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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English, I’m Chris and with me today is Jen.
Hi there… Mmmm… Phew, I’m full. Well, I don’t want this other sandwich. Where’s the bin?
Jen, are you going to throw away that sandwich?
What’s wrong with throwing it in the bin?
Before you throw it away, let’s talk about today’s topic shall we? Global food waste.Now, how often do you throw food away?

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Sophie…
And I’m Neil… Sophie – did you go on the corporate awayday last week?
Yes… you didn’t miss anything. A team building guru lectured us on how to work more effectively with each other. We gave some presentations, had a few drinks after…
Right. OK. An awayday is a day that employees spend together away from their usual workplace. And a guru is an expert in something. So did this guru teach you anything new, Sophie?
No… not really.

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🎁 中英文稿:
Hippopotamuses. People usually think of them as massive, lumbering hulks of plant-eating muscle. Reports do crop up of hippos snacking on crocs or chowing down on a drowned wildebeest. Those anecdotes are often dismissed as aberrant behaviors—opportunistic protein snacks added to a diet made mostly of salad. But it turns out that hungry, hungry hippos intentionally seek out the sweet, sweet taste of animal flesh.
“We saw a bunch of wild dogs come and attack an impala, and the impala jumped into the water, tried to swim across the little lake, and the hippo killed it. Then a few minutes later, that hippo and a bunch of other hippos started eating on that impala.”
University of Alaska research Joseph P. Dudley was in Zimbabwe studying elephants when he saw this scene play out more than 20 years ago.
阿拉斯加大學的研究員,Joseph P. Dudley20年前在辛巴威研究大象時,看到了上述的場面。
“About that time, the wild dogs caught and killed another impala right next to the edge of the water hole, and three hippos came out of the water and tried to take away the carcass of the impala, the antelope, from the wild dogs. As far as I had ever heard, hippos didn’t do either of these things.”
We now know that carnivory is actually common among hippos. And meat-eating could explain what’s been a hippo public health mystery: anthrax outbreaks happen naturally among African herbivores, but the pattern of anthrax transmission in hippos has always puzzled researchers. Could their hankering for meat explain it?

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🎁  中英文稿:
Hippopotamuses. People usually think of them as massive, lumbering hulks of plant-eating muscle. Reports do crop up of hippos snacking on crocs or chowing down on a drowned wildebeest. Those anecdotes are often dismissed as aberrant behaviors—opportunistic protein snacks added to a diet made mostly of salad. But it turns out that hungry, hungry hippos intentionally seek out the sweet, sweet taste of animal flesh.
“We saw a bunch of wild dogs come and attack an impala, and the impala jumped into the water, tried to swim across the little lake, and the hippo killed it. Then a few minutes later, that hippo and a bunch of other hippos started eating on that impala.”
University of Alaska research Joseph P. Dudley was in Zimbabwe studying elephants when he saw this scene play out more than 20 years ago.
阿拉斯加大學的研究員,Joseph P. Dudley20年前在辛巴威研究大象時,看到了上述的場面。
“About that time, the wild dogs caught and killed another impala right next to the edge of the water hole, and three hippos came out of the water and tried to take away the carcass of the impala, the antelope, from the wild dogs. As far as I had ever heard, hippos didn’t do either of these things.”
We now know that carnivory is actually common among hippos. And meat-eating could explain what’s been a hippo public health mystery: anthrax outbreaks happen naturally among African herbivores, but the pattern of anthrax transmission in hippos has always puzzled researchers. Could their hankering for meat explain it?
Dudley’s latest research suggests that the hippos’ could owe their unique susceptibility to anthrax die-offs to their practice of eating meat that carries the infection—including the bodies of other dead hippos. The study is in the journal Mammal Review.
And that means that humans who come into contact with hippo meat need to take care. At least 511 Zambians became infected, and five died, because they handled or consumed hippo meat during a 2011 anthrax outbreak among the amphibious mammals. That’s one advantage of being a vegetarian—for both hippos and humans.

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Chris and with me today is Neil.
Hi there.
Now Neil, what is your most treasured possession?
Well, that’s interesting – my most treasured possession would have to be… my guitar.
I would probably say one of my most treasured possessions is a painting by my grandfather.

