美國人使用的很多短語裡面都含有dog這個詞。美國人很喜歡狗,對他們的狗非常好。他們會帶狗去散步,讓狗在戶外玩耍,給他們良好的食物和醫療。然而,沒有主人的狗就過著完全不同的生活。有一個短語,to lead a dog's life,就是用來描述生活不盡如人意的人。
🐶Americans use many expressions with the word dog. People in the United States love their dogs and treat them well.
They take their dogs for walks, let them play outside and give them good food and medical care.
However, dogs without owners to care for them lead a different kind of life.
The expression, to lead a dog's life, describes a person who has an unhappy existence.
有一個短語,to lead a dog's life,就是用來描述生活不盡如人意的人。
🐶Some people say we live in a dog-eat-dog world. That means many people are competing for the same things, like good jobs.
有人說,我們生活在一個dog-eat-dog world。這句話的意思是說,許多人在為同樣的事情競爭,比如好的工作機會。
They say that to be successful, a person has to work like a dog. This means they have to work very, very hard.
他們說,為了成功,人必須work like a dog,意思是說,必須非常非常努力的工作。
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🍴1. curry favour 討好,奉承,拍馬屁(curry是咖喱)
He's always trying to curry favour with the boss.
🍴2. be in apple-pie order 井然有序;整齊;井井有條(apple-pie是蘋果派)
Their house is always in apple-pie order.
🍴3. jam tomorrow 許而不予的好東西,可望不可及的東西(jam是果醬)
As children we were always being promised jam tomorrow, if only we would be patient.
🍴4. (as) cool as a cucumber 鎮靜,冷靜,泰然自若(cucumber是黃瓜)
She walked in as cool as a cucumber, as if nothing had happened.
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☀ 托福考試測驗哪些題型?托福考試內容是什麼? ☀
1. 圖表題Fill in a Table
2. 篇章總結題Prose Summary
3. 字彙題Vocabulary
4. 指代關係題Reference
5. 簡化句子題Sentence Simplification
6. 插入文本題Insert Text
7. 事實資訊題Factual Information
8. 推斷題Inference
9. 修辭目的題Rhetorical Purpose
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📣 托福聽力滿分必備美式邏輯法 📣
✥ 什麼是美式邏輯法
美國人的考試有很強的思維模式的痕跡,眾所周知,美國人是典型的線性思維,而他們這種思維方式也非常明顯的體現在托福考試中。我們都應該記得,在托福作文中總是有要求說use specific details and examples to support your answer,既然美國人這樣要求你,那麼他勢必也是這麼做的。我們知道,最好的托福作文的模式應該是5段式,也就是
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🌸1: One of the most ill-mannered things to do at a business meal is _______.
order a lot of food
smoke while the others are eating
set up business papers on the table
use a cell phone
答案:use a cell phone(點過多的菜,或者在飯桌上吸煙都很不禮貌,但還不是最大的禁忌。)
🌸2: You have a meeting with a client but are expecting a call. You should:
make sure your cell phone is charged up and turned on
set your cell phone ring volume to high to ensure you hear any calls
turn your cell phone off
tell your client you are expecting a phone call
答案:turn your cell phone off(和客戶談話的時候不應該把電話鈴聲放到最大。就算你提前告訴了客戶你需要接一個電話,還是顯得很不禮貌。)
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🎁 中英文稿:
The Paris Climate Agreement pledges to limit global temperature rise to "well below 2 degrees Celsius." "But really nobody—and certainly not the United States—has laid out the plan to get there." Drew Shindell, a climate scientist at Duke University. "So we wanted to model, what would be the effects of actually putting into place policies that would get us to a level we've pledged to reach?"
Shindell and his colleagues forecast that, to stay within two degrees C, we'd have to electrify nearly every car in the nation. And we'd have to get more than half our power from renewables. And if we do all that? In addition to keeping warming in check, the researchers estimate that we'd avoid nearly 300,000 premature deaths due to air pollution in the U.S., by 2030.
And they say the health-related financial benefits of that clean energy conversion—amounting to $250 billion dollars over the next 15 years—would likely outweigh the cost of implementing all that new technology. The analysis appears in the journal Nature Climate Change.
Big caveat: a lot of politicians these days don't think on 15-year time scales. They're looking only as far as the next election. "Right, but you start putting in these policies and you know you see the benefits for public health the same year the policies start to go into place. There's no lag time. Air quality is something that, unlike climate, doesn't take decades. Air quality is responding to what came out of a coal plant or a vehicle tailpipe last week, not last year." Meaning cutting carbon pollution might have real impacts on the nation's health and wealth almost immediately for us…and not just for our children's children.
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