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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Sophie…
And I’m Neil… What did you do at the weekend, Sophie?
I did a spot of gardening.
So, you are you a keen gardener?
Yes, I am, Neil. And gardening is the subject of today’s show! Now why don’t we start with a quiz question?

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🚓The scent of a new car can be enticing in showrooms, and even intoxicating in its appeal. There’s a good reason for that. That new car smell comes from an assortment of chemicals, some of which can be highly toxic.
🚓The source of the bouquet so many buyers find appealing is in the various solvents, adhesives, plastics, rubbers and fabrics used in car construction. Many of these contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), some of which can be deadly in sufficient quantities. Others are just bad for you.
🚓 “It’s a chemical cocktail made up of lots of toxins,” said Jeff Gearhart, Research Director of the Ecology Center in the US state of Michigan. The Ecology Center has been monitoring and testing chemical levels in car interiors for years, and has noted some improvement. But Gearhart says there is still work to be done.
🚓 “There are over 200 chemical compounds found in vehicles,” he said. “Since these chemicals are not regulated, consumers have no way of knowing the dangers they face.”
🚓Just reading a list of the substances is scary enough, and makes your car’s interior sound like a hazmat hall of fame. Benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, and heavy metals are all part of the mix. And the danger of exposure is scarier still. Immediate symptoms can range from a sore throat to headaches, dizziness, allergic reactions and nausea, depending on the sensitivity of an individual.
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, continued exposure to some of these can lead to hormonal disruption, reproductive impacts and damage to the liver, kidneys and central nervous system — or even cancer. It’s that long-term exposure that experts find most worrisome.
🚓 “People spend over an hour a day in their vehicles on average,” said Gearhart. “Whether it’s adults, children, or pets, we’re concerned about prolonged exposure to toxic chemicals inside the vehicle.”

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You share a lot with your coworkers over time: Projects. Lunches, Office space. Cocktails. Family photos. Birthday cake. But, even after many years of working together, should you share the details of your salary and compensation package?
No, says compensation expert Dick Dauphinais of Strategic Compensation Partners. "We all know employees talk, and things can never remain totally confidential," he says. "But an outright exchange of salary details probably isn't the best idea."
“Strategic Compensation Partners ”公司的福利專家Dick Dauphinais的回答是,不應該。他說:“我們都知道員工在聊天的時候,任何事情都不會永遠是秘密。但是,討論工資細節可能不是個好主意。”
💴Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe 💴
When companies have different employees on the same job and one of them is paid differently, many unfairness issues surface. "It can happen in any 'open shop' that differentiates pay for any reason (seniority, performance, etc.)," says Dauphinais. You could run the risk of alienating valued colleagues if they learn you earn more for what they perceive to be the same job.
公司雇傭不同的人員從事同一崗位的工作時,如果其中有個人的薪資不同時,很多不公平的問題就會浮出水面。Dauphinais 說:“這種情況在任何開放行業都有可能發生,因為不同的原因(資歷,表現等)員工的薪酬不同”。如果你讓同事知道你們在做相同的工作,而你的工資比他們高,那麼你就可能會被你很重視的同事疏遠。
💴Democracy Doesn't Always Work at Work 💴
There are organizations that openly share compensation information around the office. However, warns Dauphinais, "Unless all similar jobs pay the same rate, I would advise that open salary concepts don't work well."
The confidential nature of your salary, in fact, can be a greater benefit to you. "It creates an opportunity for a manager to have a confidential discussion with employees as to why they are being paid what they are -- and how they can work toward making more money," he says. "Each employee can then move forward with confidence that they have 'bonded' with their supervisor on their individual issues -- good and bad -- without involving others in the process."

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1. phlegm
2. sputum

1. phlegm[flɛm]


2. sputum[ˋspjutəm]

sp“ㄙㄅ”,u“ U ”,t“ㄊ”,u“ㄜ”,m“嗯”

碧瓏司-BeLong'S 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



If the real work that needs doing is offline, disable the internet for an hour at a time.

Turn email checks into an hourly habit, not an “as the box gets mail” habit.

Don’t answer your cell phone when working on something important. Call back later.

If you can’t work at work, negotiate finding a new place to get things done.

Television means: “I don’t need this time and it doesn’t matter to me.” (Almost always. Really.)

Budget your entertainment time vs. production time. Never cheat the other.

Examine every opportunity along the lines of time vs. projects already underway.

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🍴  盤點那些營養價值被低估的美味  🍴
☑ Red bell peppers紅甜椒
When it comes to vitamin C, one red bell pepper serves up more than twice the vitamin C you need in a day. Vitamin C keeps your skin smooth and healthy by helping you make more collagen, which is essential for firm, strong skin.
☑ Oatmeal燕麥♡
Oatmeal is rich in soluble fiber, which reduces cholesterol in your bloodstream. It's also full of fiber, so it can help control those mid-morning cravings.
燕麥含豐富可溶性纖維,減少血流裡的膽固醇。 富含纖維,有助控制上午的進食欲望。
☑ Canned salmon罐裝鮭魚♡
Canned salmon is also a tremendous source of heart-friendly omega-3 fats -- and many brands pack theirs without bones or skin, making it an incredibly convenient option. It keeps for a long time on the shelf, so you can always store it in your pantry to whip up a quick salmon salad for lunch.
罐裝鮭魚也是有益心臟的歐米伽-3脂肪來源,很多品牌包裝的鮭魚都去骨去皮,是超級方便的選擇。 保存期限很長,所以可以一直儲存在食品櫃裡,午飯的時候拿出來做個鮭魚沙拉簡餐。
☑ Low-sodium vegetable juice低鈉蔬菜汁♡
Low-sodium vegetable juices are usually jammed with vitamins A and C, plus potassium, not to mention the fact that they're low in sugar and calories.

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