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🎁 中英文稿:
Chimpanzees. They’re notoriously social creatures. They snack together, snooze together and work hard to keep each other flea- and tick-free. But this simian intimacy does more than just spread the love. It also helps to spread the bacteria that inhabit their guts—which is a good thing. That’s according to a new study in the journal Science Advances.
When we think about the germs that get swapped during social interactions, we tend to focus on the bad guys: the bugs that cause everything from Ebola to the common cold. But could togetherness also promote the exchange of health-promoting microbes, like those in the intestine?
To find out, researchers spent eight years scooping the poop from a troop of 40 chimpanzees in Tanzania. And they analyzed the bacteria present in the samples. What they found was that during the rainy season, when food is plentiful and the chimps are more chummy, the apes harbor an increased number of different bacterial species in their bellies—more microbiodiversity, if you will. Which could make them more resistant to infections.
And the chimps' increased microbe load was not due to them all eating the same stuff. In fact, the more time the animals spent together, the more varied they were in terms of how much fruit they consumed.
The researchers say it’s thus likely the hobnobbing chimps are indeed sharing the microbial wealth while they’re grooming or mating. Or when they’re otherwise too busy to watch where they step.

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I'm Jen and with me today is Neil.
Hello there.
Today's story is all about allergies. If you have an allergy to something, your body reacts to it in a negative way. Do you have any allergies, Neil?
I get hay fever in the summer; that happens when you have an allergy to pollen from plants or trees.
And what happens when you get hay fever?

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🎁 中英文稿:
Young people may seem like they’re attached to their phones—and that whatever’s on their screens is more important than what’s actually happening right in front of them. Now scientists may have found a way to make a positive out of that screen addiction, by using it to cut down on alcohol abuse. They report their findings in the journal PLoS ONE. [Brian Suffoletto et al, An Interactive Text Message Intervention to Reduce Binge Drinking in Young Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial with 9-Month Outcomes]
The researchers examined medical records and identified some 800 18- to 25-year-olds who had all self-identified in surveys as binge drinkers or heavy drinkers. They had all also been admitted to emergency rooms with, for the most part, non-alcohol related injuries.
The investigators divided the subjects into three groups. For twelve weeks, one group got messages on Sunday asking how much they drank, and received no additional feedback. A second group did not get any texts. But a third group received texts every Thursday asking about their weekend drinking plans. That group then got feedback designed to help them limit their drinking. On Sundays they received a follow-up check-in text and more tailored feedback.
Lead researcher Brian Suffoletto of the University of Pittsburgh says they used texts rather than phone calls or emails because of its immediacy, and because "it really allows us to communicate behind the veil of some anonymity. So when you're face to face with an individual it's been shown that people are less likely to tell you bad things about themselves because they feel nervous that you would judge them."
And the results seem to have vindicated that strategy. Six months after the study, members of the little or no interaction groups said they had not reduced their drinking at all. But those who had had gotten all the texts and feedback reported an average of one less binge drinking day per month. They appear to at least partially have gotten the message.

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English, the programme in which we discuss something that’s been in the news and teach you some vocabulary on the way. I’m Neil and with me today is Jen. Hi Jen.
Hi Neil.
Now Jennifer, I want to ask you about your favourite painting. Can you tell me what it is and what do you like about it?
Well, my favourite painting is by Pablo Picasso and it is called Guernica.It’s a mural about the Spanish Civil War.It depicts a bombing attack on a town, but I like it because there’s lots going on and it really makes you think about what happened on that day.
Yes, it’s one of the world’s most famous paintings… How would you feel if someone went up to it with a black marker pen and wrote their name on it?

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🎁 中英文稿:
What do you do when hackers kidnap your data and hold it for ransom?Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center in California recently faced that question. The hospital’s management decided it was worth forking over $17,000 in bitcoin cyber currency to regain access to their patient digital information and other data held hostage by a malicious software program.
Ransomware, as it has come be known, has been around for years, but this hospital case is perhaps the most egregious example of its use as part of a cyber attack.
The medical center issued a statement saying that patient care was not compromised while their data was unavailable. Still, it’s unsettling to hear that a hospital is shut out of parts of its own computer systems and unable to communicate electronically.
Ransomware does its dirty work by encrypting files until a ransom payment releases the decryption key. Perhaps the most surprising aspect of this case is that the hackers asked for only $17,000—not that much money to an institution that that pulls in hundreds of millions in annual revenue. But it’s almost certain that future instances of ransomware attacks will involve more exorbitant demands.
這種贖金工具軟體的卑鄙之處在於對檔提前非法惡意加密, 直到支付贖金後再放出解密鑰匙。或許此次事件最令人震驚的一方面就是駭客只索要了17萬美元贖金——這些錢對一個每年的財政預算能有幾百上千萬的研究機構來講還不是十分可觀。但是可以肯定的是,將來可能出現會提出更極端要求的救贖工具襲擊事件案例。

