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🎁 中英文稿:
Mars is a planet of outsized splendor. Despite being only half as big and a tenth as heavy as Earth, it bears the solar system’s tallest mountain, longest canyon and largest crater. At 22 and 12 kilometers wide, however, its inner moon Phobos and outer moon Deimos are figurative small potatoes. Scientists suspect both formed much as Earth’s single large moon did, from a massive debris disk ejected into orbit by a giant impact eons ago. But if Mars’s moons formed like Earth’s, why are they so very much smaller?
The answer may be that they did not form alone. New simulations from Pascal Rosenblatt of the Royal Observatory of Belgium and colleagues show how the debris disk from a giant impact on Mars could have generated additional moons a few hundreds of kilometers in size. After forming in the dense inner regions of the disk, those larger moons would have stirred the disk’s sparser outer reaches, allowing smaller companions like Phobos and Deimos to coalesce from the ripples. The study appears in the journal Nature Geoscience. [Rosenblatt et al, Accretion of Phobos and Deimos in an extended debris disc stirred by transient moons]
In this scenario, the reason we only see Phobos and Deimos today is that the bigger moons were destroyed a few million years after their formation. Their low, fast orbits outpaced Mars’s rotation, creating a tidal pull that sent them spiraling down to crash into the planet (Earth’s moon, by contrast, orbited slower than our planet’s rotation, allowing it to spiral outward and survive). Future investigations could test the new hypothesis by looking for clusters of Martian craters produced by the infalling moons, but in the meantime, proof that Mars can kill its companions is right before our eyes: The orbit of Deimos is stable, but Phobos is in a death spiral, losing 2 centimeters of altitude per year to Mars’s tidal pull. It will plunge into the planet in 20 to 40 million years, leaving lonely, far-out Deimos as the last vestige of what may have been a once-mighty system of Martian moons.

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello I’m Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m joined today by Neil.
Hello. Neil here. Excuse me I’m enjoying a bar of chocolate…
Where did you get that from?
In the vending machine upstairs – that’s the automatic machine with drinks and sweets – you put coins in it to release whatever you paid for.

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➢ save for a rainy day 未雨綢繆
例:You should save some money for a rainy day!
➢ it never rains but it pours 不雨則已,一雨驚人
例:Just as the saying goes, it never rains but it pours.
➢ right as rain 身體健康,一切正常
例:After the treatment, he is as right as rain now.

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💘 怎樣用英語表達“正合我意”?💘
說話說到了心坎裡,做事做到了點子上。你的小心思都被人家看透了,這麼合人心意,英文你該如何表達? 💘
🌵 1. Just what the doctor ordered!
例如:Ah, a long, cool, refreshing drink! Just what the doctor ordered!
哦, 一大杯清涼提神的飲料!正是我想要的!
🌵 2. Music to one's ears
例:Her words were music to my ears.

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🎁 中英文稿:
The Earth's temperature is rising. And as it does, springtime phenomena—like the first bloom of flowers—are getting earlier and earlier. But rising temperatures aren't the only factor. Urban light pollution is also quickening the coming of spring. "So temperature and light are really contributing to a double whammy of making everything earlier." Richard ffrench-Constant, an entomologist at the University of Exeter.
He and his colleagues compiled 13 years of data from citizen scientists in the U.K., who tracked the first bud burst of four common trees. Turns out, light pollution—from streetlights in cities, and along roads—pushed bud burst a full week earlier. Way beyond what rising temperatures could achieve. This disruptive timing can ripple through the ecosystem.
"The caterpillars that feed on trees are trying to match the hatching of their eggs to the timing of bud burst. Because the caterpillars want to feed on the juiciest and least chemically protected leaves. And it's not just the caterpillars, of course, that are important. But the knock-on effect is on nesting birds, which are also trying to hatch their chicks at the same time that there's the maximum number of caterpillars." So earlier buds could ultimately affect the survival of birds, and beyond. The findings are in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B. [Richard H. ffrench-Constant et al., Light pollution is associated with earlier tree budburst across the United Kingdom]
The world's becoming increasingly urbanized, and light pollution is growing—which ffrench-Constant says could trick trees into budding earlier and earlier. But smarter lighting—like LEDs that dial down certain wavelengths—could help. "Perhaps the exciting thing is, if we understand more about how light affects this bud burst, we might be able to devise smarter sort of street lighting that has less red components, and therefore less early bud burst." Thus keeping springtime an actual springtime phenomenon.
世界越來越城市化,光污染的範圍也越來越大。 ffrench-Constant 表示這可以欺騙樹木更早提前發芽。但是智慧燈光——如LED指示燈,調低某些波長,可以有所幫助。或許令人感到興奮的是,如果我們對光線如何影響萌芽有更深刻的瞭解,我們也許能夠設計出發出更少紅光的智慧路燈,這樣使萌芽時間少提前一些,以此使春天出現實際的春天現象。

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Finn.
And I’m Rob.
Rob, I’m going to ask a personal question – do you have any bad memories?
Yes. When I was young I was bitten by a dog. And he bit my arm. Not nice.

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