

MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
How do you attract a mate? If you’re a male mouse, you take the Frank Sinatra approach—you sing. Scientists have known about crooning male mice for years. And past experiments showed that if you leave male mice alone with an unconscious female or even with just a trace of her urine, the males will sing. If you reverse roles, the females do not sing. So scientists believed that in courtship, males made all the noise. Until now.
“The problem with the field is that we’ve never had a way to figure out who’s vocalizing.” Neuroscientist Josh Neunuebel at University of Delaware. He realized that researchers needed better listening tools.
“這個領域的問題是我們從沒有弄清楚是誰在唱歌。”Josh Neunuebel是德拉瓦大學的一位神經科學家。他認為研究人員需要更好的聽力工具。
So Neunuebel built a mouse sized recording studio. His team lined a small closet with nylon mesh and foam, which absorb sound rather than reflect it. And they installed ultrasonic microphones, because mice make sounds at a frequency that’s above the range of human hearing.
所以,Neunuebel 建立了一個老鼠大小的錄音室。他的團隊排了一個由尼龍網布和泡沫製成的小櫃子。這個小櫃子不會將聲音反彈,而會將聲音吸收。並且他們在裡面安置了超聲波麥克風,因為老鼠的聲音頻率要高於人類的聽覺範圍。
That’s some mouse singing slowed down so we can hear it.
Neunuebel’s set-up made it possible for the researchers to determine that some songs were in fact coming from female mice. The gals that sang back to the males pursuing them also slowed down their pace, as if to say (Neunuebel’s voice): “Hey! I’m interested in you. Catch me if you can.” The study is in the journal eLife.

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Microbes play a huge role in our nutrition, our immunity, maybe even our mental health. But we aren’t the only ones that rely on these armies of resident bacteria. "Baby cockroaches, the ones that just emerge from the egg, don't have any gut bacteria." Coby Schal, an entomologist and chemical ecologist at North Carolina State University. "The first thing they do is take a nice feces meal: basically, eating the poop of their brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers."
Excrement inoculates the roaches with beneficial gut bugs, Schal says. And it's also a longevity-boosting nutritional supplement. But the weirdest thing is, the poop actually calls the tots to come hither. Because it's laced with compounds, like fatty acids, that attract roaches of all ages. The substances are called aggregation pheromones. So poop essentially serves as a rallying call to congregate—and feast.
To determine where the attractive chemicals come from, Schal and his colleagues raised a group of sterile, microbe-free cockroaches—and then collected their excrement.
But as they suspected, the sterile stuff, without any microbial by-products, failed to tantalize other roaches. They then gave the sterile bugs a fecal transplant. "So we took feces of normal cockroaches, and exposed sterile cockroaches to those feces. They very readily eat these feces and they incorporate the microbes, the bacteria from these feces, into their gut. And then these cockroaches then produce the aggregation pheromone again." They published the findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. My name is Jennifer and I am joined in the studio today by Neil.
Hi there.
In this programme, we are going to talk about coffee and an interesting new project which is going on in many European cafes. Do you like coffee?
Yes, I do like a cup of coffee.

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✪ I'm good ✪
I'm good除了可以用來回答How are you?,表示“我很好”之外,還常用於:
- Do you want some chips with your sandwich?
- No, I'm good. Thanks.
- Do you have any questions?
- No, I'm good.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Back in ancient times, philosophers like Aristotle were already speculating about the origins of taste, and how the tongue sensed elemental tastes like sweet, bitter, salty and sour. "What we discovered just a few years ago is that there are regions of the brain—regions of the cortex—where particular fields of neurons represent these different tastes again, so there's a sweet field, a bitter field, a salty field, etcetera." Nick Ryba, a sensory neuroscientist at the National Institutes of Health
Ryba and his colleagues found that you can actually taste without a tongue at all, simply by stimulating the "taste" part of the brain—the insular cortex. They ran the experiment in mice with a special sort of brain implant—a fiber-optic cable that turns neurons on with a pulse of laser light. And by switching on the "bitter" sensing part of the brain, they were able to make mice pucker up, as if they were tasting something bitter—even though absolutely nothing bitter was touching the tongues of the mice.
In another experiment, the researchers fed the mice a bitter flavoring on their tongues—but then made it more palatable by switching on the "sweet" zone of the brain. "What we were doing here was adding the sweetness, but only adding it in the brain, not in what we were giving to the mouse." Think adding sugar to your coffee—but doing it only in your mind. The findings appear in the journal Nature.
Ryba says the study suggests that a lot of our basic judgments about taste—sweet means good, bitter means bad—are actually hard-wired at the level of the brain. As for that virtual-sugar-in-your-coffee idea? "I think it's basically science fiction to think that this would be something that would be applied to humans." But today’s science fiction might be tomorrow’s artificial sweetener.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Hello, I’m Feifei and this is 6 Minute English.
And I’m Neil.
How are you Neil and what have you been up to?
I’m very well, thank you. I’ve been listening to the news a lot this week.

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