅強、有誠意?則有頗多爭議。不只台灣,和台灣一起開張的香港Netflix,最常接到的質疑一樣是「為什麼沒有『紙牌屋』(House of Cards)」?

在眾多觀眾心目中,Netflix與「紙牌屋」是畫上等號的,Netflix在台、港開張竟沒有這齣台柱大戲,大家都想不透是啥道理?其實Netflix在美國並非只有「紙牌屋」有高人氣,描述女子監獄內囚犯的愛恨情仇「勁爆女子監獄」(Orange Is the New Black)、「漫威夜魔俠」(Marvels Daredevil )在美國皆有熱烈迴響,特別是「勁爆女子監獄」,堪稱與「紙牌屋」一起撐起Netflix自製戲劇半壁江山的兩根大柱,無奈眾家演員中僅「美國派」男主角傑森畢格斯在台還算有人認識(而且一位男性在蕾絲邊的戲劇中能有多重份量?)其餘幾乎都是台灣不知名的陌生面孔,媒體報導的機率自然不如有影帝凱文史貝西的「紙牌屋」。加上台灣一切政治掛帥,「紙牌屋」剛巧以美國政治圈鬥爭為主,台灣政客也愛當成功課來研究,藉由他們的加持,更增加外界矚目,尤其台灣很多不熟悉歐美娛樂圈發展的政治要聞記者,一看到一堆政客提及「紙牌屋」自然就覺得此劇在美地位崇高,也神話了該劇的地位。其實,「紙牌屋」僅是Netflix在美國受歡迎影集之一,並不是唯一。

於是Netflix來台灣的片單就顯得有些吃虧,明明也還算是有誠意,台柱的夯戲像「勁爆女子監獄」、「漫威夜魔俠」,砸錢砸到媲美「冰與火之歌:權力遊戲」(Game of Thrones)的「馬可波羅」(Marco Polo)、珍芳達與莉莉湯姆林兩大資深戲精聯手的「同妻俱樂部」(Grace and Frankie)、在美備受劇評稱讚也提名本屆金球獎的「毒梟」(Narcos)、「血脈」(Bloodline)等也都上架了,缺了「紙牌屋」馬上在觀眾心目中扣了很多分。

另一個盲點在台灣觀眾以為Netflix像是歐美影劇圖書館,你想看什麼都有,這個當然也不太可能,就連在美國,Netflix也拿不太到HBO的戲,譬如「冰與火之歌:權力遊戲」幾乎確定不會在Netflix出現。美國Netflix有「陰屍路」(The Walking Dead),台灣與香港這兒也沒拿到版權,真要比片源豐富、包羅萬象,Netflix還未必及得過對岸的視頻網站。如果真的非常喜愛看歐美影視節目,不在意一定要高知名度或是多熱門,比較適合使用台灣的Netflix。


其中之一,是美國懸疑偶像劇「美少女的謊言」(Pretty Little Liars),幾個高中美少女被一名代號叫A的神秘怪客騷擾到生命、生活都陷入危機,在美連紅好幾年,稱霸青少年民選獎多時,更是網路熱門討論話題大戲,偏偏在台灣知名度極低,透過非合法管道欣賞的觀眾人數亦不及曾經紅過一陣的「花邊教主」(Gossip Girl),其實兩著都是根據青少年小說改編,同一家製作公司,「美少女的謊言」還在美國更受歡迎、紅更久。

英國青少年劇「皮囊」 (Skins)不只在英倫有著殿堂級的地位,在中國大陸亦有不少狂熱影迷。雖然主角都是十多歲少男少女,內容絕對是18禁,口味非常重,吸毒、嗑藥、亂交,甚至殘忍凶殺都有(但也因為這段情節導致強烈抨擊,收視因而由盛轉衰)。此劇兩季是一代,前後共有3代主角,堪稱英倫新秀最佳跳板。「X戰警」和「殭屍哪有這麼帥」尼可拉斯霍特、「貧民百萬富翁」戴夫帕托都是第一代主角。「移動迷宮」凱雅史寇戴拉里歐演尼可拉斯的妹妹,是第2代中心人物,她在戲裡的3角戀情糾纏戀人則是「三劍客與達太安」(The Musketeers)男主角路克帕斯夸里諾、安琪莉裘莉執導的「永不屈服」傑克歐康諾。第3代主角是演過「黃金羅盤」的達珂塔布魯李查茲。近年來最被力捧的一些英國年輕影星,很多都從此劇脫穎而出。

