

 💼👯\MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English, I’m Neil and joining me in this programme to talk about dangerous holiday activities is Rob. Hi there Rob.
Hello Neil.
So tell me Rob, I know that you’ve done a fair amount of travelling in your time.You must have come across a few situations or signed up for some activities which you look back on now and think… hmmm, that was really dangerous.
Yes, I went white water rafting in Indonesia a few years ago and that was quite scary, particularly because of the size of the boat they brought along – it was the sort of boat you get at the seaside, almost like a toy that you’d go out on the sea on.So what about you, Neil? What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve done on holiday?
Well, I was backpacking in South America with a friend of mine a few years ago and I saw a sign advertising ’The most dangerous bike ride in the world’, so we thought…ooh that sounds interesting.

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你喜歡喝星巴克嗎?如果你住在國外,可能會注意到你買的星巴克,杯子上出現的 #racetogether!但是上面的 race together 可不是一起賽跑!快來看看這個字的背後鬧出什麼風波呢?

obnoxious [əbˋnɑkʃəs] 0:18
obnoxious 是個相當負面的形容詞,意思有「可憎的、討厭的、令人不快的」。

There is an obnoxious smell coming from our kitchen. Something might have been burnt.


● nasty[ˋnæstɪ] (adj.) 糟透的
● dreadful[ˋdrɛdfəl] (adj.) 恐怖的、糟糕的

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Water laced with heavy metals—like the drinking water in Flint, Michigan—can be stripped of contaminants using chemicals, filters, membranes, even electric current. But now researchers say they've created what could be a cheaper, more effective solution: a fleet of microscopic, self-propelled, aquatic robots. Each one the size of just 10 lined-up bacteria—so tiny that a billion will fit in a syringe.
Each tube-shaped microbot is a sandwich of three materials. A graphene outer layer, which binds to heavy metals. A middle layer of nickel, which gives the bots magnetic polarity, so they can be pulled through wastewater with magnets. And platinum inside—for propulsion. Just add a bit of peroxide to the wastewater, and it'll react with the platinum to form water and oxygen bubbles, which propel the tubes along.
In an hour, a swarm of 200,000 bots scavenged 80 percent of the lead from three millimeters of tainted water. And the researchers estimate that it costs only about five cents a liter to do so. The findings are in the journal Nano Letters.
The researchers envision the bots as a portable solution for small companies—they’d treat their water onsite instead of carting it to a treatment plant. And after the robots do the rounds, the heavy metals can be stripped away. Meaning companies can reuse the heavy metals, and, ultimately, keep them out of our waterways.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):

👯 中英文稿:
Hello, and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m joined today by Cath. Hi Cath.
Hello Rob.
Now we’re talking about the growing trend in online shopping today.
Ah yes, shopping via the internet. That is something I like to do.
OK, well you’re not the only person who likes to shop this way. Millions of people choose to shop online and last week saw the biggest day of the year for doing this – it was called Mega Monday. More about that soon but first, I’ve been looking online to find you a question Cath!

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🍎 賈伯斯名言- 談創新 🍎
“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. While some may see them as the crazy ones, we, see genius. Because the peop le who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
• here is to… 是「因尊敬而獻給某人的…」,有時在敬酒時說。如:Here is to the queen. (這是敬女王的。) misfit (n.) 是「無法融入某群體的局外人」為 mis 與 fit 的結合字。round pegs in the square holes 為英文俚語,直譯為「方洞裡的圓釘」,意指「無法融入某群體的局外人」。fond of 是「喜歡」。status quo 是「現狀」。glorify (v.) 是「美化,頌揚」;glory (n.) 則是「榮耀;光榮」。vilify (v.) 是「醜化,詆毀」;villain (n.) 則是「壞蛋,惡人」。
文章出處: http://goo.gl/DyfHEi


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♓ 托福口說練習的兩個技巧 ♓


1. 只能模仿,切忌“創造”

第一,將中文逐字翻譯成英語。“Give you some color to see see”(給你點顏色看看)的“天才”表達確實弄暈過一大群老外;“One car come. One car go. Two car PENGPENG. One car die”的車禍現場筆錄也著實讓美國人領略了學生的“幽默”。但生活多數時候是嚴肅的,你得明白每種語言都有自己的規則,而且不同語言之間的差異極大。即便你把母語中的每一個字都準確地“翻譯”成英語,老外也可能會不知所云。


如何避免上面所講的兩種“創造”? 一方面,考生需多聽英語母語人士如何用詞和如何組織句子結構,聽得多了,就能慢慢找到說英語的感覺。

另一方面,在說英語時,我們不要用太複雜的句子結構,多用短句來表情達意,可借鑒“KISS原則”,即keep it short and simple。例如,如果你想表達“你完成生物作業了嗎”,應避免用“Have you completed compiling the material for the biology assignment?”這樣的書面表達,而可以使用“Finished your biology assignment?”這樣口說化的表達。

2. 多記短語,事半功倍

例1:當你對一件事情的發生表示“怎麼會這樣”時,只需要掌握“How come + (subject + verb)”這個結構,如下所示。
How come you cannot make a decision?(你怎麼能做不了決定?)
How come you always question me?(你怎麼老質疑我?)
How come we never agree?(我們怎麼永遠達不成一致?)

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