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according to +N 根據
as a matter of fact 事實上
at one’s convenience 依某人方便
be eligible for 有資格的
be engaged in 從事
be inferior to 低等的.下級的.
be involved in 牽涉
be married to 人 與某人結婚
be senior/junior to 年長的.年紀較大/資淺的.地位較低的.晚輩的
be superior to 較高的.上級的
be tied up 忙得不可開交的
be used to +Ving 習慣於
by oneself 獨自
by way of +N 經由


put off 延期
qualify for 有資格的
run out of 用完
set off 出發.動身
so far 到目前為止
spill over 溢出
take risks 冒險
would rather +V 寧願
would sooner +V 寧願


had better +V 最好
in charge of 主管.照料
in spite of +N 儘管
joint venture 合資
lean against 倚.靠
look forward to +Ving 期待
make do with 搓合一下

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Sophie…
And I’m Neil. So, Sophie I watched Snow White and the Huntsman on TV last night.
Oh, you mean the modern retelling of the story Snow White? Did you enjoy it, Neil?
It was OK. But the seven dwarves were no fun.I prefer the original Disney cartoon version.
Don’t be silly, Neil. Walt Disney didn’t invent the story. The movie you watched is a remake, a film that has been made again, but the fairy tale is very old.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):喜歡的同學,幫忙推或按讚哦~~

🎁 只有音檔怎夠,聽不懂地方,不用怕,

🎁 中英文稿:
Radio waves are invisible to our eyes. But if you could see them, the sky would dance with random tiny flashes. Thousands of what are called “fast radio bursts” are estimated to occur every day. And though each pinprick flash lasts only a thousandth of a second, they represent a faraway source briefly shining a billion or more times brighter than our sun.
Fast radio bursts have been known for nearly a decade, but scientists have struggled to determine exactly where they come from. And they'd like to know. Because finding their origins would help astronomers use the bursts as probes to map the history and structure of the universe in unprecedented detail.
Now researchers have found the source of one particular burst. They used radio telescopes in Australia and the giant Subaru optical telescope in Hawaii to trace a burst observed last April. And they determined it came from an old elliptical galaxy full of exhausted, dying suns some six billion light-years away. The findings are in the journal Nature.
Identifying the source galaxy provides crucial clues. For one thing, such a galaxy is short on some of the objects expected to cause bursts, such as supernovae or rapidly spinning and flaring pulsars, suggesting this burst came from something else. And, although the burst in question lasted only milliseconds, astronomers were able to witness its faint, fading radio afterglow for about six days. That's the sort of afterglow expected from a colliding pair of ancient neutron stars, which would be a relatively common occurrence among an elliptical galaxy's geriatric suns .

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English with me, Finn.
And me, Neil.
Neil, I’m going to tell you a joke.
OK, come on.
Which part of learning the English language are boxers best at?

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🎁 中英文稿:
The Paris Climate Agreement pledges to limit global temperature rise to "well below 2 degrees Celsius." "But really nobody—and certainly not the United States—has laid out the plan to get there." Drew Shindell, a climate scientist at Duke University. "So we wanted to model, what would be the effects of actually putting into place policies that would get us to a level we've pledged to reach?"
Shindell and his colleagues forecast that, to stay within two degrees C, we'd have to electrify nearly every car in the nation. And we'd have to get more than half our power from renewables. And if we do all that? In addition to keeping warming in check, the researchers estimate that we'd avoid nearly 300,000 premature deaths due to air pollution in the U.S., by 2030.
And they say the health-related financial benefits of that clean energy conversion—amounting to $250 billion dollars over the next 15 years—would likely outweigh the cost of implementing all that new technology. The analysis appears in the journal Nature Climate Change.
Big caveat: a lot of politicians these days don't think on 15-year time scales. They're looking only as far as the next election. "Right, but you start putting in these policies and you know you see the benefits for public health the same year the policies start to go into place. There's no lag time. Air quality is something that, unlike climate, doesn't take decades. Air quality is responding to what came out of a coal plant or a vehicle tailpipe last week, not last year." Meaning cutting carbon pollution might have real impacts on the nation's health and wealth almost immediately for us…and not just for our children's children.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English, the programme where we discuss a topical subject and introduce you to some of the interesting vocabulary connected to that topic. I’m Chris and with me today is Rosie.
Rosie, are concerned about the environment?
Yes, I am! We need to be aware of it and make a real effort to preserve our natural resources.
So you’ll be very interested in today’s story. It’s about a group of environmentalists in Croatia who want to preserve – to maintain in unaltered condition - one of the country’s major rivers: The Danube.

