

MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
It's harder and harder to find peace and, especially, quiet. Just ask a field researcher deep in the wilderness. Even in the most remote parts of Alaskathe sound of a jet crossing overhead is all too common.
So scientists with the National Park Service set off across the U.S. to study our audio ecology. They recorded more than a million hours of sound from the depths of the Great Basin's deserts to the hurly burley of the megalopolis that stretches from Boston, through New York City and on to Washington, D.C.
They found that if you're craving quiet on the east coast head to the north woods of Maine or the Adirondacks in upstate New York. But for real quiet—defined as less than 20 decibels—the West is best.
The great swath of territory west of the Rockies but east of the western coast includes national parks, wilderness areas and even public lands that are probably as quiet as they were centuries ago. The researchers made that claim while presenting their findings at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science on February 16th.
Noise pollution is not good for people and it's even worse for animals with more sensitive ears, like bats. And the problem is not confined to land but echoes across the seas as well, where human-produced noise interferes with the lives of various ocean dwellers, including whales. These days on Earth it's rare to hear [silence].

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 minute English. My name is Neil and with me today is Rosie.
Hi there.
Now Rosie, are you one of those people who walks down the road while trying to send a text message?
Of course! I do it all the time.
And have you ever had an accident because you haven’t been looking where you are going?

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Parts of the planet warm and cool during El Niño and La Niña. And infectious diseases also wax and wane in step with the climate cycle. Please visit www.chinavoa.com

 to get more information. Take malaria—shown to spike in northern Venezuela during cool, La Niña conditions. Or flu pandemics, which often follow months after La Niña sets in. Now researchers have linked another public health risk to El Niño climate cycling: poisonous viper bites.
Their study area was Costa Rica—where health centers keep rigorous records on snakebites. They compared nine years of those snakebite records—including some 6,500 bites—to climate data over the same period. And they found that snakebites were two to three times as prevalent in the hottest and coldest years of the El Niño climate cycle.
Sounds counter intuitive—you might expect the climate extremes to have opposite effects. But the researchers say in hot, dry years, plant productivity peaks, driving an increase in the number of rodents—aka snake food, potentially increasing the number of snakes. And snakes tend to move around more in hot, dry weather—increasing chances they'll encounter—and attack—an unlucky farmer.
In cold, wet years, on the other hand, prey numbers plummet—forcing snakes to travel beyond their usual slithering grounds to eat—again increasing chances of an unlucky meeting. The study is in the journal Science Advances.

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according to +N 根據
as a matter of fact 事實上
at one’s convenience 依某人方便
be eligible for 有資格的
be engaged in 從事
be inferior to 低等的.下級的.
be involved in 牽涉
be married to 人 與某人結婚
be senior/junior to 年長的.年紀較大/資淺的.地位較低的.晚輩的
be superior to 較高的.上級的
be tied up 忙得不可開交的
be used to +Ving 習慣於
by oneself 獨自
by way of +N 經由


put off 延期
qualify for 有資格的
run out of 用完
set off 出發.動身
so far 到目前為止
spill over 溢出
take risks 冒險
would rather +V 寧願
would sooner +V 寧願


had better +V 最好
in charge of 主管.照料
in spite of +N 儘管
joint venture 合資
lean against 倚.靠
look forward to +Ving 期待
make do with 搓合一下

