【02. GEOGRAPHY 地理學】Glacial deposition landforms 冰積地形
1. outwash [ˋaʊtwɑʃ] n. 冰河成積;外洗平原(=sandur)
An outwash plain is a plain formed of glacial sediments deposited by meltwater in the front of a glacier.
2. end moraine [ɛnd͵morˋen] n. 端磧 (=terminal moraine)
End moraines are ridges of unconsolidated debris deposited at the end of the glacier. They reflect the shape of the glacier's terminus.
3. esker [ˋɛskɚ] n. 蛇丘
Esker is a long, narrow ridge of gravel deposited by a stream flowing in or under a still glacier.
4. drumlin [ˋdrʌmlɪn] n. 鼓丘
Drumlin is a ridge of glacial drift in the shape of an inverted spoon formed by the streamlined movement of glacial ice sheets across rock debris.
5. kame [kem] n. 冰磧阜
Kame is a short irregular-shaped mound of sand and gravel deposited during the melting of glacial ice.