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🎁 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Rob and joining me in the studio today is Jennifer. Welcome, Jennifer!
Hi there. Now Rob, I believe our subject for discussion this week is a load of rubbish?!
I wouldn’t put it exactly like that. We are talking about rubbish – or to use another word – junk – and hearing some language about a subject that is out of this world – space junk.
Yes, here on planet Earth we don’t like seeing rubbish or litter on our streets but in space the problem is far more serious and it could even be catastrophic – so it could lead to a serious disaster.
Well, we’ll hear more about that in a moment and also find out how scientists are going to clear up this mess. But, before that, I think we should blast off with a space- related question. Now, did you know, the Russian satellite, Sputnik, was the first man- made object to be blasted into space? Do you know in which year it was launched? a) 1957 b) 1960 c) 1967

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Our galactic home, the Milky Way, is big. Most galaxies are far smaller. And it’s not easy being one of those little galaxies—a big galaxy’s gravity can rob their gas. And gas creates new stars, so losing gas spells the end of star-making. That's what happened to nearly all the small galaxies orbiting the Milky Way.
But a small galaxy can still succeed. Take the example of Leo P. Discovered in 2013, the galaxy Leo P lies some 5.3 million light-years from Earth. And it contains only about a hundred-thousandths as many stars as the Milky Way. But it’s thriving nevertheless.
但是小星系還是有機會逃脫的。比如2013年發現的這顆Leo P 這顆星系Leo P 坐落在距離地球五百三十萬光年的距離。並且它只含有銀河系所含恒星數量的千分之一百。但它現在依然欣欣向榮的存在著。
So what’s Leo P's secret for success? Pretty simple: steer clear of gas-grabbing big galaxies. Leo P still has lots of gas. In fact, Leo P's gas outweighs its stars. Astronomers used the Hubble Space Telescope to study the small galaxy and published their findings recently in The Astrophysical Journal.
那麼它能倖存的奧秘呢?十分簡單:牢牢抱緊吸氣的大星系的大腿。Leo P 現在還有不少氣體。實際上,Leo P 的氣體比它所含恒星還多。天文學家們利用哈勃天文望遠鏡研究了這些小星系並且已經將他們的研究發現發表在《天文物理雜誌上》。
All that gas means that Leo P can keep making new stars. So the diminutive galaxy has a bright future, as long as it keeps obeying the number one rule of survival: don’t let any behemoths siphon off your gas.
有這些氣體就意味著Leo P 能不斷創造新恒星。所以這個小型星系無疑有光明的未來,只要它保持遵守生存法則第一條:堅決抵抗虹吸氣體的侵略行為。

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以下是小編找的外商公司最愛女生英文名字 TOP 10


女生名 Top 10


1. Ashley


發音 ASH-lee


暱稱Ash, Ashie



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【02. GEOGRAPHY 地理學】Glacial deposition landforms 冰積地形
1. outwash [ˋaʊtwɑʃ] n. 冰河成積;外洗平原(=sandur)
 An outwash plain is a plain formed of glacial sediments deposited by meltwater in the front of a glacier.

2. end moraine [ɛnd͵morˋen] n. 端磧 (=terminal moraine)
 End moraines are ridges of unconsolidated debris deposited at the end of the glacier. They reflect the shape of the glacier's terminus.

3. esker [ˋɛskɚ] n. 蛇丘
 Esker is a long, narrow ridge of gravel deposited by a stream flowing in or under a still glacier.

4. drumlin [ˋdrʌmlɪn] n. 鼓丘
 Drumlin is a ridge of glacial drift in the shape of an inverted spoon formed by the streamlined movement of glacial ice sheets across rock debris.

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🎁 中英文稿:
Foraging for food in urban areas is on the rise. Not dumpster diving. Collecting fruits and herbs.
Throughout cities, forgotten fruit trees still produce, well, produce. For example, there was a peach tree in my former backyard in Somerville, near Boston. And today there are even maps to some of those trees so foragers can take advantage of free produce that otherwise goes largely uneaten—by people, anyway. 
But after one member of what's called the League of Urban Canners in the Boston area was discovered to have relatively high levels of blood lead, researchers at Wellesley College decided to test urban fruit and herbs. They wanted to see if the fruit posed a threat due to lead or other contaminants in urban soils. 
The League of Urban Canners provided 166 samples of foraged fruit, including apples, peaches, and cherries, and herbs. The scientists dehydrated samples in a manner similar to that of the urban canners, and they compared those specimens to commercially available fruit. 
Apples did indeed contain lead. But the amount in an average apple was significantly lower than what the EPA considers safe in a day's supply of tap water. 

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Hello, I’m Rob and this is 6 Minute English. I’m joined this week by Jennifer. Hello Jennifer.
Hello Rob.
Now Jennifer, we’re here in our brand new building, New Broadcasting House. It’s quite impressive isn’t it?
Oh yes, it’s fantastic, really modern and very spacious too.

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