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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to The English We Speak with me, Feifei…
…and me, Sian. Hello! Hey Feifei what are you doing on your phone? We’ve got a programme to record.
Well you see I’ve got a really bad headache and it says here on this website that I might have a head injury,or maybe a tumour or…
Or maybe you’ve just got a headache! Give me that phone… you’re just scaring yourself!
Hang on it says here that I should go to the hospital if I have these other symptoms.Maybe I do have a fever… I am feeling quite hot.
That’s because it’s boiling in here –I’m hot too… and I’m starting to get a headache. I know exactly what’s wrong with you –you have a case of cyberchondria!

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Sophie…
And I’m Neil.
How was your weekend, Neil?
Well, not great – I hadn’t got anything planned, so I didn’t see anyone for two days. And to be honest, I felt very lonely! There was a real physical feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Poor Neil! You do sound really down in the dumps, and that means unhappy! Well, the subject of today’s show is loneliness. And loneliness is sometimes described as a social pain – a pain that tells us that we’re isolated – or lacking contact with others– which motivates us to seek out companionship.
I’d no idea that feeling lonely had a biological explanation! How does being sociable help us, as a species, then, Sophie?

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🎁 中英文稿:
River otters, like other social animals, have to carefully weigh the costs and benefits of hanging out in large groups. A big group makes it easier to catch fish, which seems like a good deal, but there's a downside to social life too. More otters means more chances for disease transmission, for example, or for aggressive conflict. So they balance these pressures by living in what researchers call a "fission-fusion society."
"There's this constant dynamic of splitting and joining into larger groups."
University of Wyoming ecologist Adi Barocas. To understand the factors that drive these social dynamics, Barocas's team, from the University of Wyoming and the Alaska Department of Fish & Game, has spent decades spying on the coastal river otters of Alaska near Prince William Sound. To do it, they use motion-activated camera traps as well as implanted radio trackers.
Adi Barocas是美國懷俄明州立大學的生態學家。為了瞭解驅使這些社交動態的因素,來自美國懷俄明州立大學和阿拉斯加漁業和捕獵部門的Barocas的團隊,耗時數十年監測威廉王子灣附近阿拉斯加地區的海岸水獺。為了進行觀察,他們使用了觸發式照相機以及無線電追蹤技術。
"The latrines, which are pretty much communal toilets that the river otters use, they seem to have an important function in the life of river otters."
That's right: river otter society is organized around the bathroom. It makes good sense. By investigating a latrine, an otter can sniff out just how many otters there are in the area, and who they might be.
The researchers found that the otters performed more signaling behaviors like sniffing, body rubbing, or urinating, than social behaviors, like grooming or play, at what they called crossover latrines, which were located at the junctions of water bodies.

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🎁 中英文稿:
Hippopotamuses. People usually think of them as massive, lumbering hulks of plant-eating muscle. Reports do crop up of hippos snacking on crocs or chowing down on a drowned wildebeest. Those anecdotes are often dismissed as aberrant behaviors—opportunistic protein snacks added to a diet made mostly of salad. But it turns out that hungry, hungry hippos intentionally seek out the sweet, sweet taste of animal flesh.
“We saw a bunch of wild dogs come and attack an impala, and the impala jumped into the water, tried to swim across the little lake, and the hippo killed it. Then a few minutes later, that hippo and a bunch of other hippos started eating on that impala.”
University of Alaska research Joseph P. Dudley was in Zimbabwe studying elephants when he saw this scene play out more than 20 years ago.
阿拉斯加大學的研究員,Joseph P. Dudley20年前在辛巴威研究大象時,看到了上述的場面。
“About that time, the wild dogs caught and killed another impala right next to the edge of the water hole, and three hippos came out of the water and tried to take away the carcass of the impala, the antelope, from the wild dogs. As far as I had ever heard, hippos didn’t do either of these things.”
We now know that carnivory is actually common among hippos. And meat-eating could explain what’s been a hippo public health mystery: anthrax outbreaks happen naturally among African herbivores, but the pattern of anthrax transmission in hippos has always puzzled researchers. Could their hankering for meat explain it?
Dudley’s latest research suggests that the hippos’ could owe their unique susceptibility to anthrax die-offs to their practice of eating meat that carries the infection—including the bodies of other dead hippos. The study is in the journal Mammal Review.

