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🎁 中英文稿:
For thousands of years, what’s called the Silk Road was a group of land and sea trade routes that connected the Far East with South Asia, Africa, the Middle East and southern Europe. Of course, when humans travel they carry their pathogens with them. So scientists and historians have wondered if the Silk Road was a transmission route not just for goods, but for infectious disease.
Now we have the first hard evidence of ancient Silk Road travelers spreading their infections. The find comes from a 2,000-year-old latrine that had first been excavated in 1992. The report is in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.
“So the site is a relay station on the Silk Road in northwest China. It's just to the eastern end of the Tarim Basin, which is a large arid area just to the east of the Taklamakan desert, and not far from the Gobi Desert. So this is a dry part of China.”
Piers Mitchell, paleopathologist at the University of Cambridge, and one of the study’s authors, along with his student Ivy Yeh and colleagues in China.

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🎁 中英文稿:
Ever order a drink, and feel stiffed on the pour? Well, before you bother the bartender, take a closer look at the size of your glass. "So people will generally perceive there to be less in larger containers, than in smaller ones." Theresa Marteau, a behavioral scientist at the University of Cambridge, in England.
She and her colleagues had analyzed how larger portions—and larger plates—lure us into eating more food. And they wondered: could the same be true for alcohol?
So the researchers convinced the staff at a local bar to run an experiment: every two weeks, for four months, they'd rotate the bar's wine glasses from the standard 300 milliliter size, to either slightly larger—370 milliliters, or slightly smaller—250 milliliters. And see how the size of the glass affected patrons' drinking habits, even though the pour, the volume of alcoholic beverage, was unchanged.
Turns out, serving wine in smaller glasses had no measurable effect. But the large glasses boosted wine sales 10 percent—even after controlling for day of the week, temperature, holidays and so on. The reason? "When the wine, the same volume, is being served in a larger glass, then people are probably perceiving they've got less in there." Which, she says, means they might drink more, assuming they haven't hit their nightly limit. Or, they might just feel less satisfied with the pour, and buy another round. The study appears in the journal BMC Public Health.

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to The English We Speak. I'm Rob and I've won yet another card game! Yes!
Hello everyone. I'm Feifei and I've just lost to him again... 
Rob了。It's not surprising. You've been very distracted all morning. 
There's a promotion coming up and I wonder if I'll get it. 

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🎁 中英文稿:
Just like humans have to learn to talk, songbirds aren't just born singing—they have to learn to carry a tune. "So in the beginning they just babble." Raissa de Boer, a behavioral ecologist at the University of Antwerp in Belgium. "And they learn from a tutor, so they need an example song in order to learn it."
就如同人們必須學說話一樣,鳴禽也並不是天生就會唱歌——它們必須學會唱歌不跑調。“所以,開始它們只是呀呀學語。”Raissa de Boer,是比利時安特衛普大學的行為生態學家。“它們跟從導師學習,為了學會,它們都需要一首典型歌曲。”
She says the example song might come from the chick's father. And over time, the baby bird tweaks that tweet, to make it its own. "And then it takes almost a year until they're fully adult, until the next spring, for the final song to come out."
Raissa de Boer表示,這首典型的歌曲可能來自於幼鳥的父親。隨著時間的推移,幼鳥吱吱的叫聲,最後變成自己的歌聲。幼鳥完全長成成鳥,大約需要一年的時間,直到來年春天,最終的歌曲終於成形啦!
De Boer and her colleagues investigated that song-learning process in canaries, using two groups of baby birds: the first consisted of inbred birds, whose parents were siblings; the second had parents that were. And the researchers found that the songs of inbred birds [sound of inbred birds singing] and those of the other, outbred birds sound… pretty similar to the human ear. "I cannot tell the difference."
Raissa de Boer和同事們利用了兩組幼鳥,調查了金絲雀學習唱歌的過程:第一組是近親繁殖生出的幼鳥,幼鳥的雙親是兄妹;而第二組幼鳥有父母陪伴。研究人員發現,第一組和第二組鳥兒的歌聲對人耳都非常的熟悉。“我不能分辨兩者的區別。”
But computer analysis revealed that the inbred birds sang notes at slightly different pitches—and with tones that were not quite as pure. "So basically they sang out of tune, in comparison to outbred birds." The results appear in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
但是電腦分析表明,近親生出的鳥兒唱出的哥兒音高不同——音調不純。“所以,基本上與非近親生出的鳥兒相比,第一組鳥兒已經跑掉啦!”該研究結果發表在《 皇家學會學報B》

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🎁 中英文稿:
For most people, Jupiter’s most recognizable—and mysterious—feature is the Great Red Spot. For centuries, astronomers have watched the storm spin across the giant world’s face.
But for planetary scientists, Jupiter’s most distinctive mystery may be what’s called the “energy crisis” of its upper atmosphere: how do temperatures average about as warm as Earth’s even though the enormous planet is more than fives times further away from the sun?
All the sun’s giant planets display this energy crisis, and those in chilly orbits around other stars probably have it, too. So where does the energy to heat their upper atmospheres come from?
According to a new study, the energy must originate within the giants, get transported upward and become amplified by turbulent storms. The finding appears in the journal Nature. [James O'Donoghue et al, Heating of Jupiter’s upper atmosphere above the Great Red Spot]

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After two years of vetting, the International Olympic Committee on Wednesday formally approved the inclusion of surfing, skateboarding, karate, rock climbing, baseball and softball for the 2020 summer games in Tokyo.

💐Although most of the new sports are making their Olympic debut (baseball and softball were included in previous Olympic games), this announcement only secures their spot in the Tokyo games and does not guarantee inclusion in future games.

💐The new sports will add 18 events and 474 athletes to the program. The Tokyo Games will now feature 33 sports and about 11,000 athletes, compared to the usual number of 28 sports and 10,500 athletes.

“新增”比賽項目在英文中可以用動詞形式的include和add,或者名詞形式的inclusion和addtion來表示,比如:the IOC includes/adds 5 new sports for 2020 Tokyo Olympics,或者the IOC approved the addition/inclusion of five sports to the program of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics。

此次東京奧運會新增的5個專案多是年輕人喜歡的,其中衝浪和滑板都屬於極限運動(extreme sports)。

屆時,滑板比賽將分為街式滑板(street skateboarding)和公園滑板(park skateboarding),衝浪項目將只進行短板衝浪比賽(shortboard surfing)。


💐我們來看看裡約奧運會的比賽大項都有哪些:射箭(archery)、體操(artistic gymnastics)、跳水(diving)、田徑(athletics)、羽毛球(badminton)、籃球(basketball)、排球(volleyball)、拳擊(boxing)、皮划艇(canoe slalom)、自行車(cycling)、游泳(swimming)、馬術(equestrian)、擊劍(fencing)、足球(football)、高爾夫(golf)、手球(handball)、曲棍球(hockey)、柔道(judo)、現代五項(modern pentathlon,包括擊劍、游泳、馬術、射擊和游泳)、賽艇(rowing)、七人制橄欖球(rugby sevens)、水球(water polo)、帆船(sailing)、射擊(shooting)、乒乓球(table tennis)、跆拳道(taekwondo)、網球(tennis)、鐵人三項(triathlon,包括游泳、自行車以及跑步)、舉重(weightlifting)、摔跤(wrestling)。

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