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🎁 中英文稿:
Hello, I’m Rob and this is 6 Minute English and I’m joined this week by Jennifer. Hello Jennifer.
Hello Rob.
This week we’re discussing global migration – that’s the movement of people around the world and particularly those who are moving abroad to look for new work. Now is this something you have done Jen?
Yes, when I was a student I moved to France to teach English for a while.
A very good job but luckily for us, you came back to live here in the UK .Many people are forced to emigrate – or leave their home country – to go and work abroad and they never return home. We’ll talk more about that shortly and also look at some of the language associated with migration. But let’s start with today’s question.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
By the end of the century, the United Nations reckons the population of Africa could hit 4.3 billion people—four times today's numbers. It's the fastest-growing spot on the planet, which inevitably means growing pains: “We're seeing a real rush , almost a feeding frenzy of foreign mining investment, and in some cases, land grabs." Bill Laurance, an ecologist at James Cook University in Australia.
截止到本世紀末,聯合國估計非洲人口將達到43億——是當今數量的4倍。這是地球上人口增速最快的地區,而不可避免,這意味著增長煩惱:“在這裡我們看到人口激增,同時外國礦業投資瘋狂增長,在一些區域出現了土地爭奪的現象。”Bill Laurance,講述了這番言論,他是澳大利亞詹姆斯庫克大學的生態學家。
"We're living in the most active era of infrastructure and road expansion in human history. We're projected to see 25 million kilometers of new paved roads on the planet by the middle of the century, which is enough to go around the world more than 600 times." Thirty-three of those roads—spanning 53,000 kilometers—are already planned in Africa. So Laurance and his colleagues examined the pros and cons of the new projects. They measured potential benefits, like more agricultural opportunities, and weighed those gains against environmental impacts.
“我們生活在人類歷史上基礎設施以及道路擴展最活躍的時代。在本世紀中葉,估計我們將看到地球上將會鋪設25百萬千米的新公路。這個長度足夠繞地球600多圈。 ”其中有33條道路——長達5.3萬千米——已經計劃在非洲鋪設。所以Laurance和同事們調查了新項目的利弊。並估量了這些項目可能會帶來的益處,例如增加農業機遇,同時,他們也衡量了這些成果對於環境的影響。
The research team determined that the planned roads and railways would slice through more than 400 protected areas. And if you include a 25-kilometer buffer zone on each side of the road—where Laurance says new hunting, poaching, farming, logging and mining are bound to pop up—the tally of violated protected areas rises to more than 2,000. The researchers do endorse five of the 33 roads as promising—good for humans, not so bad for the environment. And they identify the six worst planned roads, which they say probably should not be built at all. The study is in the journal Current Biology.
Laurance says we've seen the effects of rampant road-building before: "Two-thirds of the world's forest elephants have been wiped out in the last decade. And this has actually been linked pretty clearly with the expansion of the road network in the Congo already." And the first paved road through the Amazon, finished in the early 70s, is now a 400-kilometer-wide gash through the rainforest. Considering all the attention carbon emissions are getting in Paris right now, it might be worth remembering where one-sixth of the world's emissions come from: deforestation.

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✏ 托福寫作中考生經常犯的錯誤 不一致導致失分 ✏


例. When one have money, he can do what he want to. (人一旦有了錢,他就能想幹什麼就幹什麼。)
改為:Once one has money, he can do what he wants (to do).

例. None can negative the importance of money。
剖析:negative 系形容詞,誤作動詞。
改為:None can deny the importance of money。


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Frozen pants are the hottest new trend this winter
✸ Residents suffering through the brutal winters of Minnesota are finding interesting ways to entertain themselves.
✸ With winter comes plenty of new activities like sledding, ice skating and of course snowball fights, but when it's too cold to stay outside for more than 15 minutes, it's time for a new activity: frozen pants.
✸ The trend seems to have started with Minneapolis resident Tom Grotting, who is well known in the area for freezing his pants and displaying them for his neighbors to see, ABC News reports.
✸ Seeing pants like this sort of looks like a mix between a bad jeans ad and a horror film, and it's certain to get at least a few double takes.

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✙✙✙ 北韓發明一種能“防止宿醉”的酒 ✙✙✙

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is claiming a new milestone -- the invention of hangover-free alcohol. 
The state newspaper reported that Taedonggang Foodstuff Factory has introduced a ginseng liquor with 30% to 40% alcohol and, theoretically, no horrible morning after feeling. 
The drink features six-year-old, indigenous Kaesong organic "insam," a Korean name for ginseng. 
Developing the drink took years of research to figure out a way to minimize the bitter insam taste. 
The factory decided to use boiled rice instead of sugar which "promoted the sweet and savoury tastes of insam by weakening its bitter taste with the delicious flavor of the boiled and scorched glutinous rice," according to The Pynongyang Times. 
In theory, the hangover-fighting effects come from the use of scorched rice and from the ginseng's "medicinal effect." 
The nation has already poured accolades on the new drink, giving it a quality medal for "preserving national smack." 
The paper praised the product because it "exudes national flavor" and said that it has "already been registered as a national scientific and technological hit."
☯ milestone-(n.)里程碑;劃時代的事件

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☬☬ 有沒有“緊張得肚子疼”? ☬☬
➤Typically a humorous word referring to 'stomach pain or queasiness', collywobbles also refers figuratively to 'intense anxiety or nervousness, especially with stomach queasiness'. The word comes from the fanciful formation of colic + wobble, and in its figurative usage can be equated to the more common butterflies in the stomach, belly. Referring to 'a fluttering and nauseated sensation felt in the stomach when one is nervous', the phrase is often clipped to just 'the butterflies'.
Collywobbles一般是“腹痛或噁心”的戲虐說法,有時也喻指“因為極度緊張或焦慮而伴隨的腹部不適”,也就是我們通常說的“緊張得肚子疼”。這個詞是由colic(腹部絞痛)和wobble(搖擺)組合而成,這樣的結合也是夠炫目了。其實,這個詞的比喻說法就相當於我們更熟悉的那個英文表達butterflies in the stomach/belly,胃裡/肚子裡有很多蝴蝶,也就是緊張得發抖,忐忑不安的意思。
➤For example:
In a recent interview in Total Film with Emma Watson, the actress discussed her upcoming role as Belle in the live-action film remake of Beauty and the Beast, the journalist characterized Watson's nervousness at playing the role as 'the collywobbles'. 
最近,艾瑪·沃特森在接受一家電影雜誌採訪時,聊起了即將出演的真人版《美女與野獸》,採訪她的記者用了the collywobbles這個詞來描述艾瑪表演片中角色時的緊張心情。

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