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👯 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):

👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Alice…
And I’m Neil. So, Alice, what do you see when you look at me?
Well, male, Caucasian, early 40s, short auburn hair, bushy eyebrows, thin lips...
OK. So that’s how you see me? It sounds like a police report, and I’m not sure I like your observation about thin lips. Caucasian means white skinned and European, by the way.
And today the show is about identity – who or what a person is. And the way people see us forms part of our sense of identity, while another part comes from our ethnic – or racial – identity. So my question for you today, Neil, is: What percentage of the UK population describe themselves as ethnically mixed? Is it …a) 0.9%?b) 5.9%?Or c) 9%?
今天的節目是關於身份認同,即一個人是誰,是什麼樣的。而且別人看待我們的方式,也是構成我們認同感的一部分。而另一部分來自我們的種族身份。今天有一個問題要問你:英國有多少人將自己視為種族混血?a) 0.9%? b) 5.9%? c) 9%?
OK… I think that it’s a) 0.9%.

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🎁 中英文稿:
The old expression “bird brain,” referring to a small or inadequate brain size—it’s not all that accurate. Take crows, for example, and other corvids,like jays and magpies. “Many corvids have relatively large brains for their body size, and can do amazing things.” Anders Møller, an evolutionary biologist at the French National Science Research Council. “So this ‘bird brain’ expression is a little bit simplified.” Some birds are so intelligent that they’re informally referred to as “primates with feathers.” 
舊的表達“鳥的大腦”指的是大腦尺寸較小——但是這樣的描述並不正確。就以烏鴉以及其他鴉科如松雞和喜鵲為例。“許多鴉科大腦與其身體尺寸相比較,尺寸比較大,並且這些鴉科動物可以做令人吃驚的事情。”Anders Møller是法國國家科學研究委員會的進化生物學家。“所以,“鳥的大腦”這樣的表述有一點簡單化了。”有一些鳥類非常的聰明,以至於它們被人類通俗地稱為“長著羽毛的靈長類動物”。
But even among the smartest bird species, there’s still natural variation in brain size. Which is a big deal—when it comes to being hunted. Møller worked with a taxidermy shop in Denmark, which had data on nearly 4000 birds brought in to be stuffed since 1960. A lot of the birds were just found dead—hit a window or wire—and people picked them up. But 300 of the specimens had been hunted.
So Møller’s team then compared the brain sizes of birds that got shot to those that didn’t. They controlled for the birds’ age, sex, body size, and species. And they found that the hunted specimens’ brains were actually five percent smaller, on average, than the brains of birds that died by other means. “The surprising thing is that, if you make a similar kind of analysis of liver or heart size, there is absolutely no difference there. So this is specific to the brain.” The results are in the journal Biology Letters.
The researchers assume that individuals with larger brains had what they called “superior escape ability.” That is, they were better at not getting shot.
As game season begins, Møller has this observation for hunters: “When you are sitting at the dinner table and eating the duck that you managed to shoot, with all likelihood it’s one with a disproportionately small brain.” Most certainly food for thought.

