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👯 中英文稿:
Hello I’m Callum and this is 6 Minute English. With me today is Neil, hello Neil.
Hi Callum
In today’s programme we’re going to be looking at an interesting story of war, secret messages, codes and …
And, and what?

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🎁 中英文稿:
The standard story told about domesticating wild animals goes something like this: humans selected individuals with a desired trait—docility, for example—and bred those animals together to produce offspring even more docile than their parents. Eventually the breeders created a genetic bottleneck that separated domestic animals from their wild relatives. And they brought their livestock along as they spread across Europe and Asia.
But now a group of scientists has demonstrated that the story is far too tidy—at least when it comes to pigs.
Pigs were domesticated from wild boar at least twice, in Anatolia in present day Turkey and in the Mekong Valley in China, both about 9,000 years ago. They arrived in Europe about 7,500 years ago.
For this study, researchers focused on European pigs. They evaluated more than 600 genomes from European and Asian wild boars and domesticated pigs. And they found that, in Europe, the story of a bottleneck separating domestic from wild animals does not fit the genetic data.
Rather, the model that does fit indicates that there was a frequent flow of genes from wild European boars into the domestic population. In other words, boars and pigs kept finding ways to get together. The most likely scenario for the development of the modern pig genome includes gene flow from some species of European wild boars that are now extinct. But their genes live on, on the farm. The research is in the journal Nature Genetics.

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🎁 中英文稿:
Some sea creatures can find their way through thousands of miles of seemingly featureless oceans. Even more impressive is the route that they take.
“Well, we've known for a long time that sharks are capable of long-distance migrations, and in some cases those migrations occur along very straight paths.” Scripps Institution of Oceanography biologist Andy Nosal. “And this has always begged the question : how exactly do they know where they're going?...So, there have been a lot of hypotheses floated over the last several decades, including the idea that these sharks are using, for example, geomagnetic cues, chemical cues and others . But none of these have really been systematically tested in the field.”
“很久以前我們就知道,鯊魚能夠長途遷移,並且在某些情況下,它們的的遷徙路線是直的。” 斯克瑞普思研究生海洋生物學家安迪•諾薩爾說到。“一直以來人們都未探討問題的實質:鯊魚究竟是怎樣知道自己的去向呢?因此,過去幾十年來,人們有無數的假設,例如鯊魚在利用地磁信號、化學信號等等。但是,所有這些假設都尚未得到系統地檢測。”
Nosal and his team suspected that the navigational secret of some sharks might be their sense of smell. They use their keen noses to find food, of course. And other fish, like salmon, are known to use olfaction to navigate.
To see if his hunch was right, Nosal scooped up some adult female leopard sharks in their preferred environment, waist-deep water off the San Diego coast. He attached a small radio transmitter behind their dorsal fins. And he half of the sharks by shoving cotton balls soaked with petroleum jelly blocked the sense of smell in their nostrils.
Nosal and his crew dropped the sharks about six miles away at a spot in the open ocean. The researchers then tracked the sharks as they tried to swim back home. Four hours later, the sharks that could smell were two-thirds of the way back home—and had swum in very straight paths. But the ones with stuffed noses took erratic routes and only made it about half as far.

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  1. As long as you can still grab a breath, you fight. You breathe……keep breathing.
  【翻譯】 只要你一息尚存,就不能退縮。深呼吸,不要間斷,深呼吸。
  【解析】 勇者無懼,忍者無敵。

  2. I am not afraid to die anymore. I'd done it already.
  【翻譯】 我已經不再畏懼死亡,因為我已經死過一次。
  【解析】 未曾痛哭過長夜的人,不足以語人生。

  3. You came all this way just for your revenge huh? Did you enjoy it Glass?
  【翻譯】 你一路走來,只是為了復仇?格拉斯,你樂在其中麼?
  【解析】 仇恨的種子不需要澆水灌溉。

  4. My heart bleeds. But revenge is in the creator's hands.
  【翻譯】 我的心在滴血,但是,復仇一事乃操之於上帝之手。
  【解析】 復仇的種子,柔弱卻堅定地抓住心靈,汲取著散發著詛咒的養分

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello I’m Callum and this is 6 Minute English. With me today is Jennifer, hello Jennifer.
Hello Callum.
Do you like to travel?
Oh yes, I love going to new and interesting places.
What do you think of the idea of travelling to another planet?

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Sophie…
And I’m Neil. I was watching the news the other day, Sophie.
Learn anything interesting?
Yes, actually. UK scientists have been authorised by the government to genetically modify human embryos for research. What they can’t do though is implant modified embryos into women. They talked a lot about gene editing...
Can you explain to us what gene editing is?