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🎁 中英文稿:
“We’ve been dealing with an epidemic in the United States related to opioids.” Wilson Compton, deputy director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse of the National Institutes of Health. He spoke February 12th at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C. “What we’ve seen is that the increased number of prescriptions are driving the nonmedical use of prescription drugs.” Drugs that are prescribed to treat pain.
在美國,我們已經在治療和鴉片有關的流行病。美國國家健康研究會國家藥物濫用研究會副主席,Wilson Compton,於2月12日在華盛頓舉行的美國科學進步協會年度會議上發表講話。我們已經看到越來越多的處方藥被用作非醫療用途。這些藥物是用於治療疼痛的。
“So there’s tremendous availability of prescriptions. There are some 260 million prescriptions written in each year for opioids. That’s not tablets, that’s prescriptions. So it’s millions and millions of these and some of them are available for diversion and use inappropriately.”
Some of the pain patients may become hooked. Or their meds may find their way to friends or relatives who take them recreationally. Or aprescription opioid user may transition to heroin.“Heroin is just another opioid drug, so the brain doesn’t distinguish whether it comes from a pharmacy or from a street drug dealer....
“What’s been drawing the most public health attention is the overdose death rates related to prescription opioids and heroin, which have increased markedly over the last 15 years. Right now we see drug overdoses killing nearly 50,000 persons in a given year in the United States….”
“What are we doing about this? We’ve focusing in three areas. We need to think about prevention in terms of reducing access to prescriptions as the ultimate upstream driver of this epidemic. We need to be thinking in terms of saving lives acutely by providing greater access to the reversing drug—this is naloxone--that blocks the impact. So if somebody’s overdosed and they’re not breathing and I can get this medication to them quickly, I can resuscitate them. That gives us a chance to help them turn their lives around with the third aspect, which is greater access to effective treatment, through medication-assisted treatment….

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English: we’ll be talking about a story in the news and learning some vocabulary along the way. I’m Alice and joining me today is Neil. Welcome, Neil.
Hi there Alice.
Now, Neil are you good with maps?
Good with maps? You mean – am I good at reading maps?
Yes. Can you find your way to a place you want to go to just by looking at a map.

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🎁 中英文稿:
Malaria infection begins when a mosquito injects the Plasmodium parasite into the blood. But getting sick is not a certain outcome. "The vast majority of people really only develop either mild malaria or even asymptomatic infections." Nathan Schmidt, a cellular immunologist at the University of Louisville. "It's a very small subset of the hundreds of millions of cases that progress to severe malaria."
Some of the variation in illness severity is genetic. Or whether the patient is partially immune, thanks to past exposures. But Schmidt and his colleagues have found another factor that could influence the disease: the host's microbiome.
The first clue came during an experiment in lab mice: even though the mice were almost identical genetically, mice that had been bought from different vendors showed variability in their response to infection by the malaria parasite. Turns out, the mice had different microbiomes.
So the researchers did more tests—they transplanted the gut bugs of both the resistant and the susceptible animals into other mice that had no gut bacteria. And again, mice that now had the resistant microbial mix were spared the worst of a malaria infection—possibly through some sort of 'booster effect' on their immune system thanks to the microbes. The study appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
所以,研究人員進一步進行試驗——施密特和同事們將具有抵抗性和敏感動物的腸道細菌移入體內不含腸道細菌的老鼠體內。結果再次表明。具有混合細菌的老鼠不會發展為最嚴重的瘧疾疾病——可能是由於細菌的免疫系統的推動作用。該研究結果發表在《美國國家科學院院刊 》上。
As for optimizing our microbiomes? "I think that we're pretty far away from this having any kind of real therapeutic potential for humans." Yogurt alone, for example, did not much help the mice. But if and when we do find the right recipe for the anti-malarial microbiome, the researchers say, it could lessen the parasite's effects. And perhaps save thousands of lives.

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🎁 中英文稿:
Chameleons have it easy. If they need to hide from a predator they just change their appearance, and disappear against whatever they happen to be standing on. Surrounded by leaves? Turn green. Tree trunk? Brown it is.
But Aegean wall lizards have a different strategy. They live on the Greek Islands. And instead of changing their appearance, they find a safer spot. That is, they’re really good at picking out just the right background to minimize the chances that they’ll be spotted by a hungry crow or raptor.
That’s according to a new study in the journal Scientific Reports.
Birds can perceive both visible and ultraviolet light, so researchers snapped regular and UV photos of lizards basking on rocks to figure out how the lizards look to birds. The scientists discovered that the lizards’ camouflage is precisely tuned to avian eyeballs, helping them seem to disappear. Lizards with darker backs hang out on darker rocks. Lighter ones choose lighter rocks. It’s the first time that wild animals have been recorded explicitly choosing the best background to enhance their own camouflage.
Another observation: when lizards aren’t under the constant threat of death, they’re less picky. “On the island with the lower risk this kind of background choice, to improve their level of camouflage, is much less evident than on the island with high predation risk.”