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ΨΨΨ 六招助你查出面試後無offer的原因 ΨΨΨ
★ If you’re getting plenty of job interviews without any job offers, it’s time to think about what could be going wrong. Since you’re making it past the initial screening, the problem is unlikely to be your résumé or cover letter. That means that it could be your interview skills, something about your experience that isn’t obvious from your résumé or even your references. Here are six ways to explore why you’re not getting job offers.
☆ 如果自己經歷了很多面試,但是就是沒有收到工作邀請,那麼是時候該想一想問題出在了哪裡。既然你通過了第一層篩選,那麼問題就不是出在自己的簡歷或求職信上。很可能是自己的面試技巧出現了問題。你的面試沒有充分表現你簡歷或推薦信所寫的內容。下面為大家探究面試過後無offer,6種方法找出原因。
★ 1. Check your references. It’s possible that your chances are falling apart post-interview when employers call your references. Even if you think your references are glowing, you might be surprised to find that’s not the case. It’s worth having a trusted, professional-sounding friend call your references and make sure that nothing is being said that could hold you back.
☆ 1. 檢查自己的推薦信。面試失敗很可能是因為雇主看了你的推薦信。雖然你認為自己的推薦信充滿亮點,但事實可能並非如此。讓一個信得過的、專業的朋友幫你看推薦信是十分必要的,這個朋友可以幫你檢查推薦信裡是否有給你減分的內容。
★ 2. Try some mock interviews with someone who can assess your interviewing skills. Have a friend or other contact conduct a mock interview with you and give you feedback on how you’re coming across. The ideal person to help you with this is someone who has significant experience doing hiring, but as long as your helper is blunt and relatively insightful, you should get some helpful feedback this way.
☆ 2. 嘗試模擬面試,找到可以給自己進行面試技巧評估的人。找一個朋友或其他相關的人為自己進行一場模擬面試,之後提供一些回饋。一個在招聘方面經驗豐富的人是最理想的人選。不過只要你的幫助者夠直率且見解深刻,你都會得到有益的回饋。
★ 3. Ask for feedback from past interviewers. Reach out to any past interviewers with whom you felt particular rapport and ask if you can buy them coffee and pick their brain for 20 minutes about how you can become a stronger candidate. Your email request could sound something like this: “I really appreciate you taking the time to talk with me about the assistant manager job last week. I want to ask you a favor: Could I buy you coffee and pick your brain for 20 minutes about how I can better position myself for this type of work? Please know that I’m not seeking a reconsideration of your decision, just asking for any insights that might help me move closer to the type of work I’d like to do. I know you’re busy, so if a phone call is easier, I’d be grateful for that as well!”
☆ 3.諮詢之前面試官的意見。找到之前的面試官,你覺得這些人很友好,就問一問是不是可以和他們喝杯咖啡,耽誤他們20分鐘問問他們的意見,怎樣才可以成為更有競爭優勢的候選人。你可以這樣發一封電子郵件:“我真的十分感謝上周您花時間和我談了助理經理這份工作。不知道您是不是可以幫我一個忙:不知道有沒有機會和您喝杯咖啡,耽誤您20分鐘時間,和您談談怎樣才能讓自己更適合這類工作?請明白,我不是希望您重新考慮自己的決定,我只是想想您請教如何才能使自己更適合這類工作。我知道您很忙,所以如果可以和您通一次電話,我也會十分感謝。
★ 4. Look at who was ultimately hired for the jobs you interviewed for. Go back and look at the positions you interviewed for but didn’t get, and see who ended up getting the job. Search the company’s website or LinkedIn to find out who they hired and what that person’s background is. You might learn that the people who are beating you out have more experience or a different type of background, and that information can help inform your thinking about what types of jobs to pursue.
☆ 4. 關注成功獲得你面試職位的人。回去看一看自己面試失敗的職位,看一看誰最終得到了那份工作。查看該公司的網站或者LinkedIn,看一看該公司錄取人員是誰,並查看這個人的背景是怎樣的。你可能會看到這個把你踢出局的人經驗更豐富,或者有一個不同的背景。這樣的資訊可以説明自己瞭解這類工作要找的人是怎樣的。
★ 5. Change the way you’re preparing for interviews. How much interview prep do you do before each meeting? The reality is, the more you’re prepared, the better you’ll usually do. If you're not practicing your answers to likely questions and preparing examples from your past work that clearly demonstrate why you'd excel at the job, this might be why your interviews aren’t panning out. Try changing the way you prepare and see if the outcome changes.
☆ 5. 改變面試準備方式。每次面試之前,你都做了多少準備?事實是,準備越充分,表現會越好。如果對於相關問題沒有做出一定練習,或者沒有對之前的工作經驗—可以說明自己勝任這份工作—做出明確說明,很可能導致面試失敗。改變自己的面試方式,看一看是不是結果也不同了。
★ 6. Ask yourself whether your frustration is coming across to interviewers. If you’ve been job searching for a while, you might be feeling frustrated or desperate. And while that’s understandable, if interviewers pick up on it, it can be the kiss of death for job offers. If you know that you’re radiating negativity, you might be better off taking a break from your search until you can approach interviews with less emotional baggage.
☆ 6. 問問自己的低落情緒是否影響到了面試官。如果已經找了一段時間的工作,自己很可能出現迷惑或絕望。雖然這可以理解,但是如果面試官看到這一點,這對求職是致命的。如果你渾身上下都充滿了負能量,最好是休息一段時間,不要找工作,直到沒有太多精神包袱的時候,再開始找工作。

