

【01/05 康老師托福結構式閱讀】免費課報名:http://bit.ly/1YnkCD3

1. Economic Prosperity in the Roman Augustan Age 
(奧古斯都時代的羅馬經濟繁榮) 重複2015-06-27
2. Birds and Food Shortage (樹的年輪)重複2015-12-12
3. Tree Rings (樹的年輪)重複2015-10-25
4. 聽力講座 Laptop Orchestra 重複2014-03-16

這三篇文章中比較簡單的是Birds and Food Shortage,主要講述鳥類對待食物短缺的應對策略(儲藏cache和休眠torpid),整個文章通俗易懂;其次是Economic Prosperity in the Roman Augustan Age,講述羅馬的經濟繁榮刺激了農業商業化和都市化的發展;而最難的是Tree Rings(樹的年輪),竟力壓文科類文章,成為最難的文章,使很多考生大驚失色拍案驚奇!這篇文章專業詞彙特多,長難句特難,出現了以前從未考查過的語言點(虛擬倒裝)!而且最最難的是,科學原理極其複雜晦澀,很多考生壓根沒讀懂。下面,我們給出真題解析,給2016年備考的童鞋熱熱身。

1. 詞彙總量在增加,專業性在增強
例句:The sequence of annual rings for an individual tree can be easily sampled with a coring device that extracts a core of wood extending from the outer bark to the center of the tree. After sanding and polishing the core, the rings can be counted to determine the age of the tree.
解析:core device指的的是一種從樹皮穿到樹心的設備,由此得到一個圓柱形的分析樣本,從中可以看出從樹皮到樹心的不同層次的年輪;sand指用砂紙磨光,polish是普通意義上的打磨拋光。

2. 長難句更難,並且出現新考點
例句1:In fact, the ring patterns found in individual trees have matching patterns in other nearby trees, be they younger or older, provided that the trees overlap for part of their life spans.
解析:這個句子對考生造成的最大困擾在「be they younger or older」,這是be引導的虛擬語氣倒裝,表讓步,是「無論/不管怎樣」的意思;第二個難點在「provided」的理解,表原因,意為「考慮到,鑑於…」。整句話意為:實際上,在一棵樹上所發現的年輪模式和周圍其他樹的年輪模式是匹配的,因為不管周圍這些樹比這棵樹是年幼還是年長,它們至少有一部分生命時間是重疊在一起的。(科學原理夠複雜的,考生默默流淚)

例句2:Of fundamental importance is the fact that annual rings vary in their widths, depending on the conditions for growth in any particular year, and if many trees of the same species are sampled in a given area, it is possible to identify specific narrow-ring-width years shared by a whole population that must therefore relate to some external factor that impaired growth in those years.
解析:這句話是句子簡化題的出題句。難點在於對「of fundamental importance」的理解,記住:of+n. = 該名詞對應的形容詞,所以of undamental importance = important;另外,這還是一個完全倒裝句,正常語序是thefact is important。




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