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👯 中英文稿:
Hi and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Jennifer, and with me in the studio today is Neil! Hi Neil!
Hi there Jennifer.
Today’s story is all about people who collect money for charity.
Yes, in particular, the people who stand in the street who ask for money as you walk past.
The charity sector in the UK is huge, helping millions of people across the world every year, so it’s really important for them to collect as much money as they can

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English, I’m Jennifer and with me today is Rob.
Hello Jennifer!
You look cheerful today.
Ah that’s because today is takeaway night! I always allow myself one night a week where I don’t have to cook and I order food instead.
Very nice, if a bit lazy…What’s your favourite takeaway food, then?

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🎁 中英文稿:
Monarch butterflies are famous for their long haul to Mexico—a migration of more than 2,500 miles. But far more impressive is a species of dragonfly, Pantala flavescens. It's commonly known as a "globe skimmer," and it lives up to its name, migrating between 9,000 and 11,000 miles.
帝王蝶,因其長途跋涉到墨西哥而出名——遷徙距離超過2500英里。但是更令人印象深刻的是一種蜻蜓:Pantala flavescens。這種蜻蜓全球奔波,並且實至名歸,它們遷移的距離從長達9000到11000裡。
"Being really good at gliding, being able to take advantage of winds, being able to track rainy seasons, having short developmental times, because the larvae can develop very, very quickly,"—all those factors, according to Rutgers evolutionary biologist Jessica Ware, suggest the dragonflies may actually be one huge global population of interbreeding insects.
它們非常擅長滑行,善於利用風力,能夠監測雨季,發育時間極短,因為幼蟲能夠很快的發育成熟——根據羅格斯大學進化生物學家Jessica Ware的建議,根據這些因素,這類蜻蜓數量在全球範圍內,是雜交繁殖的昆蟲中最多的。
To test that idea, Ware and her colleagues sequenced DNA from dragonflies collected in Guyana, Japan, Korea, India, Canada and the United States. And since the genes they sequenced tend to mutate very quickly, if the populations were not interbreeding you'd expect to see differences from region to region. Instead, they found dragonflies in Japan that were more closely related to ones from Guyana than their own Japanese cousins. And that pattern of cross-continental similarities held true around the world. "This is a really compelling story that this is a species of the entire planet, of the Earth—it's not regional. The region is the planet." The results appear in the journal PLoS ONE.
As a truly global species, though, how will it react to global change? "If anything, climate change might just affect where it's able to set up these other populations, like in Canada. Maybe it'll be able to still establish and breed slightly north of where it is now. But I doubt it would necessarily change its routes dramatically." It's too early to know for sure—we’ll just have to see which way the wind blows.

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ி出國要如何辦理機場登機?(EnglishTown - Airport Gate Action)

♬ 更多出國登機相關單字片語:
1. airport terminal 機場候機室
2. domestic departure 國內航班出站
3. international terminal 國際候機室
4. nothing to declare 不需報關
5. departure time 起飛時間
6. currency exchange 貨幣兌換處
7. luggage claim 行李領取處
8. coach service 公共汽車
9. luggage tag 行李牌
10. boarding pass (card) 登機牌




󾭖教你如何使用 Airbnb,最棒的住房軟體!