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


You may love to soak up the sun—or the UV rays at the tanning salon. But are you actually addicted?
A study finds that mice regularly exposed to UV produced the feel-good opioid β-endorphin, and behaved like addicts.
What’s more, when they were given a drug that blocked the opioid effects, they went through the rodent equivalent of withdrawal: shaky paws and chattering teeth. The study is in the journal Cell. [Gillian L. Fell et al, Skin β-Endorphin Mediates Addiction to UV Light] (To hear an interview with study author David E. Fisher, go to the Cell website.)
The mice were exposed to UV light roughly on par with a fair-skinned human soaking up a half-hour of Florida midday sun, five days a week for a month-and-a-half. But it took just one week for the endorphin levels to zoom.Mice are normally nocturnal and, of course, covered by fur. But the research team says that the apparent physical reward for UV exposure suggests it’s worth exploring if a similar chemical reaction may be spurring humans to keep running to the beach or tanning bed.
They also say it’s likely sunblock would protect against these UV-induced addictive behaviors. Yet another reason to slather on the sunscreen.—Dina Fine Maron

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):

🎁 只有音檔怎夠,聽不懂地方,不用怕,

🎁 中英文稿:
Welcome to another episode of 6 Minute English with me, Feifei.
And me, Neil.
And what are we talking about today Neil?
Well, today’s programme is all about business socialising. And, as we all know, socialising is a very important aspect of working life. Although it doesn’t always go the way we want it to, does it Feifei?

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1. meh: 還行,一般,相當於shrug的口語版♬
The film was a bit meh.
2. lookalike: 山寨明星臉♬
Have you seen the Prince William and Kate Middleton lookalikes over there?
3. handover: 工作交接♬
I'll send my notes in a handover email so you can continue the project while I'm away.
4. binge-watch: 瘋狂看片不停歇(binge為“放縱”之意)♬
I'm planning to binge-watch the entire series of Game of Thrones this weekend!
5. bae: 寶貝兒,對伴侶的愛稱♬
(有人認為該詞是before anyone else的首字母縮寫)

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Hello I’m Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m joined today by Neil. Hello Neil.
Hello Rob.
Now Neil, I have a question for you – do you think you are a winner?
You mean someone who has a lot of success in everything?
Well, not exactly – I’m just talking about competitions – do you have a lot of success or luck in winning them?

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