

 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello, welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Rob.
And hello, I’m Neil.
Today we’re talking about ticket touts. The verb ’to tout’ means to sell tickets for an event such as a sports match or concert for more money than their real price – or face value. And the people who do it are called touts. Now, be honest Neil, have you ever bought a ticket from a tout?
No, if I don’t get a ticket from an official source I tend to just miss the event.

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
For as long as we’ve been sending spacecraft to Mars, we’ve been finding signs of water. The Red Planet’s sinuous river valleys, flood-carved canyons and buried glaciers all hint that it was wet billions of years ago.
Some researchers think that the curiously flat and sparsely cratered northern lowlands are the remnants of a once-great ocean. But that ocean’s proposed coast varies in height by thousands of meters, which has made the idea controversial.
Now, a team of researchers has found evidence for ancient tsunamis on Mars, evidence that supports the idea of a vanished Martian ocean and explains its vertically variable shoreline.
“We were trying to find shorelines on Mars like those we typically see on Earth, which is consistently distributed along a constant elevation. And that is not what we have found on Mars, because in the case of Mars the shorelines were buried beneath the tsunami deposits.”

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello I’m Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English. The World Cup is on. I love football and that’s what we are going to talk about today. Let’s kick off the programme with Pele!
大家好我是Rob。歡迎來到6分鐘英語。世界盃已經開始了、我很熱愛足球,這也是我們今天要討論的話題。讓我們以 Pele(球王貝利)的一段話開始今天的節目吧!
I was invited to go to Italy, to Spain. I was okay in Santos, it was my team. The team used to win almost all the tournaments. And then I never have, you know, desire to play outside Brazil or to play for money.
我曾被邀請去義大利,去西班牙。我在 Santos(桑托斯)很好,這是我的團隊。這支隊伍曾經贏得幾乎所有的比賽。你知道的,我從來沒有過去巴西之外的地方去踢球,或者為了錢而踢。
So that’s Pele, one of the most celebrated football players in the world. And I’ve invited Grace, my Brazilian colleague, to have a chat about football in her home country.
Hi Rob.

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 如何獲得加薪 💵
Need a raise? Try these tips.

🍸Exceed their expectations. Even experts agree that essential to the advancement of your career is not only to do what is expected but to do an impressive output of the task that is given you. In other words, if you give more, you get more.

Follow instructions. Make sure that what you are doing is the one your boss wants to get done. You may be able to do the best job in the world, but if it is not the one your boss wants, it will hold no value.
Maintain good rapport with your fellow workers and your other contacts in your field. Good rapport does not mean you have to entertain rumor mongering and flirting. Keep a neutral and civil relationship with your co-workers that is enough to keep you approachable yet maintaining the right amount of respect each person in the company deserves. The company will always remember you positively for your professionalism.

🍸Keep your boss aware of your accomplishments. Often when an employee is not appreciated, it is simply due to a matter of lack of communication. Never underestimate the value of a written report of your accomplished tasks. They will come in handy.
Be decisive. The ability to make decisions when needed is a must. You’d be surprised that many workers don’t have this trait. They find it easier to pass the decision to the next fellow, because they cannot make a stand.
Be willing to take in responsibilities beyond your assignment in emergency cases. This does not mean you have to be a push-over. Make sure your boss approves of this if you need to go on a rescue mission to save a task a co-worker cannot handle. If you are young and aiming for a good future in your line of work in your present company, this is a very good gesture.

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大學生利用空檔年/間隔年(gap year) 休學創業已經不是啥新鮮事兒。而已經有工作的人也可以進行間隔旅行,或者利用這段時間去做別的事情。這被稱為“離職長假”(career break)。

A career break is a period of time out from employment. Traditionally, this was for mothers to raise children, but it is now used for people taking time out of their career for personal development and/or professional development. 
Career break意為“離職長假”,此前起源於媽媽們休“離職長假”來養育子女,如今人們常借此進行個人或職業發展。

A career break is usually between one month and two years long. Six months to 2 years is the most common period of time for a career break. It's also possible to take a mini career break of less than one month, which enables people to try out career break activities without committing to longer periods of time. Shorter career breaks are most popular with the over-45s. 

It can take the form of a sabbatical, which can be paid or unpaid - unpaid sabbaticals are much more common. Sabbaticals were originally only offered to academics and clerics but are now being increasingly offered by companies. 

文章來源: http://goo.gl/jRlKJn


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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
The redder, the better. And I'm not talking about beets, roses or presidential candidates. I'm talking birds. Well, some birds. In various species, red coloration in a male's feathers or beak is an indication of fitness. A splash of red can attract a mate or warn off a rival.
越紅越好。我說的可不是甜菜玫瑰花或者美國總統候選人。我說的是鳥兒, 而且只是某些種類的鳥。在一些鳥中, 雄性的羽毛或者鳥喙的紅色代表健康。一抹紅色能吸引到雌性或警告敵人不許靠近。
Now two teams of researchers have determined the chemistry that allows our flamboyantly feathered friends to cloak themselves in crimson. Bottom line: many birds eat plants that are rich in compounds with a distinctive yellow pigmentation—which some birds can modify chemically to form the red pigment that becomes their calling card.
現在有兩個研究小組已經研究出,究竟是何種化學物質使得這些艷麗羽毛的小伙伴們可以把自己隱藏在一片火紅中。結果就是: 許多鳥類吃的植物中富含一種特別的黃色色素——對某些鳥類而言,它們可以將其進行化學更改從而變成代表它們這類群體的紅色色素。
To tease out the details, the scientists compared birds that can make the red compounds with those that can't.
The first team studied the red canary, which was created about a century ago by breeders who crossed the more familiar yellow canary with a bird called a red siskin. The researchers combed through the genomes of all three kinds of birds to see whether red canaries got any reddening genes from the siskin side—genes that their yellow brethren lack.

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