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Hello, and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m joined today by Cath. Hi Cath.
Hello Rob.
Now we’re talking about the growing trend in online shopping today.
Ah yes, shopping via the internet. That is something I like to do.
OK, well you’re not the only person who likes to shop this way. Millions of people choose to shop online and last week saw the biggest day of the year for doing this – it was called Mega Monday. More about that soon but first, I’ve been looking online to find you a question Cath!
Come on then, what is it?
OK, this week’s question is – according to an international survey what is the most popular item that’s bought online? Is it: a) Music – downloaded or on CDs b) Travel tickets c) Books
I’m going to go for books I think.
Well, we’ll see if you’re right at the end of the programme. But now let’s talk more about shopping and particularly online shopping.
Yes and you mentioned that last week was Mega Monday or Cyber Monday – the biggest day of the year for online shopping. But people are still going out shopping in high streets and shopping centres.
Yes that’s right. When we say the high street we mean the main shopping street of the town. These places are actually quite busy at the moment with people Christmas shopping. In the USA, the recent Thanksgiving holiday marked the start of the Christmas shopping season there. The day is also known as Black Friday, where discounts are offered in shops – or stores as the Americans call them.
是的。我們提到的high street(商業街)是指市內商業區的購物街。當人們聖誕購物的時候這些地方都是相當繁忙的。在美國,最近的感恩節假期標誌著耶誕節購物季的開始。這一天也被稱為黑色星期五(美國的商店這麼稱呼),商店都會提供折扣。
It’s called Black Friday because it’s the day when shops go from being in the red – so owing money – to being in the black – making a profit because so many people are going out spending money.
稱作黑色星期五是由於這一天商店從虧損(in the red)轉為盈利(in the black),因為許多人會在這一天出門購物。
But we’re still talking about online shopping. And online sales are certainly rising despite the current economic situation. Let’s hear from the BBC’s Graham Satchell reporting on the affects of Mega Monday on the high street in the UK. How does he describe what’s happening to the high street?
The high street is really struggling. For the third Christmas in a row, sales are expected to be down, this year by 2.1%. Instead, more and more of us are shopping online. 25% of all Christmas shopping this year will be done over the Internet, up 16% on last year. And Mega Monday is the busiest day, one estimate suggesting there’ll be 3,300 purchases a minute.
So Graham Satchell says the high street is struggling – in other words, the shops are finding it difficult to stay in business.
That’s because sales are down for the third year in a row. As we heard, a quarter of all Christmas shopping will be done online.
And last week’s Mega Monday saw an estimated 3,300 purchases every minute. So, those transactions must add up to a lot of money spent using credit cards.
Yes and it’s tempting and easy for many people to max out their credit cards – in other words spend up to their credit limit!
And it’s true that people are becoming more accustomed to buying things online.Retailers are making it much easier to buy things over the internet. And we can shop now using gadgets like smart phones and tablet devices so we can buy things easily and instantly. Is that something you’ve done Rob?
I do it quite regularly on my smart phone. OK, let’s hear from some shoppers in the English market town of Newark about whether they prefer shopping on the internet or in the shops:
Have done a lot online. I’ve got a new-born baby, so it’s a lot easier, just sitting at home, doing it.It’s nice and warm and a lot easier.[What do you like about it?] The variety, the choice, the ease; you can stay at home; you can stay at home and flick on your iPad. I’ve attempted to do it online, today for the first time. But I like to try things on, I like the atmosphere of going into town and shopping, so I don’t think it’s my cup of tea.
經常在網上購物。我剛生完孩子,所以待在家裡網購會更加方便。更為舒適更為方便。[你喜歡網購的哪方面呢] 它形式多樣、可選擇多、自在便易;你可以呆在家裡;你可以呆在家裡開一下你的蘋果電腦就能購物。我今天試圖首次網購。但我喜歡試東西,我喜歡的進入商業區和逛街的氛圍,所以我認為它不適合我。
So there are some mixed views about online shopping. The first woman thought it was easier - and warmer too because you can stay at home.
Yes, and the second person also thought it was convenient but he also mentioned the variety and the choice of things to buy. It’s true, you can buy almost anything from your computer.
Ah yes but the final woman mentioned that you can’t try on clothes. She liked the atmosphere of going into town and shopping. She used a great phrase – she said, "it’s not my cup of tea".
是啊,但是最後那位女士提到網購時不能試穿衣服。她喜歡進入商場和逛街的氛圍。她用到了一個短語“it‘s not my cup of tea”。
Yes, she means it’s just not for her. Well, it suits me Rob so please could you hurry up and give me the answer to that question and then I can get back to a bit more online Christmas shopping.
OK Cath. But will you be making the most popular online purchase? That’s the question I asked you – according to an international poll by The Neilsen Company,what is the most popular item that is bought online? Is it: a) Music b) Travel tickets c) Books
I thought it was probably books.
And you are right. Yes. The survey found that 41% of people surveyed bought books online. Clothes, DVDs and airline tickets were among the other popular items. Have you bought any of those online?
Yes, I have. I’ve definitely bought airline tickets, yes, DVDs – all of those things.I think I do a bit too much online shopping!
It sounds like it! You’re very keen! OK Cath, before you get back to your shopping, we’ve just time for you to remind us of some of the vocabulary that we’ve heard in today’s programme.
OK, we had: 
trend[trɛnd] 趨勢
the high street 商業街
discounts 折扣
in the black 盈利
struggling[ˈstrʌglɪŋ] 掙扎
estimated 估計
transactions 交易
accustomed [əˋkʌstəmd]習慣的
retailers 零售商
convenient [kənˋvinjənt] 便捷
Thanks Cath. Please join us again for another 6 Minute English very soon. Bye.

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