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日本男士最不願聽妻子說的十句抱怨  😰 😰 😰
Japanese men rank the top 10 complaints they hope to never hear from their wives
۩ Is it worse to be called lazy or smelly?
In personal interactions in Japan, it’s common for people to avoid confrontations rather than charge into them. On top of that, mainstream attitudes generally work out so that women are, on average, more accommodating and deferential than men.
That doesn’t mean that married life in Japan is all “I have prepared your supper, Honored Husband,” and “Shall I draw you a bath?” though. When their displeasure passes a certain threshold, Japanese women are as capable of spitting angry fire at their spouses as anyone else.
۩ But which particular brands of vitriol burn the worst? To find out, Internet portal R25 polled 200 Japanese men between the ages of 20 and 39, presenting them with a list of 23 commonly voiced complaints from frustrated wives, and asked them to pick the ones that would hurt the most to hear. Each respondent’s top selection received three points, with two points going to his second pick and one to his third.
Let’s take a look at the top 10:
۩ 10 “Stop wasting so much money on things you don’t need!”(26 points)
第十名. “不要把這麼多錢浪費在你不需要的東西上!”(26分)
In many Japanese households, the husband turns his paycheck over to his wife, who manages the family finances. She in turn gives him an allowance to spend, but as with any limit, there’s sometimes going to be pressure to stay well under it.
۩ 9. “Stop being such a lazy fatso!”(28 points)
第九名. “不要再做懶胖子啦!”(28分)
It’s not unusual for people to put on a few pounds as they get older, and all the beers at those company drinking sessions aren’t exactly low-calorie beverages. Still, such a harsh indictment of weight-gain is going overboard in the eyes of some respondents, including one who called it “cold-hearted.”
۩ 8. “I don’t want to share a grave with you!”(33 points)
第八名. “我才不要跟你埋在一起!”(33分)
Rather than having individual final resting places, Japanese families share a monument where their ashes are entombed. The family distinction is done by marriage, not birth, and since the traditional attitude is that the wife marries into the husband’s family, her remains will be placed in the same grave as his when the time comes, to be together for all eternity. Finding out your wife isn’t interested in being along for that ride would, therefore, be a pretty big shock.
۩ 7. “At least take care of the dishes after we eat dinner!”(39 points)
第七名. “吃完飯你至少洗一下碗吧!”(39分)
Assuming that your wife made said dinner, then yeah, it would be pretty embarrassing to have her call you out for limiting your involvement in the meal to strictly the “eating” part. Can’t say she doesn’t have a point, though.
۩ 6. “Take care of the cooking once in a while!”(43 points)
第六名. “你好歹做一頓飯呀!”(43分)
“I wouldn’t be able to understand her thinking, since she knows I can’t cook,” offered one participant by way of excuse. Honestly though, dude, it’s not that hard to boil some pasta and open a jar of premade spaghetti sauce.
۩ 5. “Show more appreciation for the things I do!” (85 points)
第五名. “為我所做的事情你該表示一些感謝呀!”(85分)
At first this seems like a surprisingly high ranking for a situation that sounds like it should be more hurtful for the wife, but the men who selected this response predicated it on the fact that they do, in fact, feel a deep gratitude towards their better halves. “It would hurt to know those feelings aren’t coming across,” explained one man.
۩ 4. “If we didn’t have kids, I’d totally have divorced you by now!”(97 points)
“That would have me thinking we should split up,” said one respondent. Another was slightly less calm, asserting “There are some things you’re just not supposed to say!”
۩ 3. “I made a huge mistake marrying you!”(166 points)
Yep, that would sting. “I don’t think I’d be able to say anything at all in response,” one participant imagined.
۩ 2. “You stink!”(201 points)
第二名. “你渾身臭烘烘的”(201分)
And no, this isn’t to say that the husband is poor at some task or skill set, but that he just plain smells bad. Thankfully, this complaint can usually be avoided by applying soap, shampoo, and deodorant before it becomes an issue. For those with a health issue-caused body odor, though, or who work in an industry or environment where they can’t avoid coming home with an unpleasant scent stuck to their hair and skin, this has to be tough to hear.
۩ 1. “Earn more money!”(230 points)
第一名 “多賺點錢” (230分)
Even though more Japanese women are working now than in previous generations, there’s still a societal expectation for a married man to be the breadwinner, and often once children enter the picture, the wife will quit her job to take care of them full-time. As such, it’s not entirely unreasonable for Japanese wives to be concerned about the income their husband brings into the household. But since Japan is already a notoriously hard-working society, being told that you’re still not doing enough to get ahead can hit a guy right where it hurts.
“It would damage my pride as a man,” one respondent succinctly explained, and we imagine that would go double if it were combined with complaint #10.
♦ accommodating: 隨和的
♦ deferential: 恭敬的;慣於順從的
♦ vitriol: 尖刻的話
♦ fatso: 胖子
♦ indictment: 控訴;譴責
♦ predicate: 使基於
文章來源: http://goo.gl/AyYmwi


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