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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Sophie…
Neil? … [sound of a smartphone] Neil!
Oh, sorry! … And I’m Neil.
Neil, please put down your phone. We’re doing the show!

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🎁 中英文稿:
City dwellers can attest that the animals they share the city with—the pigeons, rats, roaches—can be pretty brazen when they're prowling for a bite. While visiting Barbados, McGill University neurobiologist Jean-Nicolas Audet, noticed that local bullfinches were accomplished thieves.
"They were always trying to steal our food. And we can see those birds entering in supermarkets, trying to steal food there." And that gave him an idea. "Since this bird species is able to solve amazing problems in cities, and they're also present in rural areas, we were wondering" are the rural birds also good problem-solvers, and they just don't take advantage of their abilities? Or are they fundamentally different?
So Audet and his McGill colleagues captured Barbados bullfinches, both in the island's towns and out in the countryside. They then administered the bird equivalent of personality and IQ tests: assessing traits like boldness and fear, or timing how quickly the finches could open a puzzle box full of seeds. And it turns out the city birds really could solve puzzles faster. They were bolder, too, except when it came to dealing with new objects—perhaps assuming, unlike their more naive country cousins, that new things can either mean reward…or danger. The study is in the journal Behavioral Ecology.
The city birds bested their country counterparts in another trait: they have more robust immune systems, possibly from scavenging food and water in dirty places. Which suggests that sometimes, a city's dirt and grit could be the very thing that gives avian residents a wing up.

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I'm Rob and joining me today is Jen.
Hi Jen, Now I'm sure like everyone else, you heard the news recently about the cruise ship, the Costa Concordia, which hit some rocks and capsized – or overturned.
Yes I did hear. It really was a dreadful story, terrible news for everyone involved.
It was a terrible disaster. People have been discussing and speculating how it happened and particularly about the actions of the captain. In today's programme we're talking about what is and what isn't acceptable behaviour for the captain of a ship during a disaster at sea.

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🎁 中英文稿:
Our smartphones, tablets, laptops—they all compute things electronically. But, think outside that silicon box for a second: "There's nothing special about electrons and using silicon as part of computing." Chris Voigt, a bioengineer at MIT. "You can do computing with any number of things." Including, he says, DNA.
我們的智能手機、平板電腦、筆記本——它們都是以電子方式進行計算。但是,考慮一下那個箱子之外的事物:“利用電子和矽進行計算並沒有什麼特殊的。” 克里斯•沃伊特是麻省理工學院的生物工程師。“你可以利用計算機計算任何事物的數量。”這其中,就包括DNA。
"Cells do computing all the time. So they're constantly trying to interpret their environment and be able to turn on different genes and respond to it." And those genes in a cellular circuit are like the logic gates, the memory, and other systems found in conventional computers.
So Voigt and his colleagues created what he calls the first human-made "programming language" for living cells. It's an open-source design environment called "Cello." Just write what you want the cell to do, and Cello spits out the DNA sequence—as if you were compiling code. The researchers used the platform to design 60 genetic circuits, which they then ran inside E. coli bacteria. Many of these DNA-based circuits allow bacteria to sense environmental data - like levels of oxygen or glucose in the gut - and respond in various ways. They detail the findings in the journal Science.
Not all the circuits worked as intended. A quarter of them failed, and some were toxic to the cells. But the idea is to make cellular circuit design easier—and more approachable—to creative people. "When I was a graduate student I had a computer file for Microsoft Word that had all my favorite pieces of DNA. And I would have to sit there and stitch it together and try to remember how each one worked, and constantly run programs to try to look for mistakes."
Cello takes care of all that. And now, Voigt says, biology is right about where electrical engineering was in the early 80s: ready for a computing revolution.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English, I’m Rob and with me today is Rosie.
Hi there.
In our programme today we’re talking about airports. I’m sure many of us have used one. They are a departure point for great adventures and they are amazing crossroads for people travelling across the world.
Big airports are necessary too for a country’s trade. But why are we talking about them today?
Well, airport expansion has been in the news and particularly plans to expand Hong Kong International airport which could turn it into the World’s biggest.

