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Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Alice…
And I’m Neil. So, Alice, what do you see when you look at me?
Well, male, Caucasian, early 40s, short auburn hair, bushy eyebrows, thin lips...
OK. So that’s how you see me? It sounds like a police report, and I’m not sure I like your observation about thin lips. Caucasian means white skinned and European, by the way.
And today the show is about identity – who or what a person is. And the way people see us forms part of our sense of identity, while another part comes from our ethnic – or racial – identity. So my question for you today, Neil, is: What percentage of the UK population describe themselves as ethnically mixed? Is it …a) 0.9%?b) 5.9%?Or c) 9%?
今天的節目是關於身份認同,即一個人是誰,是什麼樣的。而且別人看待我們的方式,也是構成我們認同感的一部分。而另一部分來自我們的種族身份。今天有一個問題要問你:英國有多少人將自己視為種族混血?a) 0.9%? b) 5.9%? c) 9%?
OK… I think that it’s a) 0.9%.
我覺得是a) 0.9%。
Well, we’ll find out if you got the answer right or wrong later on in the show. Now, Neil, you are, of course, many more things than my physical description of you!
I’m glad to hear that. And it’s true, that until you actually hear somebody speak, there are lots of things you can’t know about them. For example, which country they’re from, what language they speak…
Yes. So looking at me, what would you say, Neil?
I would say Alice that you’re a typical English rose.
Thanks, Neil – and English rose describes an attractive girl with a pale delicate complexion – or skin colour – but you can’t actually tell where a person is from by the way they look.
Yes, I suppose you’re right. I have a friend who also looks very English like you, but she’s a real ethnic mix. Her dad is German and her mum is Brazilian!
Well, let’s hear from New York City actress and playwright, Sarah Jones, talking about her complicated ethnicity.
我們聽聽紐約市女演員兼劇作家Sarah Jones講述她複雜的種族血緣。
My family on my dad’s side, my grandparents, are from the South. There’s some Caribbean in there, black Americans from the South and the Caribbean, and then on my mother’s side there are people from the Caribbean, from Ireland but you know Irish American, German American. People would ask me if I was adopted when they saw my mother’s white skin - she’s actually mixed but she’s white from a distance, and I’m black from a distance.
Sarah Jones there. Well, Sarah has family from all over the world! I suppose the United States - and New York City, especially - is a real melting pot.
上述是Sarah Jones 的講話。Sarah的家人來自世界各地啊!我覺得美國,特別是紐約,真的是個大熔爐。
That’s right. And melting pot describes a society made from people of different countries who live together and create a new shared culture.
And people think Sarah is adopted – or raised by parents who aren’t biologically hers because she looks so different to her mum.
But I expect Sarah sees herself as American. New York is where she was born and raised.
That’s right. But her grandparents weren’t. Do you think you change when you go and live in another country with people different to you?
Yes, I do. My neighbours are Turkish but they’ve lived in England for 45 years so they’ve integrated into our culture. They enjoy English things like… our TV soap operas, cooking turkey at Christmas, and drinking tea with milk.
And to integrate means to join a group of people, and often involves changing your habits and customs.
Yes. OK. So, Neil, to what extent does the way other people see us, actually change us?Let’s listen to Julian Baggini, a writer and philosopher here in the UK and find out what he thinks.
沒錯,在某種程度上,別人看待我們的方式也會改變我們嗎?我們來聽聽英國作家及哲學家Julian Baggini的看法。
It seems very evident that our sense of self isn’t something that comes entirely from within. And of course we’re affected by the way other people see us. And that’s one of the most formative things in creating our sense of identity. I mean, I think it’s kind of a two-way process that’s ongoing. Our sense of who we are is always a response in part to how other people see us.
So Julian Baggini believes the way other people see us is formative in creating our sense of identity – or who we are. And formative means important for the development of something.
所以Julian Baggini認為別人看待我們的方式,也是我們形成自身認同感的組成部分,即我們如何看自己。formative是指在某物發展過程中非常重要的事。
So if enough people see you as an English rose, you might start to see yourself as an English rose, even if you aren’t ethnically English.
I’m not so sure. The friend I talked about earlier, she comes across as much more Brazilian than English in the way she behaves. She doesn’t have the famous English reserve – but you’d never know it by looking at her.
And reserve means hiding what you’re thinking or feeling. I think I’m guilty of English reserve. How about you, Neil?
reserve 是指隱藏你的想法或感受。對於我自己的英語儲備,我很慚愧。你呢?
No, I think I wear my heart on my sleeve, Alice – which means I make my feelings clear. OK, I think it’s time for the answer to today’s quiz question.
Okey--dokey, fair enough. I asked you: What percentage of the UK population described themselves as ethnically mixed? Is it … a) 0.9%, b) 5.9% or c) 9%?
好的,有道理。我問你:英國有多少人口感覺自己是混血? a) 0.9%, b) 5.9% 還是 c) 9%?
I said a) 0.9%.
我選的是a) 0.9%。
Yes. And you were on the money today, Neil! Well done! According to a survey conducted by the BBC in 2011, when asked about their own ethnic origins, 0.9% of the UK population said they were mixed race, although it’s thought that the real figure is 2% or more. Now, could you remind us of the words we heard today, Neil?
沒錯!準確無誤!做得好!根據BBC 2011年的一項調查,當問及自身種族本源時,0.9%的英國人認為自己是混血。儘管人們覺得真實數字應該在2%,甚至更多。現在,帶我們回憶一下今天學到的單詞吧?
Sure. They are:
Caucasian 白種人
identity 認同
ethnic 種族的
English rose 英倫玫瑰
complexion 膚色
melting pot 熔爐
adopted 被收養的
integrate 融入
formative 形成的
reserve 儲備
wear your heart on your sleeve 公開表達
And that’s the end of today’s 6 Minute English. Don’t forget to join us again soon!
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