✿商用英文每日溫習【出差出遊單字 機場篇 5】
廁所 toilet; W. C; lavatories; rest room
男廁 men's; gent's; gentlemen's
女廁 women's; lady's

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🎁 中英文稿:
This year, the number of mobile phones on cell networks is expected to surpass the Earth's population. "More people now own cell phones than actually have access to working toilets." James Meadow, a microbial ecologist at the University of Oregon. Hidden in the data is the reality that some people work on their phones…on toilets.
If that grosses you out, consider this: "So it turns out we're just really leaky animals. We just, we leave our bacteria everywhere we go." Including, of course, our phones.
Meadow and his colleagues took a census of the bacteria on thumbs and index fingers of 17 volunteers—and on their smartphone touch screens. Overall, they ID’ed over 7,000 types.
Looking at just the most common bacteria, those that appear more than 0.1 percent of the time, they found an 82 percent similarity between the microbiomes of fingers and phones. Meaning our phones are a pretty good mirror of ourselves, microbially, at least. The results appear in the journal PeerJ. [James F. Meadow, Adam E. Altrichter and Jessica L. Green, Mobile phones carry the personal microbiome of their owners]
就只看一下這最長見的細菌,出現的就多 ,他們發現在手指和手機上的菌群有82%的細菌相似。這就說明我們的手機使我們自己很好的鏡子,至少能反映自身所潛藏的微生物。這份研究結果發表在PeerJ 雜誌上。
"We have always been covered in bacteria… and we will always be covered in bacteria." So the fact that our phones are also covered in bacteria is no reason for concern. In fact, the researchers say that mobile phones may hold untapped potential as personal microbiome sensors. App developers, take note.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hi and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English, I’m Rob and with me in the studio today is Chris.
Hello there. In this programme we take a story from the news and pick out some interesting vocabulary that you may not have heard before.
Our story this week comes from Italy, where some divers have made a very exciting discovery…
A shipwreck has been uncovered which could reveal a lot about the history of humans at sea.Can you tell us what a shipwreck is, Rob?
Sure. It’s a ship which has sunk and now lies on the bottom of the sea.I bet you can think of a very famous example, Chris…

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【燒哦:3/19 托福最新綜合寫作真題範文與解析】

Topic 議題:討論Titan有三個與眾不同的地方

閱讀Thesis 總論點
There are 3 unusual features that cannot be explained of Titan, which is the moon of a planet.
聽力Thesis 總論點
The 3 features mentioned in reading can be interpreted as follows.
Sub-point 1
The orbit of Titan is elliptical while that of others are suborbicular.
The orbits of planets nearby are crisscrossed, so the small moon has been impacted.

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🎁 中英文稿:
The massive ice sheet topping Greenland is losing nearly 300 billion tons a year to melting, according to NASA estimates. And all that meltwater means rising seas. But it's also dumping huge amounts of nutrients and minerals into Arctic waters.
"The great thing about glaciers and ice sheets, is that they're these big, very heavy systems, and as they move over rock they grind and crush the rock up." Jon Hawkings, a glacial biogeochemist at the University of Bristol in the U.K. "So they expose all these reactive kind of trace components of the rock lattice to the fresh meltwater that's coming in.”
That meltwater funnels rock dust into Greenland's glacial rivers, where Hawkings and his colleagues took their samples. They found that Greenland's rivers are much richer in phosphorus than previously believed.
And they estimate that Greenland's glacial rivers may flush some 400,000 tons of phosphorus into ocean waters every year—that’s on par with the amount of phosphorous dumped into the ocean by the Mississippi or Amazon rivers. The findings appear in the journal Global Biogeochemical Cycles.
對此他們估計格陵蘭的冰川河每年會把大約40萬噸的磷注入海洋——而這一數量與密西西比河或亞馬遜河每年的注入量持平。該研究結果發表在《全球生物地球化學迴圈 》雜誌上。
All that extra phosphorus could be fertilizer for ocean life. "It's an essential nutrient for phytoplankton, who are the guys on the bottom of the food chain. So it's really, really important for life. And life can't exist without it."

