

 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):

🎁 中英文稿:
Oxygen and water are crucial to most life on Earth, but what about nitrogen? It's in every molecule of DNA in your body, and in all your proteins—you literally can't live without it. But most of Earth's nitrogen exists as an inert atmospheric gas that organisms can't use.
Lightning strikes can convert some nitrogen into a bioavailable form. But most of the biosphere's usable nitrogen is the result of bacteria employing an enzyme called nitrogenase to pull nitrogen out of the air.
Based on genetic evidence, scientists have thought that nitrogenase first evolved around 2 billion years ago. Before that, life on Earth might have been confined to the oceans and been limited by the crucial substance's inaccessibility.
But researchers at the University of Washington now have evidence for the existence of nitrogenase in bacteria going back some 3.2 billion years. The researchers base their argument on the ratios of light to heavy nitrogen isotopes in ancient rocks from Australia. The study is in the journal Nature.
The finding indicates that the biosphere more than three billion years ago was much more complex than previously appreciated, and perhaps had already colonized land. An earlier arrival for nitrogenase also may mean that the enzyme evolves more easily than was previously believed. Which could increase the odds that, sooner or later, astrobiologists will find signs of another robust biosphere on some world far away.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello I’m Rob and this is 6 Minute English. With me today is Finn. Hello Finn.
Hello Rob.
Today we’re discussing money.
Money – a subject close to my heart. But we’re not talking about big money are we?
No, we’re talking about the humble penny. The Canadian penny, to be more precise. It’s going to be withdrawn from circulation because production costs have exceeded its monetary value.

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📫 管理者8大錯誤 逼走好員工 📪
8 Mistakes That Make Good Employees Leave


It's tough to hold on to good employees, but it shouldn't be. Most of the mistakes that companies make are easily avoided. When you do make mistakes, your best employees are the first to go, because they have the most options.

If you can't keep your best employees engaged, you can't keep your best employees. While this should be common sense, it isn't common enough.

When you lose good employees, they don't disengage all at once. Instead, their interest in their jobs slowly dissipates. Michael Kibler, who has spent much of his career studying this phenomenon, refers to it as brownout. Like dying stars, star employees slowly lose their fire for their jobs.

“Brownout is different from burnout because workers afflicted by it are not in obvious crisis,”Kibler said. “They seem to be performing fine: putting in massive hours, grinding out work while contributing to teams, and saying all the things in meetings. However, they are operating in a silent state of continual overwhelm, and the predictable consequence is disengagement.”

In order to prevent brownout and to retain top talent, companies and managers must understand what they're doing that contributes to this slow fade. The following practices are the worst offenders, and they must be abolished if you're going to hang on to good employees.

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💻 家中設定“非螢幕時間” 💻
📱 Non-screen time is a kind of tech-life balance strategy that all members of a family agree not to use any screen during certain hours of the day. These agreements may include: no screens before school, all mobiles on the landing at night, no calls at meal-times, etc.
➥ 非螢幕時間(non-screen time)是在生活中保證高科技設備使用不會過度的一種手段,所有家庭成員一致同意在每天的某些特定時段不使用任何形式的螢幕設備。這些協議包括:上學前不用螢幕、晚上不得碰手機、吃飯時不得打電話,等等。
Non-screen time isn't about abstinence but balance, and being "present" and connected.
在電腦上看到的某個視頻想要一抬手就傳到手機上,或者將移動設備中存儲的檔一鍵傳送到大螢幕或者電視上,這樣的想法如今通過多螢幕分享(nth screen)技術都可以實現了。
📱 The 'nth screen' has been lingering around the tech world for several years, but is expected to hit the big time in 2014. It basically means devices that are able to connect and share content between multiple displays. Sharing is caring, apparently, and companies will let you connect their devices together for a greater user experience. There is, however, a catch, as many companies will create connecting devices that can only connect to devices of the same brand. So your Samsung device may not connect with your Apple device. This is due to the company's need to keep consumers dedicated to their brand.
➥ Nth screen在科技界遊走已經好幾年了,不過有望在2014年大放異彩。Nth screen指可以通過多個顯示器連接並共用內容的設備,我們稱之為“多螢幕分享”。分享就是關心,很顯然,科技公司會讓你把他們所有的設備都連接起來以獲得更好的用戶體驗。不過,這裡面還存在一個隱患,很多公司開發的連接設備只允許連接相同品牌的設備。所以,你的三星設備無法與蘋果設備連接。這主要是因為公司需要保證消費者對其品牌的忠誠度。

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🎁 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
In 1988 the U.S. government instituted a ban on federal funding for needle exchange programs for people who inject street drugs. Here’s a quote from an article in the July 1998 issue of Scientific American on HIV prevention:
“Access to clean needles can help protect those still using injection drugs. Exchange programs, despite the controversies they elicit, have been shown to lower the risk of viral infection in many studies worldwide. Six U.S. government–funded studies have found that needle exchanges help to reduce HIV transmission without leading to greater drug use.”
Later in the same piece: “Fears of encouraging drug abuse have proved unfounded: many studies have shown that needle availability does not increase the use of illegal drugs.”
The article was written by AIDS experts Thomas Coates and Chris Collins. I was their editor.
Now, more than a quarter century after the federal funding ban on needle exchange programs went into effect, it has quietly been almost completely lifted. A repeal of most parts of the ban was included in the major omnibus spending bill that passed at the end of 2015.

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👯 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English with me, Neil, and a very sad looking Finn.
Hi Neil.
Oh dear, what’s wrong Finn ?
It’s just this beautiful piece of classical music always makes me cry.
Ah… I see! Finn is a man who cries. That is interesting because this programme is all about men who cry.

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