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Neil and with me today is Jennifer.
Hi Neil.
Now we’re talking about films today. Are you a film buff, Jennifer?
A buff is someone who’s very interested in a certain subject and knows a lot about it. I do like watching films both at the cinema and at home, but I wouldn’t really say I’m a film buff because I don’t have a lot of knowledge. What about you Neil?
Likewise, I do enjoy the cinema; though Hollywood movies aren’t really my favourite.I do like a good art-house film though. The movies we’re talking about in today’s programme aren’t any old films. We’re talking about the United States National Film Registry. But before we get onto that I have a quiz question for you, Jennifer. Are you ready?

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【CHEMISTRY 化學】:solution溶液
1. solution [səˋluʃən] n. 溶液
Solution is a mixture of two or more individual substances. 
2. dissolve [dɪˋzɑlv] v. 溶解
To dissolve is to be absorbed by a liquid, especially when mixed.  
3. solvent [osɑlvənt] n. 溶劑
The substance that causes dissolution is the solvent.
4. solubility [͵sɑljəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 可溶性;溶解度
The ability of a substance to dissolve in another is called its solubility.
The solubility of a substance in a certain solvent is defined to be the maximum amount of the substance which will dissolve in a given quantity of the solvent.

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🎁 中英文稿:
“Both of us were in the lab when we just saw a spider, and I'm really afraid of them. So I started to scream for her to come and pick it up because she's not afraid of them.”
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev psychologist Tali Leibovich, talking about herself and a colleague.
班古里昂大學的內蓋夫心理學家Tali Leibovich,談論了自己和同事的經歷。
“And she said, 'but it's small, how come you're afraid of it?' And I said, 'no it's huge!' And she said 'it's small'; I said 'it's huge.' We started arguing, and this is why we started this study. To see who is right."
Leibovich does not ordinarily study spiders. But this spider encounter made her curious about how the human brain understands magnitude—what are the factors that influence our estimation of how big or small something is? And does fear play a role?
So she and colleagues did an experiment in which participants had to say how big a spider in a photo was on a scale from housefly to goat. And the subjects who were afraid of spiders consistently rated the arachnids as larger than did the non-phobic participants.

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🎁 中英文稿:
Otzi—or as he's also known, the Iceman—was discovered frozen in the Alps in 1991 by two German tourists. The 5,300-year-old body has been analyzed in various ways and been the subject of numerous scientific publications. And now it's been looked at again. Because scientists realized that the contents of the Iceman's stomach were still intact. Which gave them the chance to look for evidence of the common stomach bacteria Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori. What they found tells us more about Otzi—and more about how Otzi's ancestors came to Europe. The study is in the journal Science.
The researchers were able to extract genes from H. pylori in the stomach to produce the oldest known genome sequence of a pathogen. The Iceman seems to have been infected with a virulent strain. So in his last days on Earth, Otzi probably had one bad bellyache.
“The strain had already reacted with the Iceman's immune system. This we could show. So we showed the presence of marker proteins which we see today in patients infected with Helicobacter.” The University of Vienna's Frank Maixner.
It's estimated that more than half the world's human population harbors various strains of the ulcer-causing bacteria. And different strains are associated with different places on the globe.
“We use then Helicobacter as a surrogate for what humans were doing at various stages of our prehistory.” Yoshan Moodley from South Africa's University of Venda.

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1. How do I get to Main Street?
2. Where is the closest gas station?
3. Can you tell me where the community centre is?
4. I’m looking for Jane Street. 
5. Are you from around here?