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🎁 中英文稿:
Imagine you had never tasted lemonade. You would still probably assume that lemon juice mixed with sugar tastes better than lemon juice alone. Because you know what lemons taste like, and you know what sugar tastes like.
You can recall those past experiences, and make a prediction about your response to something new. Researchers call the ability to predict our future emotional state "affective forecasting." And some have suggested that the skill is unique to humans. But is it?
"We combined different liquids and asked participants, the orangutan and the humans, to predict how such novel liquid combinations taste like, and whether they prefer one or the other." Lund University cognitive scientist Gabriela-Alina Sauciuc.
“我們將不同的液體混合,並讓參與的猩猩和人類來預測這樣新型的液體嘗起來味道如何,並預測會偏愛哪種飲料。”Gabriela-Alina Sauciuc是隆德大學認知科學家
She and her colleagues offered their cocktails to a 21-year-old male Sumatran orangutan named Naong, who lives in Sweden's Furuvik Zoo. They used four ingredients—cherry juice, rhubarb juice, lemon juice, and diluted apple cider vinegar—which they combined into six unfamiliar mixtures. Altogether, that made for 24 possible comparisons of one drink against another.
她和自己的同事將製作的混合液體給一個叫做Naong,居住在瑞典富魯維克動物園的雄性蘇門達臘猩猩品嘗。她們用了4種原料——櫻桃汁,大黃汁,檸檬汁,稀釋的蘋果醋——將這些原料混合到6種不常見的混合物中。總共製成率 24種不同口味的飲料。
Naong watched the researchers mix his drinks. Then he got to choose from the
two set before him. And in 21 of the 24 trials, Naong matched the researchers’ predictions: that his choice would be based on his relative fondness for the separate ingredients.
Naong看著研究 人員將自己的飲料混合。然後它從自己面前的兩排飲料中進行選擇。在24種選擇中,有21種Naong的選擇和研究人員的預測一致:它的選擇都是基於自己比較喜歡的原料。

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👯 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):

👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Alice…
And I’m Neil.
So, Neil, you texted me earlier and didn’t put a full stop at the end.
You’re right, I never use full stops in texts – they’re much too stuffy – or formal. Texting is like conversation and you don’t need lots of punctuation.

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🎁 中英文稿:
Black holes got their name because light can't escape them, beyond a certain radius—the event horizon. But in 1974 Stephen Hawking proposed that quantum effects at the event horizon might cause black holes to be…not completely black.
"Hawking said that pairs of particles should be created at the event horizon." Jeff Steinhauer, a physicist at the Israel Institute of Technology. "One particle exits the black hole and travels away, perhaps to Earth, and the other particle falls into the black hole."
Ideally, we could just study those exiting particles…which make up the so-called Hawking radiation. But that signal is too weak. We can't see it against the universe's background radiation. So Steinhauer built a model of a black hole instead. Which traps not photons, but phonons—think of them as sound particles—using a gas of rubidium atoms, flowing faster than the speed of sound.
"And that means that phonons, particles of sound, trying to travel against the flow are not able to go forward. They get swept back by the flow. It's like someone trying to swim against a river which is flowing faster than they can swim. And the phonon trying to go against the flow is analogous to a photon trying to escape a black hole."
Steinhauer doesn't actually pipe sound particles into the device. He doesn't need to. He merely created the conditions under which quantum effects predict their appearance. "So the two swimmers can come into existence simultaneously without anybody supplying energy to create them."
He ran the test 4,600 times—the equivalent of six days—and took pictures of the results. And indeed, he saw a correlation between particles emanating into and out of the model black hole…an experimental demonstration of Hawking radiation. The results appear in Nature Physics.

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Alice…
And I’m Neil. [rattles a bottle of pills]
What have you got there, Neil?
Antibiotics. I had a blister on my big toe, and it got infected. My whole toe swelled up like a balloon! The swelling has gone down now with these little wonder drugs. Look, I’ll show you.
No, Neil. Please keep your socks on. Thank you. Now, the subject of today’s show is penicillin, which was one of the first antibiotics to be discovered. So, Neil, can you tell me how many lives penicillin has saved since its first use as a medicine in 1942?Is it…a) 20 million? b) 200 million? Or c) 2 billion?
不用了,尼爾。把你的襪子穿上。謝謝。今天節目的主題是青黴素,它是首批被發現的抗生素之一。尼爾,你能告訴我自1942年青黴素首次作為藥物使用以來拯救了多少生命嗎?a) 兩千萬?b) 兩億?還是c) 20億?

