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🎁 中英文稿:
"My colleagues and I always joke that one of the Jacques Cousteau movies starts out with something like 'the ocean is a silent place.'" [Le Monde Du Silence clip: "Le monde du silence…"] And, you know, it's anything but silent." [bowhead whale and bearded seal sounds]
Kate Stafford is a biologist and oceanographer at the University of Washington. And she and her colleagues have been cataloguing that soundscape of the deep—like these bowhead whales and bearded seals. They’re using an array of underwater microphones near the Bering Strait, a natural choke point for underwater traffic headed from the Pacific to the Arctic and back.
And in some ways, she says, listening is a better way to census the Arctic than seeing. "You can record sounds underwater at night, in high wind, during ice cover. So we're able to eavesdrop all year round. And you can hear animals much further underwater than you could, say, see them from the surface of the water."
But in the last five years of underwater recordings, Stafford says, no two years have been the same in terms of which species they hear, and when they hear them. And as arctic ice retreats, species like humpbacks and killer whales are staying north longer—as late as early November—which she says would not have been possible just a few decades ago.
They even found humpbacks singing mating songs up in Arctic waters [humpback singing]—which they used to think happened only down in tropical breeding grounds. The team presented these findings November 2 at a meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, in Jacksonville, Florida.

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米諾陶爾的神話述說一隻憤怒的怪獸不斷地在潮濕的地下迷宮中徘徊,狂怒至其震耳欲聾的怒吼震撼地球。但是這個故事只是虛構的,還是我們早期祖先嘗試為這世界所發生的事作解釋?Matt Kaplan 檢驗了神話中的科學依據。

1King Minos0:11
在古希臘神話中,King Minos 米諾斯國王是宇宙之子,也是 Crete 克里特島的國王,克里特島位於地中海北部,是希臘的第一大島。克里特島也是 Minoan civilization 米諾斯文明的中心,名字就是源自古希臘神話克里特島的 King Minos 國王米諾斯,這個文明也是歐洲最古老的文明,大約出現在西元前 2700 年到西元前 1450 年的青銅器時代,考古學家發現他們有高度的組織性,主要從事海外貿易,而後隨著青銅器逐漸被性能更好鐵器取代,米諾斯文明也逐漸衰落。

labyrinth 迷宮是古希臘神話中用來關半人半牛的怪物 Minotaur 米諾陶爾,讓他無法逃脫。labyrinth  maze 有點不太一樣,labyrinth 只有一個入口,也是唯一的出口,裡面只有一條路徑到達中心,沒有其他條岔路,但因為很長,讓人很難走出。而 maze 迷宮則是有很多出入口,有不同的路徑、方向、分岔還有死路。

fiction 虛構,也可以指虛構小說。
一般書籍可以分為兩大類,fiction 虛構小說跟 non-fiction 非虛構小說,Harry Potter 哈利波特、the Lord of the Rings 魔戒、Alice in Wonderland 愛麗絲夢遊仙境此類小說都算是虛構小說,如果虛構小說加上一些未來科技、時間旅行等元素的話,可以稱為 science fiction 科幻小說,簡稱 sci-fiFrankenstein 科學怪人和 The Martian 火星任務就是 sci-fi的一種。

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🎁 中英文稿:
“They’re like the Pac-Man of our brain.”
Harvard neuroscientist Beth Stevens, talking about glia cells, which make up more than half the human brain. This week Stevens got a MacArthur Fellowship, the so-called genius grant, for her studies of glia.
“These cells are incredibly responsive to damage or injury. They can protect our brain by, for example, clearing bacteria or debris in the brain in the case of injury and disease…
“Until about 10 years ago, almost all of the research devoted to these cells was in these contexts. We discovered that there was another role for these cells in the normal healthy brain, in particular during development…

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Neil...
… and I’m Alice. Now Neil, how do you get to work?
I cycle.
I didn’t know that! Somehow I hadn’t imagined you as a cyclist. And where’s all your bike gear?

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Hello, I’m Rob and this is 6 Minute English and I’m joined this week by Finn. Hello Finn.
Hello Rob.
This week, we’re discussing sleep. New research has shown that not getting enough sleep – or sleep deprivation – can have a negative effect on our ability to learn. We’re going to talk about that today and explore some sleep-related language.
So Rob, are you saying the more sleep I get, the cleverer I will be?
Not exactly - but we could put that to the test now by seeing if you know the answer to this week’s question. This is about Randy Gardner, who holds the world record for the longest period of time without sleep. Do you know how long he stayed awake for? Was it: a) 5 days b) 8 days c) 11 days

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
The sound of supernatural spirits talking? Well, no. But that’s what it sounded like to Marco Polo as he travelled through China's Lop Desert in the 13th century. He also described the sound as “a variety of musical instruments.” And in reality, the mysterious noises are the product of what could be considered to be an unusual sort of instrument—the desert’s sand dunes.
"And it's a sound that's very similar to kind of the tones you'd get on a cello." Melany Hunt, a mechanical engineer at Caltech. The dunes sing when sand avalanches down the side, "which would then be somewhat equivalent to using the bow on the strings of the cello."
Hunt and her colleagues recorded the sounds produced closer to home, by California's Kelso and Eureka Dunes. They used four dozen geophones—microphones you stick in sand. And they mapped the dunes' structure with ground penetrating radar.
Turns out, dunes that sing are built differently from silent dunes—they’re topped with an even layer of dry sand—about five feet thick—on top of all the damp sand below. And that layer of dry sand is like the body of an instrument—it traps and amplifies certain frequencies more than others. "And so really the size of the instrument is really going to set the range of frequencies that you get. And that's the same thing with this dune."
When sand avalanches, it shoots off sound waves of various frequencies. Those waves travel through the dry sand, hit the wet layer, bounce back, www.chinavoa.com hit the air on top of the dune, bounce back, and so on. As that happens, a lot of the frequencies cancel out and dissipate. But certain waves have the goldilocks frequency, around 80 Hertz. As they travel back and forth, they amplify, creating that booming sound. The study is in the journal Physics of Fluids.

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