IImagine paradise. Now imagine the Bahamas. Hard to tell the difference. The island nation boasts brilliant white sands, clear waters and vibrant coral reefs.
The waters of the Bahamas are so clear because they're low in nutrients. They're therefore relatively free of the microscopic life that turns richer waters murky—and is normally associated with the deposition of calcium carbonate. So how did the reefs come to be?
A group of scientists argue that dust from across the Atlantic in Africa may have initiated the process.
Dust blows off the Sahara today, reaching all the way to the Americas. Fertilized by the dust, cyanobacteria can then grow and pull carbon dioxide out of the water. That activity in turn causes calcium carbonate to precipitate, an event known as a whiting. And the cyanobacteria also fix nitrogen from the atmosphere, helping other microorganisms to thrive. You can find more 60-Second Earth onchinavoa.com.
This may have been going on for a very long time. Enough of such cyanobacterial work over enough time and eventually you get the Bahamas, built out of calcium carbonate. At least that's what's suggested by trace elements in Bahama sediments. The hypothesis is in the journal Geology. [P. K. Swart et al, The fertilization of the Bahamas by Saharan dust: A trigger for carbonate precipitation?]
以《暮光之城》女主角走紅的 Kristen Stewart 其實是好萊塢出名的「臭臉女王」,不少狗仔為了要拍到 Kristen 的笑臉照片耗盡心思,這次 Kristen 為宣傳新電影《廢柴特務》上脫口秀宣傳,順便一解她從來不笑的傳聞,以及她與狗仔隊之間的趣味小故事。
1 jammed0:15 這個字大家會覺得 jam 不就是果醬嗎?但是像是某些我們常常聽到的詞語 traffic jam 塞車、paper jam 卡紙,你應該也猜到 jam 除了果醬,也有卡住、無法正常運轉的意思。類似的字彙有congested、crowded、clogged,都是充滿、卡滿的意思。 另外補充jam on the brakes是緊急煞車的意思喔!
He had tojam on the brakeswhen the dog appeared out of nowhere.
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Hello I'm Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English. I'm joined today by Finn. Hi Finn.
Hello Rob.
Today we're talking about something we have some expertise in or knowledge about.That's teaching English.
That's right Rob. We work on the BBC's Learning English website - hopefully giving people around the world a helping hand in learning a language that isn't the one they usually use.