

🚏 “沒有方向感”是什麼感覺?🚏
↝ 對於沒有方向感的人來說,東南西北都沒有意義,他們只知道左和右,而且,有的時候還可能把左右給搞反。
在英語裡,他們是directionally-challenged people,在停車場找不到自己的車,也是有可能的。
↝ The term directionally-challenged can be used to describe:
1. Someone who has difficulty determining right from left,
2. Someone who often confuses directions, and prefers visual aids,
3. Someone who has great difficulty reading maps and/or driving while listening to directions.
1. 分不清左右的人,
2. 分不清方向,需要視覺輔助指路的人,
3. 看不懂地圖、聽不懂導航的人。

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🎭 除了人為裝忙,還要“桌面裝忙” 🎭
✜ 我們每天都說自己很忙,有些人是真的忙,而有些則是無所事事的忙,還有一些,只是在主管面前顯得很忙。你是哪一種忙?
Desk staging is the practice of covering your desk with papers, completed work, and other important-looking papers to give the appearance that you are really busy when really you're surfing the net, watching videos and doing other non-work things.
Desk staging指用一些文件、已經完成的工作和看似很重要的文書擺滿桌面,看上去顯得你很忙的樣子,但其實你在網上瞎溜達,看著視頻,做著一些跟工作無關的事情,即“桌面裝忙”。
✜ For example:
My realtor taught me this trick of staging my house for sale so I tried it at work, I started desk staging so it looked like I was too busy to take on another task and my boss bought it!
✜ This is similar to fauxductivity, which means pretending to work hard, or busyness that consists of trivial or unproductive activities.
✜ Sitting at a desk tapping away at keys all day looks productive. Of course, when that tapping is just chatting with friends, it isn’t really productive, but no one else knows that. This is one form of fauxductivity. 

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🎁 中英文稿:
Christmas 2003 was bittersweet for Mars scientists. Because one gift they desperately wanted never arrived: The British-built spacecraft Beagle 2 was scheduled to land on the Red Planet, radio home the good news and begin a search for life. Instead, mission controllers heard nothing. They finally declared the Beagle 2 lost after months of silence. Many space scientists thought it crash-landed or broke up in the thin Martian atmosphere.
But now Beagle 2's final resting place has been found. New images from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter revealed the spacecraft in its intended landing region, a massive impact basin near the Martian equator.
The two-meter-wide lander is little more than a low-resolution lump of pixels in the images. But investigators gathered enough information to piece together what probably went wrong: the probe's solar panels seem to have only partially deployed, throttling Beagle 2's power and preventing it from phoning home. Without contact with mission control, the probe was doomed to a slow demise before it could perform any science.
Nevertheless, the lander appears intact, and the remains of a parachute and an atmospheric-entry cover lie hundreds of meters away. Beagle 2 may now be considered a partial success, delivering the United Kingdom a very late Christmas gift: the nation's first soft landing on another planet.

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello I’m Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m joined today by my colleague Grace, who’s from Brazil. Hello Grace.
Hi Rob. It’s good to be here. But I hope you don’t mind my Brazilian accent.
Of course not. Most people have an accent – the important thing is to be able to communicate… and your accent is charming, Grace! So, you’re going to talk about Brazilian culture?
Yes, Brazilian food is on the menu today, and we will whet your appetite with language about food.

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🔰 網路時代的各種“出鋒頭” 🔰
☛ seek publicity 求名/出鋒頭
We don't seek publicity for what we do. 
☛ steal the spotlight 搶鋒頭/吸引注意力
But its focus on the emerging economies may soon steal the spotlight. 
☛ seek the limelight 出鋒頭/愛出鋒頭
They must overcome the tendency to seek the limelight. 
☛ make a hit 出鋒頭/大獲成功
Although he wants to make a hit, I think he hasn't got much to show off. 

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“翻舊賬” 💴💴
🔨 川普被媒體“翻舊賬”,有媒體根據30多年前公開的川普個人所得稅申報文件,得出意外發現,即這位億萬富翁至少有兩年沒有繳半分錢給聯邦政府。今天咱們就來看看英文裡怎麼描述“翻舊賬”。
➻ dredge it up
It's the media who keep dredging it up.
➻ rake up the past
Raking up the past will only make things worse.
➻ quibble over the appetizers
When you quarrel with a close friend, talk about the main dish, don't quibble over the appetizers
➻ settle scores with the past
Ukraine does not want to settle scores with the past, which cannot be changed.

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