


Talk it out. When moving from one job to another or transitioning between bosses and departments you can easily get stuck with twice the work. You might be eager to start the new job, but the expert advises sitting down with the old and new bosses together to reach an agreement about how the transition will be handled. Who will take over your old role? What will your new job’s responsibilities entail? If you’re asked to take on work in addition to what you do now, ask for a priority list and find out who you will report to for the new responsibilities.

Understand the new rules.Just because you are still in the same company, doesn’t mean you will be playing by the same rules. Take the time to learn how things operate in your new work situation. Do not say “It’s easy to think, I know the company, and I’ve been here for 20 years”. It’s really important not to assume that it’s the same. While you handed in monthly reports and held monthly meetings in your old job, a new manager may expect you to report your progress weekly or meet more frequently. Be sure to ask about these details early on. And talk to colleagues about the particulars of the departmental culture.

Stay open. Reorganization usually leads to angst and fear among employees, whether it’s a favorite co-worker whose place you’ll be taking or former peers who now report to you. You’ll be bringing whatever old baggage you have and dealing with the worries of new colleagues. Don’t be surprised by push-back from co-workers who may see your new role as a threat. Be open with your colleagues about your role and how it fits into the group.
Learn to let go. Consider in advance what might happen if you’re needed back in the old job — even temporarily. Will your new manager be on board with the idea? Can other colleagues or outside consultants help if a crisis hits and your hands are full? Make sure you run interference for yourself, and plan for the unexpected.

Manage your relationships. While you may have a new set of colleagues, preserving relationships with old co-workers and managers is important, particularly in such a volatile work environment. Stop by to say hello or to invite a former boss to coffee. There’s so much reorganization. You might end up back with those people.



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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
If you were searching for a life form unlike anything known to science, where would you look? Scientists at Charles University, in Prague, looked in the poop of a pet chinchilla. "They were isolating a lot of various strains from various environments—including their own pets." Anna Karnkowska, an evolutionary biologist who collaborated on the work, who is now at the University of British Columbia. "Scientists like to isolate things from everywhere possible."
如果你在尋找科學中尚不熟悉的生命,那去哪裡尋找?查理大學的科學家們研究了寵物南美栗鼠的大便。“他們隔絕了環境中的不同的細菌——其中包括自身寵物的細菌。” 來自英屬哥倫比亞大學的Anna Karnkowska也是負責該工作的進化生物學家。“科學家們喜歡盡可能地隔絕一切外界的事物。”
They found a relative of the parasite Giardia, called Monocercomonoides. It’s eukaryotic, meaning it has organelles and a nucleus enveloping its DNA. Just like our cells, or the ones in plants, or fungi. But unlike bacteria, which don’t have those things.
And upon closer examination, the new critter was different from every other eukaryote known to science. Because it’s missing a key organelle—it seems to have no mitochondria.
You probably learned in biology class that mitochondria, let’s all say it together, are the powerhouses of the cell. They charge up energy-rich molecules, when oxygen's around. But they do other stuff too: like manufacture certain essential proteins. This newly discovered microbe, and others that live in low-oxygen environments, use different, oxygen-free pathways to make energy.

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👯 中英文稿:
Ah, what a familiar sound - a baby crying! Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English, I’m Rob …
….and I’m Neil, hello. So Rob, is that the sound of the new royal baby?
No – it’s not the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s new - born baby – although I’m sure their little one is just as loud!
Yes – we know all about babies, don’t we Rob, because we are parents.We know all about childbirth – well, almost as much as our wives – and all the advice people give us about caring for our children.
Yes we do – hold on, I’ll just calm this baby down (Baby stops crying ) – that’s better. So, I might have excellent parenting skills but how different are they to the ones William and Kate will need? We’ll be discussing that soon and looking at some of the language of having a baby. But first, how about a question, Neil?

