
 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Random numbers are hugely important for modern computing. They're used to encrypt credit card numbers and emails. To inject randomness into online gaming. And to simulate super complex phenomena, like protein folding or nuclear fission.
But here's the dirty secret: a lot of these so-called random numbers are not truly random. They're actually what’s known as "pseudo random numbers," generated by algorithms. Think of generating random numbers by rolling dice. If you know the number of dice, it’s simple to figure out something about the realm of possible random numbers—thus putting probabilistic limits on the randomness.
But truly random numbers can be generated through quantum mechanical processes. So researchers built a photonic chip—a computer chip that uses photons instead of electrons. The chip has two lasers: one shoots continuously; the other pulses at regular intervals. Each time the two lasers meet, the interference between the light beams is random, thanks to the rules of quantum mechanics. The chip then digitizes that random signal, and voila: a quantum random number generator. The study is in the journal Optica.
It's not the first time this sort of thing's been built. But compared to old prototypes, this chip is much smaller—a sixth the size of a penny—and works at high speeds. Meaning small and fast enough for a smartphone? The researchers say that's an entirely predictable outcome.

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👯 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to The English We Speak –I’m Feifei…
And hello, I’m Rob.
Hey Rob, have you seen Finn today?
Yes, I saw him just a few moments ago…same old Finn.
But when I saw him he was very cheerful…smiling and he was singing too!

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🎫 ~~常見的商用片與來拉~~ 🎫🎫

📠 1. all wet 
wet原義為「濕的」,引申為「(某人)沒經驗」。All wet多見於美國俚語,意為「大錯特錯」。

A : I booked a single room here for tonight. 我訂了一間今晚入住的單人房。

B : Oh! You’re all wet, actually. This is not a hotel. The hotel is the building across the road. 哦~你搞錯了,這裡不是旅館,旅館在對面那棟.

📠 2. all told

All told, it was a great *credit to them.

*credit (n.) 學分; 信譽,信用; (金融)貸款; 榮譽

A: How many people attended today’s meeting? 有多少人參加了今天的會議

B: There were seventeen of us at the meeting, all told. 一共有十七個人.

A: Issue an announcement that if somebody doesn’t attend meeting next time, his or her bonus will be *deducted.

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🔥 1. steal the show 搶鋒頭
也可用 steal the thunder 代替,不過steal the thunder 除了搶鋒頭外,還有竊取他人創意或點子的意思。
Taylor Swift totally stole the show when she showed up at my birthday party.
It is really unethical to steal the thunder from someone else.

🔥 2. go nuts 要瘋了
工作讓人抓狂、消息令人瘋掉等情景都可以使用,除了go nuts當然也可以用 go crazy。
After two days of nonstop working, our crew members went nuts.

🔥 3. suck it up 忍著點
工作不顺利、期末考難熬?suck it up 就是在鼓勵人忍著點並撐過難關。
I know the finals are tough, but you just have to suck it up and deal with it.

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Only about 23 percent of the world’s land area is still what you’d call wilderness—where indigenous people, wildlife, plants and microbes get a chance to live with little or no disturbance from large human populations. But even that current figure of 23 percent is down by a tenth in just the last couple of decades. Which translates into an area the size of Alaska being converted away from wilderness since the 1990s. That’s according to a study in the journal Current Biology that was also announced at the just completed Honolulu meeting of the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
The research found that the regions that suffered the biggest wilderness losses were South America and Central Africa. South America lost almost a third of its wilderness while Africa’s is down about 14 percent.
James Watson is the lead author of the study. He’s with the Wildlife Conservation Society and the University of Queensland—he’s no relation to the more famous DNA double helix James Watson.
In the journal article he and his colleagues write: “The continued loss of wilderness areas is a globally significant problem with largely irreversible outcomes for both humans and nature: if these trends continue, there could be no globally significant wilderness areas left in less than a century. Proactively protecting the world’s last wilderness areas is a cost-effective conservation investment and our best prospect for ensuring that intact ecosystems and large-scale ecological and evolutionary processes persist for the benefit of future generations.” And future generations includes both the organisms in the remaining wilderness—and us.

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
The ways teachers view their students can influence how teachers teach. Which affects how and what students learn. Now a study finds that a teacher’s racial biases come into play in different ways for high-achieving kids versus low-performing ones.

“There are actually students who are experiencing different perceptions—and those different perceptions play into very specific stereotypes and ideas about capabilities.”

Sociologist Yasmiyn Irizarry of the University of Texas at Austin. She published her findings in the journal Social Science Research. [Yasmiyn Irizarry, Selling students short: Racial differences in teachers’ evaluations of high, average, and low performing students]

Irizarry used data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study collected by the National Center for Education Statistics. She compared the test scores of more than 10,000 first graders to how teachers ranked their students in comparison to all other first graders.

Teachers made accurate ratings of average students, regardless of race. But when considering students of color, teachers rated low-performing Black, Asian and Latino students more positively than they did their low-performing white students. And teachers ranked high-performing minority students lower than white students at the same level. Interestingly, the race of the teacher was not a factor in the skewed evaluations based on the race of the students.

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