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🎁 中英文稿:
Public lands in the U.S. are managed with two goals in mind: protecting biodiversity and providing people with recreational opportunities, a chance to connect with nature. But sometimes those two goals are at odds—especially if recreation, activities like hiking or hunting, disrupts wild animals enough to alter their use of those landscapes.
Indeed, several years ago, a study done in California found that hikers had a negative impact on wildlife.
"That kind of sounded a bit of an alarm to us as wildlife biologists and as people who like to go hiking ourselves."
Wildlife biologist Roland Kays, of the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences and N.C. State University.

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello, I’m Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m joined today by Finn. Hello Finn.
Hello Rob.
In this programme we’re talking about exploration – that’s a journey to a place to learn something new about it. It’s a sort of educational trip.
Yes, you may have heard about famous explorers – the people who made these journeys and learned new and amazing things – like Captain Cook or Christopher Columbus.
是的,或許你已經聽過一些著名的探險家--是這些人開闢了旅程,學到了新的令人驚訝的東西--像庫克船長或克里斯多夫 • 哥倫布。

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可能會理解錯誤的一些簡單英文 🎭
🎭 我們學習英文表達的時候一定要知道它的使用場景,場景、語氣、說話人身份都會對這個表達產生影響,千萬不可不知變通。
🌵 My sister is expecting.
expect在這裡是“懷孕”的意思,一定要用ing形式才行。If you say that a woman is expecting a baby, or that she is expecting, you mean that she is pregnant.
Jennt was with child when she left Guangzhou.
with child也表示“懷孕了”,注意child前面沒有介詞。She's with child by him. 的意思是“她因為他而懷孕了”。
It gives him great pleasure that his wife is in the family way.
這裡的"in the family way"指的也是“懷孕”的意思,不過字典上已經標注了是一種old-fashioned的用法,瞭解一下即可。
knock up可以表示“to make a woman pregnant”,例如She was knocked up. 就是“她懷孕了”。這種用法字典上標注了"offensive",使用的時候要注意場合。
拓展"in the family"和"knock up"的目的是想提醒大家查字典的時候要注意字典中的標記,也就是我們說的register(語域)。有些詞是AmE (美式用法),有些是BrE(英式用法),有些是old-fashioned, obsolete, archaic, 也有 ethnic slur,taboo, offensive。除此之外還有一些會標注是專業術語,例如Law, Medical等。
🌵 I have a hard stool.

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🍴 文明咖啡館:用禮貌用語可打折 🍴
Cafe tries to encourage good manners by charging customers less if they say 'please' and 'thank you'
 A cafe in Virginia has come up with an ingenious new strategy to convince customers to be more polite.
The business offers financial rewards to those who mind their p's and q's.
A sign outside the establishment advertises different costs for a cup of coffee depending on how courteous the customer is when ordering.
The prices are listed with the typical phrases a patron might use when placing their order.
They include: 'Small coffee' at $5, 'small coffee please' at $3, and 'hello, one small coffee please' at $1.75.
A passer-by took a photo of the directive and posted the image on Reddit with the caption: 'Sign at a local coffee shop.'

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Psychologist Saho Takagi, a graduate student at Kyoto University in Japan, strolls into one of Japan's many cat cafes. These establishments allow customers to pay an hourly fee for the chance to cuddle some cats. They're popular in Japan because so many apartment buildings forbid pet ownership. But Takagi isn't a typical customer. She's not there for feline affection, but to probe their minds.
日本京都大學一名研究生,心理學家,Saho Takagi,漫步走進日本一家以貓咪為主題的咖啡館,在這些場所,顧客只需支付每小時的費用,就可享受小貓們的陪伴。這些咖啡館在日本非常流行,因為許多公寓禁止養寵物。但Saho Takagi並不是一個典型的顧客,她來這兒並不是為了獲得貓咪的情感,而是來調查它們的想法。
The psychology of domestic cats is still something of a mystery, despite our overwhelming familiarity with the critters. They have many skills, she tells me through an interpreter, that are not well known even to their owners.
Takagi and her colleagues wanted to see whether domestic cats have an intuitive understanding of cause-and-effect, but to make it a fair test, they decided to let the cats use their ears instead of only their eyes. Cats are ambush hunters, and rely on their sense of hearing to locate their prey.
Takagi和她的研究團隊想了解家貓是否對因果關係存在直觀的理解, 要想進行一場公平的測試,他們決定讓貓咪用聽覺來測試,而非僅僅靠視力。貓咪可以伏擊獵人,並依靠他們的聽覺來定位獵物。
The cats—30 of them, mostly from cat cafes, plus a few pets—were shown a series of demonstrations. For example, a researcher would shake a box, accompanied by the sound of an object bouncing around inside. Then the cat would be allowed to see inside the container.

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👯 中英文稿:
I have just been to Buckingham Palace where Her Majesty the Queen has asked me to form a new government, and I accepted.
In David Cameron, I follow in the footsteps of a great, modern prime minister.
Under David’s leadership, the government stabilized the economy, reduced the budget deficit, and helped more people into work than ever before.
But David’s true legacy is not about the economy, but about social justice.

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