

牛角麵包:傳奇的法式美味  🍞 🍞 🍞
❀ The croissant is a widely known and enjoyed kind of pastry made from leavened laminated dough and baked plain or with some sort of filling or topping, most commonly chocolate.
❀ The word itself is translated as “crescent” into English, which is the shape most typically associated with this flaky pastry, although it can be found in other forms as well.
There are countless stories and legends about where this pastry originated and how it was made. In 1683, Vienna (the capital of Austria) was under siege by over a hundred thousand Ottoman Turks. After several months of trying to starve the city into submission, the Turks attempted to tunnel underneath the walls of the city. Fortunately for the entire city, some bakers hard at work in the middle of the night heard the sounds of the Turks digging and alerted the city’s defenders. This advance warning gave the defenders enough time to do something about the tunnel before it was completed. Soon, King John III of Poland arrived at the head of an army that defeated the Turks and forced them to retreat.
❀ To celebrate the end of the siege and the part they had played in lifting it, several bakers in Vienna made a pastry in the shape of the crescents they had seen on the battle standards of the enemy. They called this new pastry the “Kipfel” which is the German word for “crescent” and continued baking if for many years to commemorate the Austrian victory over the Turks in 1683. It was not until 1770 that the pastry came to be known as the croissant.
❀ In that year, Marie Antoinette, a 15-year-old Austrian Princess, married King Louis XVI of France. To honor their new queen, the bakers in Paris made some “kipfels” of their own. The only difference was that they called it by the French word for crescent, “croissant”. The pastry proved as popular in Paris as it had in Vienna and Parisian bakers have been making it ever since as have bakers around the world who learned it from the Parisians.
❀ The flavor of a croissant should be intensely buttery with a natural dairy sweetness. It should not taste like added sugar or be cloying. It should be well-seasoned, but not so salty that you can’t imagine eating it with jam or preserves. The ideal crust should be distinct from the softer interior. It should be extremely flaky and shatter when torn or bitten into. It should be extremely crisp, but not crunchy or tough. Each layer of flaky pastry should virtually melt on the tongue, but not feel greasy in your hands. It should be an even, golden brown color all around.
❀ The interior should be feather-light with many layers. It should be tender and moist but not gummy or doughy. The layers of dough should show plenty of stretch and separate gently from each other when you pull at them with your fingers.
Today, the croissant is both a symbol of French culture and tradition.
leavened 發酵的
laminated 薄片的,層壓的
filling 餡料
topping 裝飾配料
flaky pastry 酥餅
siege 圍攻,圍困,圍城
advance 預先的,事先的
lift 撤銷,解除;結束,停止
buttery 塗有黃油的,有黃油性質的
cloying 倒胃口的,使人感到膩煩的
crunchy 嘎吱作響的
gummy 黏性的
doughy 又軟又稠的
文章來源: http://goo.gl/D6u0vW


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🎁 中英文稿:
“Both of us were in the lab when we just saw a spider, and I'm really afraid of them. So I started to scream for her to come and pick it up because she's not afraid of them.”
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev psychologist Tali Leibovich, talking about herself and a colleague.
班古里昂大學的內蓋夫心理學家Tali Leibovich,談論了自己和同事的經歷。
“And she said, 'but it's small, how come you're afraid of it?' And I said, 'no it's huge!' And she said 'it's small'; I said 'it's huge.' We started arguing, and this is why we started this study. To see who is right."
Leibovich does not ordinarily study spiders. But this spider encounter made her curious about how the human brain understands magnitude—what are the factors that influence our estimation of how big or small something is? And does fear play a role?
So she and colleagues did an experiment in which participants had to say how big a spider in a photo was on a scale from housefly to goat. And the subjects who were afraid of spiders consistently rated the arachnids as larger than did the non-phobic participants.

