The more he eats, the more he likes you, according to researchers.
A recent study discovered that men will eat more food when they dine with their female counterparts, as a way of showing off, than when they are with other men.
The study was conducted over a two-week period while researchers observed 150 adults eating lunch at an all-you-can-eat Italian buffet. ❤buffet--n.自助餐;飲食櫃檯;餐台
Are you having a sit-down meal or a buffet at the wedding?
Could you tell me what specialties you have for the buffet?
Researchers from Cornell University, who collaborated with Cornell's Food and Brand Lab for the study, took note of the number of pizza slices and how many bowls of salad each subject consumed. ❤collaborated--合作( collaborate的過去式和過去分詞 ); 勾結叛國
1 social entrepreneurship0:16 social entrepreneurship指的是社會創業家,是用一種永續經營的商業模式來解決某個社會或環境問題,近年來社會企業 (Social Enterprise) 在全球蔚為風潮,其中最知名的莫非是美國的休閒鞋品牌「Toms」了!以「One for one(買一雙,捐一雙)」的商業模式幫助落後地區的孩子,讓他們有鞋能穿;此外,台灣也有許多社會企業,例如「四方報 (4-Way Voice)」,出版越南、泰國、菲律賓、柬埔寨、印尼等東南亞語言的報紙,和超商、雜貨店、小吃店合作,讓外籍移民更容易取得新聞資訊。
2 approach0:21 approach 是一個非常好用的單字,它有許多不同的意思,影片中 a new and creative approach的 approach 是當名詞用,指的是「方法」、「途徑」,以下和大家介紹它當動詞和名詞時的各種意思吧!
❦❦❦雙語:最容易單身的星座 We're bombarded every day by magazines and websites advising us how to find our soul mate. But how honest are you being with yourself? Is a small or a huge part of you content being single? Not every sign is delirious about being part of a perfectly matched twosome. 我們每天都被雜誌和網路上的很多建議我們如何找到靈魂伴侶的資訊轟炸,但是,你對自己有多誠實呢?你是有一點點安於單身現狀還是非常滿足於單身?不是每一個星座都著迷於投身到完全和諧的二人世界之中。 Virgo is probably top of the list for self sufficiency, especially the female of the species. They can be phenomenally picky about prospective partners, to a degree where they put off commitment for years and years. But they have to watch that they don't get too out of touch with their earthy animal side and end up perpetually alone. ♍ 處女座很可能是最獨立的星座,尤其是這個星座的女性。他們可能會很明顯地挑剔未來伴侶,而且能達到很多年一直不給對方承諾的程度。這個星座的人必須要警惕,他們不能不顧及自己最基本的生理需求而孤獨終老。♍ Aquarius is next since they are never happy about claustrophobic partnerships. Their motto is: "Spread your favors and friendliness around--the more the merrier." They'll only agree to a match if they're sure there's plenty of space to stay independent. ♒ 水瓶座位居第二是因為他們從不覺得伴侶關係有什麼讓人開心之處,對他們來說,伴侶關係能導致幽閉恐怖症。他們的座右銘是:“四處撒播你的友愛,愈廣泛愈快樂。”他們只有在確定一段關係中自己有大量的獨立空間的時候,才贊成結合。♒ Capricorn can be a touch like Virgo, defensive, workaholic and not inclined to disappear into swoons of rapture about a blissful mating. That is until they fall rapidly and inexplicably into a romance that astonishes them--and everyone around them! ♑ 摩羯座也許和處女座有得一拼——戒備心強,是個工作狂,而且不那麼容易沉迷於幸福婚姻如癡如醉的喜悅之中,直到他們毫無緣由地快速地陷入愛河——這段感情不僅會讓他們自己很驚訝,也會讓他們身邊的人震驚!♑
1 completely removed from0:19 影片例句:It's a perspective that'scompletely removed frommy own, having been able to see my whole life. 例句翻譯:我本身完全沒有這種經驗畢竟我一直都看得見。
completely removed from是完全不一樣的意思,也可說 completely different from。remove 原本的意思是移除,在這個用法比較像是離某物有多少距離。所以如果說 be far removed from 就是離的距離很遠,也就是差很多。那 completely removed from 就是完全不相關,也就是完全不一樣的意思。 E.g., This deal is far removed from reasonable, you better come up with something I would give two cents about.