


習慣的力量 The Power of Habit [Epipheo.TV]


✿字神TOEFL高分每日溫習【真題字彙-生心理類 】
1. drug 藥 
2. result 結果 
3. measure 測量 
4. receive 得到 
5. surprisingly 令人驚奇的是 
6. aspirin 阿司匹林 
7. basically 主要地 
8. healer 醫生 
9. cure 治癒 
10. topic 主題 
11. handout 資料

✿字神TOEFL高分每日溫習【真題字彙-生心理類 】
1. interesting 有趣的 
2. interaction 相互影響 
3. placebo 安慰劑 
4. harmless 無害的 
5. substance 物質 

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聖誕節來了!如果你要向國際職場上的外國客戶說:「我們祝您有一個愉快的聖誕節!」英文最標準的說法是:We wish you a merry Christmas!




表示「祝福」的時候,wish的後面要接兩個名詞或代名詞作其受詞,例如祝聖誕節快樂,後接的名詞或代名詞分別是(1)you與(2)a merry Christmas!至於下列的用法都是誤用:


  • We wish you have a merry Christmas! - (X, 多了have)
  • We wish you will have a merry Christmas! - (X, 多了will have)
  • We wish you may have a merry Christmas! - (X, 多了may have)
  • We wish you to a merry Christmas! - (X, 多了to)
  • We wish you to have a merry Christmas! - (X, 多了to have)
  • We hope you a merry Christmas! - (X, 把wish誤用成hope;wish在此是祝福,但hope是希望)


有趣的是,如果有人又把 have 與 had 的時態搞混,寫出以下的句子時,wish成了有假設語氣的「但願」,假設語氣是與事實相反的,所以以下該句成了「我但願你有一個愉快的聖誕節(但事實上你還沒有!);收到這句祝福的外國客戶大概會哭笑不得:


  • We wish you had a merry Christmas! - (X)




No Christmas would be complete without a Christmas tree.

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熱量偵探:熱量標籤背後的真相 Calorie Detective: The Real Math Behind Food Labels | Op-Docs | The New York Times



bodega 雜貨鋪
bold 粗體的,黑體的
italic 斜體,斜體字
discrepancy 差異

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▶Colder weather is setting in and with the change of seasons you might also notice more people coughing, sneezing and calling in sick. It's a harsh reality that these chilly months are strongly associated with the cold and flu.
▶If your current plan to stay healthy this winter begins and ends at drinking extra orange juice, you might want to rethink that strategy. From getting outside to eating right, there a lot of surprising things you can do to minimize your chances of coming down with the cold or flu. Doctors and health experts shared their lesser-known tips for staying healthy this winter.
ி Drink Tea喝茶 ி
▶"Even if you are not a regular tea drinker, try sipping on a cup or two daily during cold and flu season," said Jenna Gagnon, the communications specialist for Aidance Skincare. "Steam from tea stimulates cilia, which are those little hairs inside your nose. Think about cilia as the air filter of nose; keep the cilia healthy and abundant to keep germs from making you sick."
協助護膚品(Aidance Skincare)溝通專家珍娜·蓋格農稱:"就算你不經常喝茶,儘量試著在流感季節每天小飲一兩杯"。"茶裡面的蒸汽促進纖毛生長,就是你鼻子裡面的細毛。"纖毛就好比鼻子的空氣篩檢程式,保持纖毛的健康和繁盛,防止細菌滋生讓你病倒。
ி Soak Up Sun沐浴陽光 ி
▶"We all think of vitamin C as the immune booster, but recent research has shown that vitamin D greatly effects the immune system," said Dr. Scott M. Schreiber, a chiropractic physician, certified nutrition specialist and Delaware’s only board certified rehabilitation specialist. "[Vitamin D] has been shown to elevate that activity of immune cells."
ி Get Dirty變髒 ி
▶"Exposing yourself to dirt (and microorganisms) can have a long-lasting impact on your immune system," Schreiber said. "As a society, we fear getting dirty, when in fact, (studies have shown) it is extremely beneficial."
ி Stay Hydrated多喝水 ி
▶"As part of overall good health habits, it's important to maintain good hydration, regardless of the season," said Medical Director at Cassena Care Dr. Joel Blass. "In colder weather, the body's metabolism revs up and you tend to exhale more moisture than usual—it’s important to replenish those fluids.
ி Bundle Up把自己裹起來 ி
▶"It is always a good idea to dress appropriately for the seasons. Fashion aside, there is a health benefit to keeping warm in cold weather," Blass said. "Cold weather stresses the immune system, and so, while the term ‘catching a cold’ may be a misnomer…a weakened immune system can make you more susceptible to those viruses."

【字神帝國英語學院-王可彤‎ 】

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✑✑✑ 紐約餐廳的高鈉食物都要有明確標誌

A tiny saltshaker symbol that warns certain meals are high in sodium will start to appear on Tuesday on menus in chain restaurants in New York City, the first US city to take the step in an effort to combat heart disease and stroke.
▣ sodium --n.(化)鈉
◉ Out over the town the sodium lights were lit.
◉ Common salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine.
Any menu item containing more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium, the daily limit many nutritionists recommend and which equals about one teaspoon of salt, must display the emblem of a salt shaker in a black triangle.
▣ teaspoon --n.茶匙

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第一個跑進腦海的就只有 Coca-Cola

記得泰勒絲幾個月前請來好多歌手演員和維多利亞的秘密天使們合作的單曲 Bad Blood 嗎?裏頭的這句歌詞 band-aids don’t fix bullet holes, you say sorry just for show 真的是超級諷刺的呀!除了歌名本身就押了 b 頭韻,這句話裡有好多重複的子音 b  d,讓這句話聽起來就像她本人一樣充滿氣勢!


種修辭手法叫做 alliteration (押頭韻),靠著英文字首的 repetition of consonant sounds (重複子音),令文學作品或商業產品的名稱更有趣易記,如 Coca-Cola、 Dunkin’ DonutsPayPal 等等。甚至哈利波特裡的人名:Severus Snape (石內卜教授)Salazar Slytherin (史萊哲林)Godric Gryffindor(葛來芬多)。以下提供三個 quote 給大家參考,以後會用得上喔!


Keep calm and carry on! 保持冷靜,繼續前進


這個源自二戰時期英國政府在路上張貼的 motivational poster (鼓舞海報),明明時間已經過了這麼久,為何突然瘋狂出現在馬克杯、手提袋上呢?或許是因為使用了這個技巧,讓人印象深刻,又歷久彌新啦!是不是直到今日念起來都還是鏗鏘有力呢?


Don’t be devastated by minor setbacks. You have to keep calm and carry on!

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