段落是構成文章的關鍵之一,但是考生們卻最容易忽視段落之間的邏輯。很多考生習慣用“Firstly……Secondly……. Thirdly……”、“For one thing……For another thing……”或者“On one hand……On another hand……”等等這樣的詞彙。但是這一條條之間邏輯性呢? 段落與段落之間的銜接也要求十分自然,比如從小到大,從個人到國家、社會,從個體到整體等等,段與段之間也是要有邏輯聯繫的。
Salary Negotiation Mistakes You Should Avoid When Asking for a Raise
If you’re looking for a raise, or looking for a new job and dread the question “so how much are you looking to make,” you’re walking into a minefield that could either result in you making a good, fair wage, or getting underpaid from the start. Here are some things to avoid when it’s time to talk turkey.
The folks at PayScale put together this simple list of salary negotiation mistakes you should avoid when it comes down to talking about money, but the big hits are simple enough. Avoid doing these things:
🍂Negotiating by email or chat
1. 通過電子郵件協商或在閒聊時隨意提起。
Overlooking other perks available for the job or included with your job
2. 忽視你的工作可獲得或已包含的其他額外津貼。
Being afraid to make the first move
3. 害怕首先提出來。
Giving in to your nerves and letting the conversation run away from you
4. 敗給緊張情緒並失去話語主動權。
Bed gravity is an irresistible force that draws you back to bed, or toward any mattress, couch, or other soft horizontal surface.
It is usually stronger when one or more persons are already sleeping on that furniture, or when you are woken up by the alarm while dreaming a beautiful dream.
🎈For example:
I have to fight bed gravity for at least 30 minutes every morning before struggling to get up.
“It's particularly concerning that 56 million Americans a month admit that they drive when they haven't gotten enough sleep and they are exhausted.”Charles Czeisler. He’s the director of the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School.
需要特別指出的是,每月有5600萬美國人承認他們在開車時沒有得到足夠的睡眠並且疲憊不堪。”Charles Czeisler說道。他是哈佛醫學院睡眠醫學部門的主任。
“Eight million of them lose the struggle to stay awake and actually admit to falling asleep at the wheel every month—causing more than a million crashes every year, 50,000 debilitating injuries…and 6,400 deaths.”
He spoke at a recent Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Forum called Asleep at the Wheel: Drowsy Driving and Public Health.
“And we just finally got a consensus group, the first consensus panel of experts, to agree that if an individual has had less than two hours of sleep in the previous 24 hours that that's the equivalent of being negligent and should be added to the statutes. It's just like drunk driving.
不想讓歪果仁多跟你解釋,這些要緊的話要仔細聽哦💨💨 跟老外交流總找不準重要資訊在哪兒出現?其實人家話裡話外都告訴過你,只是你還沒聽仔細。留心下面這些表達,你可能會少麻煩人家多解釋給你聽咯~ 🍀1. That is to say
看到這個短句第一反映,你可能會想到中文裡的“也就是說”,是的它們起到的功效是一樣滴~ 都是用來把之前沒說清楚的講明白些~
例:We—that is to say my wife and I—will be attending the wedding.
🍀2. In other words
聽不懂歪果仁說什麼,你可能會要求人家paraphrase一下。也就是“換句話”再告訴你~ 通常接下來的內容都很直白……
例:Joe doesn’t like to work. In other words, he’s lazy!
🍀3. I tell a lie
例:I saw him just yesterday. No, I tell a lie. It was two days ago.