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
That, of course, is the sound of the Himalayan forest thrush. And that sound was a clue to field researchers that they might have a new species of bird on their hands. Even though it was in the bush. You know what I mean.
You see, the Himalayan forest thrush looks a great deal like another well-known bird called the alpine thrush. They're both found in northeastern India and nearby parts of China. But the alpine thrush has a raspy song compared with the more mellifluous Himalayan forest thrush.
One of the researchers, Shashank Dalvi of India's National Center for Biological Sciences and the Wildlife Conservation Society, likened the two different birds to Rod Stewart versus Adele.
Further analyses, including of the birds' DNA, confirmed that the song differences were indicative of these birds indeed belonging to two separate species. The finding is in the journal Avian Research.
The discovery of a new bird species is relatively rare. Since the year 2000, ornithologists have found five new species annually on average, mostly in South America. So this newly characterized thrush—only the fourth new species found in India since it became independent in 1947—should send birdwatchers from all over the world flocking. I mean, it's a sound discovery.

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revenant [ˋrɛvənənt] 
One that returns after a lengthy absence.

<re-:back> + <ven:come> + <ant:man>

而重要的字根就是 <ven:come>
最有名的就是凱撒名言:VENI VIDI VICI 我來,我見,我征服

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


Hello, I’m Rob, welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m joined today by Feifei.
大家好,我是Rob. 歡迎來到六分鐘英語。今天和我一起主持節目的是Feifei.
Hi there, Rob.
Hello Feifei.Today we’re discussing the issue of the illegal trade in wildlife. And we’ll be looking at some of the words and phrases associated with this sad and increasing activity.I think we all know there are many rare species of animals that are being illegally hunted to make money.And 200 governments have been meeting in Bangkok to talk about how to tackle this problem.More on that in a moment but as always, we like to start with a question.
Hmm, and this question is for me isn’t it?
Hmm, 想問我問題嗎?
It is Feifei. Let’s see if you can answer this question correctly this time! The dodo bird has been extinct for a very long time – that means there have been no living members of the species for quite a long time.But when did this bird become extinct? a) In the late 1600’s b) In the late 1700’s c) In the early 1900’s

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
It’s nearly game day and, if you’re a fan, you’ve already set aside your roomiest sweatpants and your own personal Family-size bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos. But if you’re at all concerned about overindulging—which, if you live in America, you probably should be—you might take a tip from a public health advocate at the New York City Food Policy Center. Charles Platkin says that one way to avoid overdoing it is to consider how much you’d have to exercise to work off what you consume.
超級盃星期天算是個全民遊戲日了,如果你是它的粉絲的話,恐怕已經準備好居家服和家庭裝多利多滋脆片。但是,如果你擔心——如果你生活在美國,或許應該——從紐約城市食品政策研究中心的公眾健康宣講會上找點兒建議。Charles Platkin建議,有一種方法可以避免過度飲食,那就是先考慮一下吃這些食物後,你需要做多少運動來消耗掉食物中所含的熱量。
So to prepare for Super Bowl Sunday—the second biggest day for food consumption in the U.S.—Platkin crunched the numbers for some of our favorite couch-side snacks. And he’s helpfully converted them into football-themed exercise equivalents.
所以,為了準備超級盃星期天——美國食品消費第二大高峰日——Charles Platkin嘗試了大量的人們喜愛的零食小吃。並且,他將其所含熱量轉換為一些與足球相關的運動項目。
So, for example, two slices of Domino’s ultimate pepperoni hand-tossed crust pizza would require running nearly 11,000 yards—that’s 109 football fields—at a speed of five miles per hour.
所以,比如,兩片達美樂的全手工義大利辣腸口味的皮薩所含熱量大概需要跑11000碼——也就是大概109個足球場 ——速度需要保持每小時5英里。
Two KFC original drumsticks? Just do the wave 1,561 times.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Animals that live in the city are usually less wary of humans than their rural counterparts. Most people think the boldness comes from experience: since the majority of humans are rather harmless, the critters learn to go about their business without fear. But the truth turns out to be far more interesting, at least for Australian swans. Turns out the city birds are genetically different from their country counterparts.
Australian researchers looked at two groups of swans. One population lived on a pond in the center of Melbourne. The second hung out just 30 kilometers away in a more bucolic setting, surrounded by far fewer humans. The researchers measured what they call each bird’s “flight initiation distance”: basically, how close could a human get before the swan would fly away?
“We found that the flight initiation distance for the swans at the urban environment was only 13 meters, and on average at the non-urban environment it was 96 meters. So that’s like an 83 meter difference, a really big difference in how wary these swans are at the two habitats.” Victoria University ecologist Wouter van Dongen.
“我們發現,在城市生活的天鵝其飛行起始距離只有13米,而在非城市環境中天鵝的平均飛行起始距離為96米。這83米的差距也揭示了這些天鵝對兩處不同棲息地謹慎程度。”瑞士維多利亞大學的生態學家Wouter van Dongen說到。
The researchers also took blood samples from some of the swans to analyze their DNA. And almost 90 percent of urban swans had the same variant of a gene for dopamine transport, while just 60 percent of rural birds had that version. And those swans were less wary of humans than were the swans with the rarer genotypes.
Dopamine influences a lot of brain function, so the gene variation could be behind the difference in swan attitudes. The study is in the journal BMC Evolutionary Biology.