1. The easiest way is to…
2. The quickest way is to…
3. The best way is to…

go + direction (right, left, down, up, through)
take + road name
turn + right/left

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🎁 中英文稿:
Chimpanzees spend about half their day chewing. "And for context, think about how much time a day you spend chewing." Daniel Lieberman, a professor of human evolutionary biology at Harvard University. "So how did we make that transition, from spending most of our day or half of our day chewing, to spending less than five percent?"
Cooking certainly tenderizes food, making it easier to chew and digest. But evidence for human cookfires goes back only about 500,000 years, if that. And Homo erectus had already evolved weaker jaws, and smaller teeth, more than a million years before that. So Lieberman and his colleague Katherine Zink began their investigation by recreating a paleolithic dinner: yams, carrots, beets… and goat meat. "If you were to try to eat some raw goat with your teeth you would find that you would chew and chew and chew, it's like bubblegum."
Lucky volunteers got to experience that, by chewing the food. Either in its wild, un-tenderized state, or after it was bashed or sliced with Flintstonian tools. As the study subjects ate, the researchers monitored the frequency and force of each chew. And they found that a diet of abundant, pre-sliced meat, with a side of pounded root vegetables, might have saved Homo erectus two and a half million chews a year. Meaning: less need for big, bulky jaws and teeth. The research is in the journal Nature.
Of course, these days "processed food" has a pretty bad rap. But for our ancestors, food processing was key. "It's hard for people today to imagine what it was like to eat and cook and hunt during those times. For the vast majority of our evolutionary history, our ancestors had to work pretty hard to chew their dinner." Something for you to chew on, perhaps over dinner tonight.

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English, I’m Rosie and with me today is Rob.
Hello there.
In this programme, we take a look at an interesting story from this week’s news…
…and we teach you some useful vocabulary while we’re doing it!
This week’s story is about racing animals. Everyone will be familiar with horse racing, but can you think of any other animals that you can race?

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Sophie…
And I’m Neil… What did you do at the weekend, Sophie?
I did a spot of gardening.
So, you are you a keen gardener?
Yes, I am, Neil. And gardening is the subject of today’s show! Now why don’t we start with a quiz question?

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1. phlegm
2. sputum

1. phlegm[flɛm]


2. sputum[ˋspjutəm]

sp“ㄙㄅ”,u“ U ”,t“ㄊ”,u“ㄜ”,m“嗯”

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🎁 中英文稿:
Carl Sagan once referred to our home planet as [CLIP: "a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam."] And that poetic description holds true for a lot of exoplanets, too. In fact one of the simplest ways we detect exoplanets is by looking at their sunbeam… and measuring how it dims, ever so slightly, as the exoplanet passes across it, called a transit.
Which raises an interesting question: "Thinking about extraterrestrial observers—which of them would observe the Earth, moving across our own sun?" Ralph Pudritz, a theoretical astrophysicist at McMaster University in Canada. He and his colleague René Heller quantified the narrow band of space from which any observers on other worlds would be able to see the Earth transiting the sun.
這就引發了一個有趣的問題: 考慮一下地外觀測器——可以用來觀測地球,那麼當我們穿過太陽的時候呢?這是Ralph Pudritz,加拿大McMaster 大學的天體物理學家。他和他的同事René Heller測量了一下在其它宇宙上可以看到地球凌日侍的任何一個觀測器到地球之間的狹長帶的距離。
And they determined that this line of sight would be a plane just half a degree thick, but that cuts through a slice of our galaxy that's estimated to contain 100,000 sunlike stars… along with their companion planets. The analysis is in the journal Astrobiology.
他們確認了這條狹長帶為一個只有半度厚的平面結構,但是卻可以使得像是含有100000個太陽般大小的恆星所在的我們這種銀河系的一部分光線通過, 連同發出光線的星球。該研究分析已經發表在《天體生物學》雜誌上。
Pudritz and Heller suggest that hunters of extraterrestrial life may want to listen particularly closely for signals originating at star systems within that narrow band of galactic sky. Advanced civilizations there may have already detected us using the transit method, they say, and may now be sending us a message. You might think of this paper, then, like a treasure map, for intelligent life. "We don't know if there's treasure out there of course, right? You never know that about a treasure map. But it's a good place to look.”
Pudritz 和Heller 建議,搜尋地外生命體也許需要特別密切注意在一個狹長的星級空間帶中的一個恆星系統發出的原始信號。高等文明也許已經用這種凌日的方法發現了我們的存在,他們說,也許現在這些高等文明正在給我們發信息呢。你也許想看看這片文章,想看一個藏寶圖一樣,尋找智能生命體。我們當然不知道是否有寶藏,對吧?你從來沒見過那個藏寶圖,但是去參觀一下也不錯。

