
 Talk nineteen to the dozen - 說話很快,喋喋不休 💨


A dozen一打,是十二的意思。如果某人“talks nineteen to the dozen從十九說到十二”,這個表達的實際意思是說話語速很快。就好比在說十二個詞的時間内說了十九個詞,讓聽的人不知所云。

Sorry, when I’m nervous I talk nineteen to the dozen.
I can’t understand my lecturer at all. He talks nineteen to the dozen. Someone should tell him to slow down.
It was a terrible first date. I talked nineteen to the dozen about my ex-girlfriend.

另一個和說相關的表達是 get a word in edgeways,意思是“插不進話,插不進嘴”。

She’s such a chatterbox that once she starts it can be difficult to get a word in edgeways.
There were so many people asking questions after the lecture it was difficult to get a word in edgeways.

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🎁 中英文稿:
"In India, as a consequence of stricter protection of wildlife and increased tolerance, numbers of large carnivores are increasing in private lands and lands outside the protected-area systems."Ullas Karanth of the U.S.-based Wildlife Conservation Society and India's Centre for Wildlife Studies.
“在印度,由於對野生動物越發嚴格的保護措施與對野生動物越來越高的容忍度,私有土地和未劃入保護區的土地上的肉食動物數量正在上升。”美國野生動物保護組織與印度野生動物研究中心(U.S.-based Wildlife Conservation Society and India’s Centre for Wildlife Studies)的烏拉斯•卡拉夫(Ullas Karanth)如是說。
"While this is a good thing for conservation it poses serious problems for management because occasionally these interactions turn hostile, between people and carnivores. And this issue is particularly serious with leopards."
Karanth and his team studied interactions between people and leopards in Karnataka, a state in India's southwest that's home to more than 60 million people. Leopards can be found in 47 percent of the state, in areas outside parks and other sanctuaries. So people and leopards do, every once in a while, run into each other.
To gauge the frequency of such interactions, the researchers scoured media reports during a 14-month period from 2013 to 2014. The total tally was 245 separate incidents. Most were attacks on livestock or simple sightings of the leopards by people. But leopards did attack people 32 times, causing three deaths. Thirty-four leopards died in the study period, mostly from poaching and being hit by vehicles. Capturing and relocating the animals did not seem to be an effective way to cut down on animal-human contacts. The study is in the journal PLoS ONE. [Vidya Athreya et al, Spotted in the News: Using Media Reports to Examine Leopard Distribution, Depredation, and Management Practices outside Protected Areas in Southern India]
So how can the large carnivores and people better coexist? The researchers think that an obvious but important step is to get a lot more data on just where leopards are most likely to be found in populated areas, so people can avoid the cats. And that farmers should be quickly and fairly compensated for any livestock losses. Which seems to be a better alternative than trying to hunt down and kill or move the offending animal.

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to The English We Speak.
…and hello, I’m Rob. Err, Feifei what are you doing?
I’m making a cake – a chocolate cake - obviously!
Why are you making a chocolate cake?
It’s Helen’s birthday. What’s wrong with that Rob?

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 數位遊牧者看過來:最適合你工作生活的十個城市 🌇
Want to escape the office? Top 10 cities for digital nomads


Thanks to the Internet and increasing opportunities for remote working, more people can move abroad and live like "digital nomads."

These are people who telecommute and live nomadic lifestyles -- spending as much time as they'd like in cities of their choosing.

The following are 10 most popular cities for digital nomads, based on real-time check-ins on Nomad List.

🌟 10. Tokyo, Japan 日本東京 🎉

Crammed with food, culture, cutting-edge technology and efficient public transit, you can't really get bored in Tokyo.

But the language barrier can be a challenge.

Monthly estimated costs: $2,755

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🎁 中英文稿:
Does a bear produce feces in the woods? And do enterprising researchers then scoop that poop to analyze its microbial composition? You bet they do! And what they find is that the ursine intestinal microbiome changes dramatically during hibernation, an internal microbial shakeup that could help bears do their big metabolic chill.
Brown bears spend the summer beefing up in preparation for their winter snooze. They eat and eat and they pack on the pounds. Yet despite this seasonal gluttony and weight gain, the bears appear to be immune to developing diabetes or the other metabolic disorders that befall yo-yo dieters of the human variety.
棕熊用整個夏天來養胖自己以準備冬日長睡。它們吃啊吃,胖啊胖。然而,儘管經過了這種季節性的暴飲暴食和體重暴漲,熊並沒有像悠悠球節食者(yo-yo dieter, 反復減肥而又反彈的人)那樣患上糖尿病或是其他的代謝性疾病。
So researchers theorized that gut bacteria might play a role. To check out that idea, the scientists collected scat from captured wild brown bears both during their season of feasting and during hibernation. And in case you’re wondering, they went in and got the stuff before it even hit the ground. If you get my drift. 
An analysis of the excrement showed that bears’ summer bacteria are more diverse and include species that tend to promote energy storage. What’s more, when the researchers stripped mice of their own microbes and gave them the bacteria from bears, the rodents that received the summer sampler got fatter than those with the winter set—evidence that the microbiome is indeed affecting metabolism. The results appear in the journal Cell Reports. [Felix Sommer et al, The Gut Microbiota Modulates Energy Metabolism in the Hibernating Brown Bear Ursus arctos]
一項排泄物的測試表明,熊的夏季細菌種類更為複雜,並包括了那些促進能量貯存的細菌。研究人員進行了實驗,清除了小鼠腸道的細菌,並移植了從熊的腸道中採集到的細菌樣本。那些獲取了夏季樣本的小鼠,相對於獲取了冬季樣本的小鼠增肥得更快。這項證據證明了這些微生物確實會影響新陳代謝。該結論發表在《細胞報導》(Cell Reports)上。[Felix Sommer et al, The Gut Microbiota Modulates Energy Metabolism in the Hibernating Brown Bear Ursus arctos]
The researchers do not yet know whether fiddling with our own gut bacteria could help us shed excess weight. Or whether any such microbial diet plan would necessitate a very long winter’s nap.

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello, I’m Neil and welcome to The English We Speak, which this week comes from a train.
Hi I’m Feifei. That’s right, we’ve got on a train in order to teach you a useful English expression, which has become very common - particularly in a work environment.
I love trains, Feifei–racing through the countryside, looking out of the window. Ah, it’s great – you can’t beat it! Oh – are you OK, Feifei? You look a bit… green.
Well it’s OK for you, Neil, but I’ve got the backward-facing seat. It makes me feel sick. Going forward, can you avoid booking me the backward-facing seat?

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