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello, I’m Rob, welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m joined today by Jennifer.
Hi there, Rob.
Thanks for joining me. Now, this year the BBC is looking into the future, in key areas of science, politics, education and our personal life in a series called ’What If…’. One of the questions it’s asking is ’What if everyone had a car?’ and that’s what we’re discussing today and we’ll be looking at some of the language associated with driving and traffic.
Well, living in London, I know all about traffic, especially traffic jams – that’s where too many cars, lorries and buses get stuck in long queues on the road.
Yes, they are stuck together, just like jam! And it’s a big problem in cities around the world.It could be the situation that one day, all the traffic becomes one long queue and we have a global traffic jam! Today, we will be hearing about some possible solutions that may prevent this problem from happening. But first, I think it’s only fair that we begin today’s journey with a question.

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🎁 中英文稿:
California's been in the grips of a record-setting drought since 2012. But don't just blame a lack of precipitation. "It's nothing exceptional in the context of the last 1,000 years. However—higher temperatures, this is the feature of this drought."
Soumaya Belmecheri, a paleoclimatologist at the University of Arizona. She and her colleagues used two different sets of historic tree ring records to reconstruct 500 years of climate history: blue oak tree rings as a proxy for winter precipitation, and another set of rings from a variety of trees, as a proxy for winter temperatures. The tree ring data made it possible to model Sierra Nevada snowpack going back to the year 1500. And the researchers found that today's snowpack is just five percent of its average level over the last five centuries. Please visitwww.chinavoa.com



to get mre information.The finding is in the journal Nature Climate Change.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Callum and with me today is Jennifer. Hello Jennifer.
Hello Callum.
Jennifer, did you go to a finishing school?
You mean one of those schools where young ladies learn how to behave in high society?
Yes, did you go to one?

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Extinction. When species go bye-bye forever, we usually blame things like climate change, volcanic eruption or asteroid impact. But for the giant flightless birds that once roamed the Australian outback, it was an omelet station what did ‘em in. A new study finds evidence that about 47,000 years ago, humans helped to wipe out this avian leviathan by collecting and cooking its eggs. The study is in the journal Nature Communications.
Before humans swept over the land down under, animals of enormous proportions were not uncommon. A two-ton wombat, a thousand-pound kangaroo, and a 500-pound bird now known as Genyornis newtoni were spread across the continent. But most of these so-called megafauna disappeared once humans hit the scene.
Coincidence? Well, it could be. Which is why researchers set out to look for proof that human predation played a role in the demise of Genyornis. (Which only coincidentally sounds like ginormous.)
They collected eggshells from hundreds of sites around the country. And they found that the shell fragments exhibited scorch marks that suggested that the eggs had been purposefully cooked over an open flame. Marks that were not consistent with the eggs getting, say, burned up in a wildfire.
Three different dating methods put the eggs’ age in the correct era, and thus place the smoking gun—or in this case, firepit—directly in the hands of hungry humans. Which suggests that our ancestral appetite for over-easy compromised the fitness of this species. Ultimately leading to its egg-stinction.