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Rob.
And I’m Rosie.
Today we’re talking about the humble sausage, or to use the English slang, bangers. So are you a fan of sausages Rosie?
Yes I am, I love sausages Rob.
Me too, I love them and so do locals and visitors to the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Chris.
And I’m Rosie.
And today we are going to talk about a new invention that promises to influence our dreams.
Oh, that sounds exciting! I love new inventions!
That’s good, Rosie! But calm down - hold your horses - because we have to start with the usual challenge for our listeners. Now, I want to put a question to you and the answer is linked to sleep and dreams. What do the former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, the former French leader Napoleon Bonaparte and the famous English nurse Florence Nightingale have in common?

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🎁 中英文稿:
It's harder and harder to find peace and, especially, quiet. Just ask a field researcher deep in the wilderness. Even in the most remote parts of Alaskathe sound of a jet crossing overhead is all too common.
So scientists with the National Park Service set off across the U.S. to study our audio ecology. They recorded more than a million hours of sound from the depths of the Great Basin's deserts to the hurly burley of the megalopolis that stretches from Boston, through New York City and on to Washington, D.C.
They found that if you're craving quiet on the east coast head to the north woods of Maine or the Adirondacks in upstate New York. But for real quiet—defined as less than 20 decibels—the West is best.
The great swath of territory west of the Rockies but east of the western coast includes national parks, wilderness areas and even public lands that are probably as quiet as they were centuries ago. The researchers made that claim while presenting their findings at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science on February 16th.
Noise pollution is not good for people and it's even worse for animals with more sensitive ears, like bats. And the problem is not confined to land but echoes across the seas as well, where human-produced noise interferes with the lives of various ocean dwellers, including whales. These days on Earth it's rare to hear [silence].

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 minute English. My name is Neil and with me today is Rosie.
Hi there.
Now Rosie, are you one of those people who walks down the road while trying to send a text message?
Of course! I do it all the time.
And have you ever had an accident because you haven’t been looking where you are going?

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🎁 中英文稿:
Parts of the planet warm and cool during El Niño and La Niña. And infectious diseases also wax and wane in step with the climate cycle. Please visit www.chinavoa.com

 to get more information. Take malaria—shown to spike in northern Venezuela during cool, La Niña conditions. Or flu pandemics, which often follow months after La Niña sets in. Now researchers have linked another public health risk to El Niño climate cycling: poisonous viper bites.
Their study area was Costa Rica—where health centers keep rigorous records on snakebites. They compared nine years of those snakebite records—including some 6,500 bites—to climate data over the same period. And they found that snakebites were two to three times as prevalent in the hottest and coldest years of the El Niño climate cycle.
Sounds counter intuitive—you might expect the climate extremes to have opposite effects. But the researchers say in hot, dry years, plant productivity peaks, driving an increase in the number of rodents—aka snake food, potentially increasing the number of snakes. And snakes tend to move around more in hot, dry weather—increasing chances they'll encounter—and attack—an unlucky farmer.
In cold, wet years, on the other hand, prey numbers plummet—forcing snakes to travel beyond their usual slithering grounds to eat—again increasing chances of an unlucky meeting. The study is in the journal Science Advances.

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