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1. I couldn't care less. 
這句話的意思是“我不在乎”,“缺乏興趣(lack of interest)”,也就是:I don't care at all. 或 I don't give a hoot. 
例如:人家如果問: What do you think of the budget-cut?(你對預算削減有何看法?)
你回答: I couldn't care less.(我毫不在乎) 
How do you like Mr. Lee's political point of view?(你喜歡李先生的政見嗎?) 
I couldn't care less.(我才不在乎呢!)
但是有時說話者也可能口是心非: 例如: 
I couldn't care less about the promotion or pay raise.(我不在乎升級或加薪)
而實際上他是根本在乎升級和加薪的,那麼人家也許就會回答說: Yes, you do(care).
至於 I couldn't care more. 就是“我很在乎”(I care a lot.)或 I care deeply. 同理: 
I couldn't agree more. = I totally agree.(我完全同意) 
I couldn't please you more. = I did my best to please you.(我儘量使你高興) 

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Startup is all set to launch special ink that makes permanent tattoos temporary

🐶Temporary tattoos have been around for a long time, but as any inking enthusiast would agree, they're nothing compared to the real deal. And yet, there are times when tattoos don't end up like you wanted them to, or you just get bored with them after a while. In such cases, getting a tattoo removed involves laser treatments that are both expensive and painful. But not anymore. It might soon be possible to temporarily get a permanent tattoo, thanks to this new type of tattoo ink developed by a group of engineering students.

🐶The special ink has a huge advantage over regular tattoo ink – it can be removed from your skin through an extraordinarily simple and inexpensive process. You simply visit your tattoo artist and have them trace over the tattoo with a removal solution. Voila! It's all gone. Or, you can just erase the part of it that you don't like and turn it into a whole new artwork. The choice is yours.

🐶The product is named 'Ephemeral', after the team of Chemical and Biomolecular engineering students who took part in the recent $200,000 Entrepreneurs Challenge held by NYU Stern's Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. The team comprised of five School of Engineering students and a sixth one from Stern won the grand prize of $75,000 for their unique invention.

🐶"Ephemeral was born through a personal experience of mine," said Seung Shin, one of the team members. "Ever since I was young, I was always interested in tattoos but my parents were extremely against it mostly because of its permanence." Shin later went on to get a tattoo anyway, but eventually had it removed as well. "It was the worst experience of my life," he said. "It was extremely painful, ineffective, and costly." The experience got him thinking about simpler methods of tattoo removal, and ultimately brought the idea to fruition during the competition. The trick was to reduce the size of the ink molecules, making it easier to simply wipe away.

🐶"Tattoo inks today are permanent because of the fact that the dye molecules are too big for your body's immune system to take away," explained Anthony Lam, another team member. "By using smaller molecules, we've encapsulated them inside this spherical structure that's big enough that your immune system doesn't take it away. But when you remove it, it essentially eats away one of the components and the dye molecules are flushed out."

The team spent eight months developing the product, competing against 249 other teams from seven other NYU schools. Starting with initial idea pitches, they worked their way through elimination rounds, coaching sessions, and a Q&A before a panel of judges on May 1. After presenting a three-minute pitch and video explaining their concept, Ephemeral was voted the winner in the 'Technology Venture Competition', securing the $75,000 grand prize.

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Beer. It’s hugely popular today, but that’s nothing new: people have been drinking beer for thousands of years, all around the world. And now a brewing site some 5,000 years old has been found in China—the oldest ever found there by a millennium. The remains offer clues not only to ancient tastes, but to ancient agricultural practices as well.
We had information about ancient Chinese beer brewing from inscriptions on what are known as oracle bones—pieces of bone or shell used to try to tell the future. But researchers at a late Neolithic site in northern China have much more successfully revealed the past. They came upon two pits in the excavation that seemed like they were used for brewing. The scientists thought the shape of the pots would lend themselves to the three stages of making beer: first brewing, then filtering, and finally storage.
So they analyzed the yellowish residue on the inside of the pots. They found remnants of starch grains—millet, barley, and another grain called Job’s tears. They also found the remains of tubers such as yams.
And the grains had damage associated with brewing. Some had pits and channels on the surface, which would come from the sprouting process during malting. Many had swollen and merged with other grains, which would happen during mashing when grains are heated in water. The team found other chemical signatures that point to beer as well.

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