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🌀  “800磅大猩猩”何意? 🌀 🌀
♞ 1. 800-pound gorilla 因強大而無需顧忌的人或物
In the software industry, Microsoft would be considered the 800-pound gorilla.
♞ 2. goose bumps (由於寒冷、害怕或激動而起的)雞皮疙瘩
每當我們覺得身上發冷或者發麻的時候,皮膚上就會起一層雞皮疙瘩。英語裡雞皮疙瘩叫:goose bumps。Goose就是鵝,bumps就是疙瘩。至於為什麼中文說雞皮疙瘩,而外國人卻說鵝皮疙瘩就不得而知了。
Every time I see a snake, even in a zoo, I get goose bumps all over.
值得注意的是,當某些事物使我們突然感到熱情洋溢,或產生敬仰心情的時候,也可以用goose bumps來形容。
Just seeing her picture in a magazine gives me goose bumps - she's such a beautiful woman.
♞ 3. sitting duck 活靶子;易受攻擊的對象
Duck就是鴨子。我們不容易打到一隻正在飛的鴨子,不過一隻浮在水面上的鴨子卻是一個很容易擊中的目標。Sitting duck從字面上解釋就是:一隻坐著的鴨子,引申為“易被擊中的目標;易受攻擊的對象”。
With their bullets all gone, the soldiers were sitting ducks for the enemy. 
♞ 4. like a duck to water 如魚得水
做什麼事情像鴨子下水游泳一樣,馬上就適應了。注意,不能把“如魚得水”直接說成 “like a fish in water”。英語裡沒有這個表達,只能用“like a duck to water”。
She's a natural at tennis and learnt very quickly, like a duck to water.
♞ 5. chicken feed 微不足道的一點錢
雞是一種很小的家禽,它的胃當然也很小,吃不了太多東西。Feed在這兒的意思就是喂雞的飼料。Chicken feed作為俗語,它的意思就是:很小數量的錢,少得像餵雞的飼料一樣。
I turned down the job at the hamburger restaurant. They only pay chicken feed - not even enough money to pay my rent.
♞ 6. turkey farm “廢物農場”,吃閒飯的機構、部門
Turkey是火雞,farm就是農場。但是,turkey farm合在一起作為俗語卻和農場毫無關係。在每個政府機構或者私營公司裡總會有一些工作能力低或者是不願勤懇工作的人;但由於種種原因,領導又沒有辦法解雇這些人。為了使工作不受影響,這些機構的領導往往把這些人調到某一個部門,就像打入冷宮一樣。實際上也就是把他們養在那裡,而這種地方就叫turkey farm。
The man is so incompetent we'd like to fire him. But he has good political connections so we sent him to our turkey farm out in Denver where he can't cause much damage.
♞ 7. when pigs fly 無稽之談
He'll win a match when pigs fly. 
♞ 8. serve as a guinea pig 充當試驗品
豚鼠guinea pig常常被用來做實驗,英文中如果說某個人做了guinea pig,也就是說他成了實驗物件。
Students in fifty schools are to act as guinea pigs for these new teaching methods. 
♞ 9. cast pearls before swine 對牛彈琴
To sing for them is to cast pearls before swine. 
♞ 10. white elephant 累贅、大而無用的東西
When he planned to sell his house, his expensive furniture became white elephants.
文章來源: http://goo.gl/t2qUN8