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Alice…
And I’m Neil.
We’re talking about old technology today, Neil. Did you use to have any old tech, you know, a Walkman, back in the 1990s?Before music went digital?
No. I didn’t have a Walkman… But I do have a record player.
I know you like flared trousers, but I didn’t realize you were that retro. A record player, for those of you who don’t know, is a box with a turntable – or turning plate that you put your vinyl records on to play them.
And retro means going back to styles and fashions from the past. Well, I love my record player. I have a large collection of vinyl records, as well as cassette tapes that I inherited from my parents…

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🎁 中英文稿:
DNA analysis is a staple of crime scenes—and crime shows, like HBO's The Night of or the old standby, CSI:
"We just need to get this to the DNA lab, confirm it's the victim's blood. And then, case closed."
And it's not just for crime: DNA sequencing also helps determine our relationship to Neandertals, and our primate cousins.
Problem is, DNA's a relatively fragile molecule—it doesn't last forever. What's more sturdy is protein. So now researchers have come up with a way to use protein in a similar way to DNA: to link an individual to a piece of evidence or to determine ethnic background.
The protein source these scientists studied was human hair, from 76 individuals of European-American, African-American and Kenyan descent. And they determined that the variation of a couple hundred proteins in a person's hair could be enough to single her out from a group of one million individuals.

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👯 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello, I’m Feifei and this is The English We Speak.Joining me is Rob.
Hello everyone.
Did you enjoy Jane and Tim’s wedding yesterday?
Yes, it was good wasn’t it –especially the party afterwards –all that dancing and drinking.
I did notice!I’m really happy for them but I do hope that Jane will help Tim change his bad habits –Tim used to be messy, forgetful and always late for everything!

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👯 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to The English We Speak.I’m Finn.
Hello everyone. I’m Helen.
You look a bit different today.
Oh, really? In what way?
Erm, you are glowing, you look so energised.

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to The English We Speak.I'm Feifei and joining me today is Rob….Errr Rob, wake up! 
Oh yeah hi everyone. 
What's wrong Rob? 怎麼了,羅布?
It's the kids. My house is a mess –toys, pencils, paints everywhere - and I've been trying to get them to clear everything up. 
And I guess you haven't been successful? 

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Alice…
… And I’m Neil.
Can you do any impersonations, Neil?
How about this one: My name is Michael Caine. Not a lot of people know that.
這個怎麼樣:我是Michael Caine。不是很多人知道。
Michael Caine, one of our best loved actors here in Britain.Not bad, Neil. And is a very good way to start today’s show.We are talking about impersonation – or the act of pretending to be somebody else. Why do we like impersonations, Neil?
Michael Caine是英國最受人們歡迎的演員之一。這個還不錯。也是很好的開場方式。今天我們談論模仿,也就是假裝是某人的行為。為什麼我們喜歡模仿他人呢?

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Alice…
… And I’m Rob.
So, it’s nearly exam time again. And the subject of today’s show is how to prepare well for an exam.
I’ve got some great tips, actually, Alice.
Have you really? Can you remind me what grades you got at school?
Yes, well … [mumbles] …

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Alice…
… And I’m Rob.
So Rob, did you have a part time job while you were at university?
Yes, I worked in the student bar.
Did you learn anything from the experience?

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Finn and with me is Rob. Hi Rob.
Hi Finn.
Rob, I have a question for you. Are you good at reading maps?
I have to say, I am, I really enjoy reading maps and I understand them well.

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《開場白》 🎤
✍ Ladies and gentleman. It's an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience.
✍ Good morning, everyone. I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. I am here to talk to you about…
✍ I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...

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