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello, I’m Rob, welcome to 6 Minute English. With me in the studio today is Feifei. Hello Feifei.
In today’s programme we’re discussing something that some people enjoy, some people can’t stop doing and others just find disgusting. I am of course talking about smoking. In several countries, including the UK, there is a smoking ban in public places – in other words it’s against the law to smoke in places such as railway stations and cafes. And it’s soon to be banned in a country where smoking is a popular habit. Today we’ll be looking at words and phrases to do with smoking but, as usual, we need to start with a question and this is for you to answer Feifei.
According to figures from the World Lung Foundation, the people of which country smoke the most cigarettes each year? a) China b) Estonia c) Serbia

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English, the programme in which we discuss something from the news and teach you a few useful words and phrases on the way! I’m Neil and joining me today is Rosie. Hi Rosie.
Hi Neil.
We’ve got a story about naming things this week.
Yes, you know how streets or buildings are often named after a famous or successful person from the past.
Here at the BBC in London there is a part of the building called the ‘Peel Wing’, named after a famous radio presenter called John Peel. He also used to have a show on the World Service.Can you give us another example, Rosie?

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
“There are about 50,000 elephants a year being killed right now with only about 450,000 left in Africa.”
Samuel Wasser, director of the Center for Conservation Biology at the University of Washington.
“And one of the complexities of this problem is dealing with this transnational organized crime, where you have these sophisticated networks of criminal entities that are experts at moving contraband from one place to another without it being detected.”
Wasser spoke February 14th at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C.
“What we have done is we’ve tried to focus our attention using genetics to determine the source of the actual poaching and to figure out how many major source populations are there. Because in doing that you can potentially focus law enforcement on those areas…

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品質優良:quality is excellent/ superior/ very good/ fine/ best/ high/ wonderful/ supreme/ attractive 
品質低劣:quality is bad/ inferior/ not good/ poor/ imperfect/ defective/ faulty/ second-rate/ lower/ unsatisfactory 
品質保證:retain the good quality; keep up to the standard quality; obtain a good quality; attain the best quality; secure an excellent quality 
物品已達標準品質:An article is up to the standard quality; An article is of the same quality as the standard; An article is equal to the standard quality; An article is the same as the standard quality

物品在標準以下:An article is below the standard 
物品在標準以上:An article is above the standard 
物品和樣品一致:An article is up to the sample; An article corresponds with the sample; An article is equal to the sample. 
average quality 標準品質 
We would like to buy 500 tons of average quality corn. 
customary quality 一般品質 
The quality of the goods shipped is customary quality. 
best quality, prime quality, first-rate quality 最佳品質 

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🎁 中英文稿:
Mantis shrimp are well known for their powerful punch… strong enough to crack aquarium glass. But they also have incredible technicolor vision. "They can see in 12 different colors, they can see in different forms of polarized light, and they have some very bright and flashy colors on different parts of their bodies that they can display to each other." Nick Roberts, a sensory biologist at the University of Bristol, in the U.K.
Roberts and his colleagues investigated how the mantis shrimp create those flashy polarized signals, by examining their shells with an electron microscope. And they found that, unlike the polarizers in our sunglasses, cameras and LCD screens, the mantis shrimp use a completely novel way of polarizing light. And their method doesn't require the material to be as thick to be effective--meaning their polarizers are incredibly thin—500 times thinner, in fact, than the ones we've got.
"I think like many cases of biomimetic inspiration, Nature has had 50-odd million years to do its research and development and has come up with all sorts of solutions that we've never thought of." The results appear in the journal Scientific Reports.
And while you probably don't need thinner polarized sunglasses, Roberts says this could be a game changer for next-generation computer chips—optical chips—which use photons to perform calculations. "One of the things we would love to be able to do is actually create self-assembling polarizers on a microscopic scale, or even a nanoscale, that go onto photonic chips." Seems fitting that mantis shrimp would hold one of the secrets to making our technology… well… a little shrimpier.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Neil and with me today is Rosie.
Hello there.
Now Rosie, a slightly personal question to start with, but have you ever made a special gesture to someone you love?
Well, Neil I’m a very romantic person and I always make small gestures to people I love. For instance, I like leaving small, romantic notes to my boyfriend around the house.
Well, that is very romantic! Have you ever been to Rome?

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