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十種令其他國家居民抓狂的行為  💢 💢 💢
☒ 1. Filling Your Own Glass 只倒滿自己的杯子
When drinking alcohol with Japanese friends, it's considered rude if you are only filling your own glass. In Japan, it is proper etiquette to refill everyone else's glasses and not your own. If you fill someone else's glass, they'll return the favor and fill yours too.
☒ 2. Taking the Back Seat 坐在後排
If you're catching a cab solo in Australia or New Zealand, remember to always take the front seat. Sitting in the back will make the cab driver think that you're a stuck up passenger.
☒ 3. Doing the Thumbs Up! 豎大拇指!
Doing the thumbs up is a positive gesture which means OK to most of us. But in other countries like Australia, Greece or the Middle East, it means “Up yours!” So better keep your thumbs to yourself.
☒ 4. Eating With Your Left Hand 用左手吃東西
If you're in the Middle East, India, or Africa, be careful not to use your left hand when eating and passing food – only use the right. The left hand is known to be unclean and used for matters done in the bathroom, so eating with it will probably give you unwanted stares from the locals who've already lost their appetites.
☒ 5. Say America! 回答說“America”!
If you're an American and you're in South America, remember to answer USA or United States when someone asks you “Where are you from?”. Saying “America” makes it look like you're only referring to the USA as the only America when there's also South America. Clear?
如果你是生活在南美洲的美國人,當別人問你“你來自哪?”時,記著回答“USA”或“United States”。你如果回答“America”,這會看起來像,明明還有南美洲,你卻只把美國人稱作美洲人。清楚了嗎?☚
☒ 6. Send Even Numbers 送的東西是偶數個。
If you want to send flowers to a friend in Ukraine as a romantic or friendly gift, make sure you give an odd number of flowers. Sending an even number of flowers is only meant for funerals.
☒ 7. Showing the Peace Sign 做V字形和平手勢
If you're in the United Kingdom or Ireland and you want to indicate you want two pieces/orders/etc. of something, make sure that your palm is facing outwards when you do the V-sign. If you do the opposite way and face your palm towards you, then you're asking for trouble because that simply means “F*** off!”
☒ 8. Showing Your Soles 給別人看你腳底板
In India, the Middle East, and other parts of Asia, displaying the soles of your feet can be considered as an insult for the locals, who see it, because the feet, especially the soles, are often perceived as unclean. So don't show those soles and remember to remove your shoes before entering someone else's house.
☒ 9. Sticking Chopsticks in a Bowl of Rice 把筷子插到一碗米飯上
In East Asia, sticking your chopsticks vertically in a bowl of rice is considered taboo and bad luck because this is a sign of death. This is only done during funerals.
☒ 10. Giving Tips 給小費
You might get used to paying tips when you're from/in the United States but in other countries it's not expected and sometimes may be perceived as an insult, like in Japan and Korea.
文章來源: http://goo.gl/gKvTTc


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🎁 中英文稿:
Otzi—or as he's also known, the Iceman—was discovered frozen in the Alps in 1991 by two German tourists. The 5,300-year-old body has been analyzed in various ways and been the subject of numerous scientific publications. And now it's been looked at again. Because scientists realized that the contents of the Iceman's stomach were still intact. Which gave them the chance to look for evidence of the common stomach bacteria Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori. What they found tells us more about Otzi—and more about how Otzi's ancestors came to Europe. The study is in the journal Science.
The researchers were able to extract genes from H. pylori in the stomach to produce the oldest known genome sequence of a pathogen. The Iceman seems to have been infected with a virulent strain. So in his last days on Earth, Otzi probably had one bad bellyache.
“The strain had already reacted with the Iceman's immune system. This we could show. So we showed the presence of marker proteins which we see today in patients infected with Helicobacter.” The University of Vienna's Frank Maixner.
It's estimated that more than half the world's human population harbors various strains of the ulcer-causing bacteria. And different strains are associated with different places on the globe.
“We use then Helicobacter as a surrogate for what humans were doing at various stages of our prehistory.” Yoshan Moodley from South Africa's University of Venda.

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English, I’m Jennifer and with me today is Rob.
Hello Jennifer!
Now Rob, you’re a man of taste – what would you usually wear to the office? Well I think it’s important to look smart, but in my job I can be casual, so perhaps a nice shirt and some jeans or casual trousers? Very nice, and what about the women, what do they wear?
Well, there’s quite a range at work – some ladies are quite smartly dressed and might wear a dress or a skirt and blouse, but others are more casual. Of course, they ALL look lovely – including yourself.
Hmm, I’m not sure how sincere you are about that, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. We’re talking about the importance of dress codes on 6 Minute English today, but before we get to our story, I’ve got a question for you and it’s all about fashion, something I’m sure you know lots about. Are you ready for the all-important question, Rob?

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