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English: the programme in which we talk about a story in the news and learn some vocabulary while we’re doing it. I’m Neil and joining me today is Jen. Hi there, Jen.
Hi Neil.
Now, this sounds like every struggling language student’s dream...
A piece of technology which could put an end to hours and hours of study…
It sounds like something from science fiction…

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【geology】地質學:mesosphere layer 地球內部結構 
1. crust [krʌst] n. 地殼 (continental/oceanic crust 大陸/海洋地殼)
 The earth's crust is its outer layer. The thickness of the earth's crust varies from about 5 miles under the oceans to about 25 miles under the continents.
2. stratum [ˋstretəm] n. 地層 smile 表情符號 layer; pl. strata)
 Strata contain clues that tell geologists what the earth was like in the past. The crust is the layer that we live on. 
3. mantle [ˋmæntḷ] n. 地幔
 Beneath the crust lies the mantle, which is the part of the Earth below the crust and surrounding the core.
4. lithosphere [ˋlɪθə͵sfɪr] n. 岩石圈
 The lithosphere is the comparatively rigid outer layer of the earth that includes all the crust and part of the underlying mantle.

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👯 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Callum.
And I’m Jennifer.
Now Jennifer, how squeamish are you?
Yes, squeamish. For example, how do you feel when you see blood?

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🎁 中英文稿:
“Less than 4 percent of countries are responsible for over half of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Glenn Althor, of the University of Queensland.
“This means that the majority of countries are unfairly bearing the burden of a problem that they did not create. Clearly, this isn’t fair by any definition. It’s much like a non-smoker being trapped in a room and getting cancer from second hand smoke while a heavy smoker continues to puff away in good health.”
Althor and colleagues at the University of Queensland and the Wildlife Conservation Society have just published a study analyzing the contributions to climate change by the world’s nations versus the effect that climate change will have on those countries.
“We found that developed nations, such as Australia, the United States, Canada and Russia, are essentially climate free riders, driving the problem of climate change while incurring relatively few of the costs, such as devastating flood, increased extreme weather and rising sea levels.”

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🎁 中英文稿:
When patients show up in a hospital with a respiratory illness, they’re usually given an antibiotic, which do not work against viral infections. Even though most of these respiratory infections are viral.
It’s estimated that in these cases antibiotics are incorrectly prescribed nearly three quarters of the time. And the overuse of antibiotics is a huge problem, helping to drive the development of strains of bacteria that are resistant to our antibiotics.
So scientists have been searching for a tool that would quickly allow doctors to diagnose whether a patient has a viral or bacterial infection—and thus know for sure whether to prescribe an antibiotic.
“The new approach that we take rests on the premise that any time we are exposed to something in our environment—whether it’s cigarette smoke, changes in our diet, an infection—our bodies react to that.”
Ephraim Tsalik of Duke University. He and colleagues investigated gene expression—which genes are activated and which remain dormant—in 273 emergency room patients. Some had a bacterial infection, some had a viral one, some had both and some had no communicable disease at all. The researchers also studied 44 healthy adults as a control.
杜克大學的Ephraim Tsalik和同事們調查了273個急診室病人基因表達——基因啟動以及基因休眠狀態。有些病人感染的是細菌疾病,有的則感染的是病毒疾病,有的感染了兩種疾病,同時有的沒患任何感染疾病。研究人員還研究了44名健康成年人作為對照。

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello, welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Callum and with me today is Neil. Hello Neil.
Hi there Callum.
In today’s programme we’re going to be talking about the word ‘omnishambles’.Every year a committee at the Oxford English Dictionary comes up with a list of new words that have made a big impact on the English language.
Now they aren’t necessarily words that will make their way into dictionaries any time soon but they are words that have been influenced by popular culture, sport, politics and other current affairs.
This year, at the top of their list, was the word omnishambles. Before we learn more about it, here’s a question for you, Neil, about dictionaries. From the following, who published the earliest English alphabetical dictionary? Was it Robert Cawdrey, Samuel Johnson or Noah Webster?

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