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello I’m Kaz and this is 6 Minute English. With me in the studio today is Finn. Hello Finn.
Hello Kaz.
So, what news Finn?
Oh nothing new from me. Just the same old stuff, Kaz.
Oh well, you know the saying: ‘no news is good news’.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Every winter some 20 million tons of salt are dumped on America's roads. The sodium chloride melts ice or prevents its formation, helping to prevent accidents. But road salt has its downsides. "This is actually not very economical, because salt is mainly corrosive." Seda Kizilel, a chemical engineer at Koc University in Istanbul, Turkey. She says salt's corrosive effects don't discriminate—they affect "vehicles and also nature, plants, microorganisms."
每年冬天,美國高速公路所撒鹽量約達2千萬噸。這種氯化鈉可融冰、防止冰形成的方法有助於阻止事故發生。但是路面撒鹽也有其弊端。“這種方法並不經濟,因為鹽有腐蝕作用。”Seda Kizilel是土耳其伊斯坦堡科克大學的化學工程師。她說,鹽類的腐蝕作用不容忽視——會影響車輛、大自然、植物和微生物。
So Kizilel and her colleagues designed a road substance that can de-ice itself. They started with a polymer called SBS, commonly added to strengthen asphalt. They whipped up an emulsion of SBS with potassium formate, an alternative salt that's been studied as a more environmentally friendly de-icer than regular road salt. Then they added that emulsion to bitumen--the sticky black stuff in asphalt.
They subjected their creation and regular bitumen to the winter weather conditions that typically lead to black ice. Turns out the hybrid compound delayed ice formation 10 minutes longer than the control. And the samples continued releasing salt for more than two months. The study is in the journal Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.
Of course, 10 minutes of de-icing is a nice head start—but it's not going to put salt truck drivers out of business. "But we're saying that, during the first 10 to 15 minutes, when the road becomes very icy, this material and this release of salt from this functional bitumen is going to be very useful and potentially eliminate many accidents on the roads." The next step, she says, is to pave a test surface and drive on it--to literally see what happens when the rubber meets the road.

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🎁 中英文稿:
The tree people in the Lord of the Rings—the Ents—can get around by walking. But for real trees, well, it's harder to uproot. "Because it's a sessile organism, literally, rooted into the ground, it is unable to leave and go elsewhere." Mario Pesendorfer, a behavioral ecologist at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. "When a tree first starts growing in a certain area, it's likely that the climatic envelope, so the temperature, humidity, soil composition and so on suits it, because it would otherwise be unable to grow from a seedling. But as it ages, these conditions may change and the area around it may no longer be suitable for its offspring."
魔戒裡面的樹人——Ents家族——可以四處遊走。但是對於真的樹來講,把根拔出來還是比較困難的一件事兒。因為樹木是一種生長固定的有機體,紮根於土壤,不能離開生長的地方。Mario Presendorfer 是康奈爾實驗室的一名行為生態學家。他還說到:“種子在最初開始生長的時候,它生長的領域就像一個氣候外殼,那裡的溫度、濕度、土壤成分等等都適應種子的生長,否則的話,種子就無法成長為幼苗。但是隨著時間的推移,這些條件可能會改變,周圍的環境也不再適合它的子孫後代了。”
And if that happens? Walnuts, hazelnuts, chestnuts, oaks, pines—many rely exclusively on so-called "scatter-hoarders," like birds, to move their hefty seeds to new locales. "Many members of the family Corvidae—the crows, jays and magpies—are scatter-hoarders. Meaning they like to store food for the winter, which they then subsequently retrieve."
Or not. And when they do forget something, a seedling has a chance to grow, sometimes a good distance away. "The Clark's nutcracker, which is found in alpine regions of western North America, is definitely the rock star among the scatter-hoarding corvids. They hide up to 100,000 seeds per year, up to 30 kilometers away from the seed source, and have a very close symbiotic relationship with several pine species, most notably the whitebark pine.”
Pesendorfer and his colleagues catalogue the seed-scattering activities of the Clark's nutcracker and its cousins in a new review paper, in the journal The Condor: Ornithological Applications. They also write that, as trees outgrow their ideal habitats in the face of climate change, or battle new insects and disease, these flying ecosystem engineers could be a big help replanting trees. It's a solution, Pesendorfer says, that's good for us—getting birds to do the work is cheap and effective— and it could give vulnerable oaks and pines the option to truly "make like a tree and leave."

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello, I’m Finn. This is 6 Minute English and I’m joined this week by Neil. Hello Neil.
(Monkey sounds)
Err, Neil?
呃, Neil?
(Monkey sounds)
Neil, are you OK?

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🎁 中英文稿:
As many as 12 million tons of plastic waste end up in the world's oceans every year, according to a 2015 estimate in the journal Science. Over time, wind and waves grind and chew that plastic trash into tiny bits of what's called "microplastic"— which happen to be about the same size and shape as the micro algae that filter feeders like oysters snack on. Meaning oysters can ingest it.
To find out the effects of consuming the debris, researchers at the French Institute for Ocean Studies raised oysters in water polluted with plastic microbeads, in concentrations similar to those observed in field studies. The shellfish sucked up the six-micrometer-wide plastic particles extremely efficiently—as they evolved to do with the tiny algae.
Two months later, the oysters exposed to microplastics produced half as many eggs and slower swimming sperm than did oysters that fed on algae alone. Perhaps, the researchers say, because plastic interferes with the oysters' energy uptake. And the offspring of the plastic- eaters were also smaller and slower-growing than the progeny of control oysters. The study is in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The scientists say oysters will probably survive in spite of plastic pollution—they're still prolific reproducers. But until we clean up our act, there's no question we're giving them a raw deal.

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