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🎁 中英文稿:
When a virus invades your cells, it kicks your immune machinery into motion. The first responders are signaling proteins, called interferons. "And they trigger downstream immune responses. So you can kind of think of them as the hormones of the immune system. They're triggered and then they stimulate a bunch of other immune responses that are more specific to that pathogen.” Michelle Baker, a comparative immunologist at the Australian Animal Health Laboratory.
In the spirit of comparative immunology, Baker and her colleagues looked at how another mammal—the black flying fox, a type of bat—handles infections. They sequenced its immunity genes, and observed the immune response in normal bat cells. And they found that, unlike us—the bats always have interferons on patrol. Meaning the proteins do not wait to be activated by invaders. And the researchers say that this constant state of high alert may be why bats can carry Ebola, Nipah virus, and a whole lot of other infections with no symptoms at all. The findings appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
So why not switch on those interferons 24/7 in humans? Well in us, they also tend to cause lots of inflammation and cell damage. Like the symptoms you feel from the flu—a lot of that is your immune system's fault. But the key might be to do as the bats do. "If we can just skew the response of our immune system so it triggers an antiviral response without the pro-inflammatory effects, then we might have something we can work with in terms of a novel therapeutic for humans." Bats have long been known to harbor disease. So it would be fitting if they also taught us how to fight it.


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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Sophie…
And I’m Neil. So, Sophie I watched Snow White and the Huntsman on TV last night.
Oh, you mean the modern retelling of the story Snow White? Did you enjoy it, Neil?
It was OK. But the seven dwarves were no fun.I prefer the original Disney cartoon version.
Don’t be silly, Neil. Walt Disney didn’t invent the story. The movie you watched is a remake, a film that has been made again, but the fairy tale is very old.

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🌾 心情如春天般美麗:10個“快樂”的英文表達 🌾
春天到了,心情也會隨著萬物的復蘇而明亮起來——正所謂“充滿了春天般的喜悅之情”(be full of the joys of spring)。更多關於“開心快樂”的英文表達,還不趕快學起來~
✿ 1. be full of the joys of spring 非常高興;歡快
He bounced into the office, full of the joys of spring. 
✿ 2. like a dog with two tails 非常開心
When Paul won the first prize he was like a dog with two tails.
✿ 3. have a whale of a time 玩得非常痛快;過得非常愉快
We had a whale of a time on holiday. 
✿ 4. be on cloud nine 異常興奮;樂不可支
"Was Helen pleased about getting that job?" "Pleased? She was on cloud nine!" 
✿ 5. tickled pink 高興極了
I was tickled pink to be invited.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):喜歡的同學,幫忙推或按讚哦~~

🎁 只有音檔怎夠,聽不懂地方,不用怕,

🎁 中英文稿:
Radio waves are invisible to our eyes. But if you could see them, the sky would dance with random tiny flashes. Thousands of what are called “fast radio bursts” are estimated to occur every day. And though each pinprick flash lasts only a thousandth of a second, they represent a faraway source briefly shining a billion or more times brighter than our sun.
Fast radio bursts have been known for nearly a decade, but scientists have struggled to determine exactly where they come from. And they'd like to know. Because finding their origins would help astronomers use the bursts as probes to map the history and structure of the universe in unprecedented detail.
Now researchers have found the source of one particular burst. They used radio telescopes in Australia and the giant Subaru optical telescope in Hawaii to trace a burst observed last April. And they determined it came from an old elliptical galaxy full of exhausted, dying suns some six billion light-years away. The findings are in the journal Nature.
Identifying the source galaxy provides crucial clues. For one thing, such a galaxy is short on some of the objects expected to cause bursts, such as supernovae or rapidly spinning and flaring pulsars, suggesting this burst came from something else. And, although the burst in question lasted only milliseconds, astronomers were able to witness its faint, fading radio afterglow for about six days. That's the sort of afterglow expected from a colliding pair of ancient neutron stars, which would be a relatively common occurrence among an elliptical galaxy's geriatric suns .

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English with me, Finn.
And me, Neil.
Neil, I’m going to tell you a joke.
OK, come on.
Which part of learning the English language are boxers best at?

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📣Conswello: It's a delight to meet you, Bob Eubanks, it really is.
Eubanks: Thank you very much. You do a great job on this show.
Conswello: Well, thank you very much and you're using your people skills already. I'm intrigued by how you keep reinventing yourself. How do you do it?
Eubanks: Well, you know, I just think what a person has to do is take their strengths, and I know that no one's gonna hire me to do a game show again so, because they go for the younger guy and such so I got, I sat down, I said, you know, "What should I do?" And I've learned so much about people, and I decided to go out and speak to corporate America. What I'm doing is I'm showing corporate America how to maintain a balance in their people skills to high technology. I mean, we're losing our people skills because of the wonderful technology is there. And so I go out and I teach them how to maintain their people skills; how to get the most from people.

📣Conswello: So how do you do that?
Eubanks: Ah, you show interest in them. Ah, when I was doing Newlywed Game, the couples were very frightened and very scared and they would sit there like this. The moment I would say, "How're you doing? How's your family? How's your dog? How's this?" The moment that you would see their body language change. You would see everything about them change. So, if we can show interest in other people and generally, generally care about other people, then it is amazing. People will tell you things they wouldn't tell the Grand Jury. That's what they did for me on the Newlywed Game anyway.

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