春天到了,心情也會隨著萬物的復蘇而明亮起來——正所謂“充滿了春天般的喜悅之情”(be full of the joys of spring)。更多關於“開心快樂”的英文表達,還不趕快學起來~
1. be full of the joys of spring 非常高興;歡快
He bounced into the office, full of the joys of spring.
2. like a dog with two tails 非常開心
When Paul won the first prize he was like a dog with two tails.
3. have a whale of a time 玩得非常痛快;過得非常愉快
We had a whale of a time on holiday.
4. be on cloud nine 異常興奮;樂不可支
"Was Helen pleased about getting that job?" "Pleased? She was on cloud nine!"