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🎁 中英文稿:
Hello I’m Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m joined today by Finn. Hi Finn.
Hello Rob.
Today we’re talking about something we have some expertise in or knowledge about.That’s teaching English.
That’s right Rob. We work on the BBC’s Learning English website - hopefully giving people around the world a helping hand in learning a language that isn’t the one they usually use.

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☬☬ 有沒有“緊張得肚子疼”? ☬☬
➤Typically a humorous word referring to 'stomach pain or queasiness', collywobbles also refers figuratively to 'intense anxiety or nervousness, especially with stomach queasiness'. The word comes from the fanciful formation of colic + wobble, and in its figurative usage can be equated to the more common butterflies in the stomach, belly. Referring to 'a fluttering and nauseated sensation felt in the stomach when one is nervous', the phrase is often clipped to just 'the butterflies'.
Collywobbles一般是“腹痛或噁心”的戲虐說法,有時也喻指“因為極度緊張或焦慮而伴隨的腹部不適”,也就是我們通常說的“緊張得肚子疼”。這個詞是由colic(腹部絞痛)和wobble(搖擺)組合而成,這樣的結合也是夠炫目了。其實,這個詞的比喻說法就相當於我們更熟悉的那個英文表達butterflies in the stomach/belly,胃裡/肚子裡有很多蝴蝶,也就是緊張得發抖,忐忑不安的意思。
➤For example:
In a recent interview in Total Film with Emma Watson, the actress discussed her upcoming role as Belle in the live-action film remake of Beauty and the Beast, the journalist characterized Watson's nervousness at playing the role as 'the collywobbles'. 
最近,艾瑪·沃特森在接受一家電影雜誌採訪時,聊起了即將出演的真人版《美女與野獸》,採訪她的記者用了the collywobbles這個詞來描述艾瑪表演片中角色時的緊張心情。

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☄ 怎樣使你的托福口說更有信心 ☄

看看下面的例子: The Great Wall was the greatest man-made military defense structure in ancient China.

The Great Wall〉/was the greatest /man-made military defense structure〉/in ancient China.

大家可以試著讀一讀這個句子。斷句並可以是稍稍停頓,或者是拉長詞的讀音,我們在wall 的時候拉長讀音,在greatest和structure後稍作停頓,於是這個句子聽起來就更加容易理解,因為我們把句子的意群The Great Wall、was the greatest、man-made military defense structure、in ancient China劃開了。為了使表達效果更好,是語言聽起來更加悅耳,我們不但要注意發音,還要注意說話時的斷句和重音。

這是語言的外包裝,但做好了這一切是絕對不夠的。正如每個人在打開美麗的包裝盒時所期待的是盒子裡面更加誘人的禮物一樣,每個考官在悅耳的聲音背後更想想吸納入耳的絕對是有組織,有意義的詞句。所以另一重對語言的要求也接踵而至,即說話的 “實效性”:思維邏輯,語言組織和詞句品質。

在第一和第二題的獨立口說任務中,大家需要作的是就自己的經歷或向法來回答一些問題。題目主要涉及日常生活和一些社會現象,準備時間15秒,答題時間45秒。這類型考試的形式和麵試很相似。15 的準備時間形如虛設,根本無法讓考生繪製一個好的答案。大家都知道,要想在面試中表現得好,事先必須有所準備,同理,要想在這兩個題目上得高分,預先的素材準備時必不可少的。正所謂:有備無患,胸有成竹。信心百倍,微笑說話。

What is you favorite place for reading?
Answer 1:

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
The widespread death of honeybees has some farmers fretting: if honeybees disappear, who will pollinate their crops? "Almost any kind of insect you can think of." Margie Mayfield, an ecologist at The University of Queensland in Australia. "Globally speaking flies are probably the second largest group of crop pollinators. In particular a group called hoverflies, or syrphid flies. And these are these large-eyed flies that if you take a hike you sometimes see them hovering in front of your face."
蜜蜂大規模死亡讓一些農民擔心:如果蜜蜂消失,那麼誰來為他們的莊稼授粉呢?“幾乎你能想到的所有種類的昆蟲,”Margie Mayfield是澳大利亞的昆士蘭大學的生物學家,他說到:“從全球範圍來講,昆蟲可能是為莊稼授粉的第二大群體。尤其有一種群體叫做食蚜蠅,這些大眼睛蒼蠅,如果你出去徒步的話,有時候你會看見它們在你面前盤旋。”
Along with hoverflies, the army of under-appreciated pollinators includes butterflies, moths, beetles, ants and wasps. Mayfield and her colleagues analyzed more than three dozen studies on pollination, covering 17 crop plants grown on five continents. And they found that these underdog insects accounted for some 40 percent of the flower visits. Some of the crops in their review--especially tropical ones like mangoes and custard apples--did not rely on honeybees at all. Even commodities like canola did fine without bees. The meta-analysis is in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Mayfield says part of the difficulty in gauging the importance of bees starts with the research methods: a third of the studies they initially considered, for example, ignored everything but bees. "You know the European honeybee is obviously from Europe, so there's a lot of focus on the European honeybee there." Another issue, she says, is raising awareness among farmers. "I've encountered farmers in California and in South Africa and in Australia who spray their pesticides largely at night, because that's when the bees have gone back to their hives.
And they do that with the idea that we'll spare our pollinators and control our pests. But that very much takes the assumption that only bees are important pollinators." Of course we should still do our best to save honeybees--the celebrity pollinators. But agricultural practices should consider the rest of these tiny farm workers, too.
“他們這樣做是因為他們認為這樣將會寬恕我們的傳粉昆蟲,並控制害蟲。但是這一想法的前提假設是只有蜜蜂是重要的傳粉者。”當然,我們會盡最大的努力保護蜜蜂——著名的傳粉專家。但是農業在實踐中也要考慮其他小小農業 ‘工人’。

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🎁 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English, I’m Rob and with me is Finn.
Hello Rob.
You sound very cheerful – so, how are you feeling?
I’m good thanks. Things are going well. I’m here in the studio with you, I’m going on holiday next week, and I’m really enjoying this cold weather.

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❅ 8部電影讓你輕鬆過托福 ❅


✇ 六人行/Friends:這部片子,相信就是不考托福的同學,也是有很多人都看過。搞笑的情節,經典的臺詞,是讓很多人難以忘懷的原因。

✇ 越獄風雲/Prison Break:這個片子裡有太多的被和諧的內容,但是,瑕不掩瑜。它仍是在最成功的美劇之一!裡面的臺詞也是非常有趣,可以值得大家來好好學習研究一下的,比如說:
1. And he's the mastermind of this whole thing.他是整個事情的主謀
2. And then when you start running out of air...當你沒氣的時候
3. Anything break on the other six?其他六人有什麼進展?
4. But it's going to make collaboration kind of hard.不過這樣合作起來就不那麼容易了。
5. But you need a fall guy,fine. 但是你們需要一個替罪羊。
6. Can I hitch a ride?我能搭個便車嗎?
7. Care to comment? 有啥想說的麼?
8. Do you copy?收到了嗎?Roger. 收到了

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