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🎁 中英文稿:
A recent headline on the Web site theverge.com got a lot of attention on social media. Because each new phrase seemed to take the message in an unexpected direction. The headline read: U.S. government plans to use drones to fire vaccine-laced M&Ms near endangered ferrets.
Some background. Black-footed ferrets have been on the endangered species list since 1967. Only about 300 were known to be alive in the wild at the end of 2015. They tend to live in the Great Plains and the West. Because they love to eat prairie dogs, which tend to live in the Great Plains and the West. Unfortunately, prairie dogs often harbor fleas, and fleas can carry the plague. Yup, that plague, the so-called Black Death that killed millions in Europe in the 14th century.
So ferrets suffer when fleas cause a plague outbreak in prairie dogs, either because the ferrets also catch the disease or because the prairie dogs die and the ferrets go hungry. Officials have tried vaccinating individual ferrets and they’ve tried treating prairie-dog burrows with flea-killer. But neither method is particularly efficient.
And so the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is preparing a study for September in the UL Bend National Wildlife Refuge in Montana. The viral headline was incorrect about the M&Ms, but otherwise, yes, aerial drones will shoot vaccine-laced pellets designed to be irresistible to prairie dogs. The drone delivery system should quickly spread the vaccine-carrying goodies over a wide area so that lots of prairie dogs gobble them up—thus making the prairie dogs available to be gobbled up, safely, by the endangered ferrets.

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👯 中英文稿:
Welcome to 6 Minute English with me Rob.
And me, Finn.
Finn, I’d like to start by asking you: How many job interviews have you had?
That’s difficult. Maybe ten interviews in my life.

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🎁 中英文稿:
If you've gone shopping for a car lately, you might have noticed that fuel economy—the number of miles per gallon—is creeping up. One reason is a more efficient type of fuel injection, called gas direct injection. It’s a feature of half the new cars sold in the U.S. last year.
"With that kind of engine design you can also introduce turbocharging—that's really what it comes down to: more engine power with a smaller engine." Naomi Zimmerman, an air-quality scientist at Carnegie Mellon University—who has never owned a car. "Probably because I did a whole PhD on engine emissions."
Here's how the two injection methods differ. In the old standard, called "port fuel injection," gas is injected into the air intake, where it mixes with air before hitting the cylinder. In direct injection though, as the name implies, the fuel is injected directly into the cylinder. It's more fuel efficient, meaning lower CO2 emissions, which will help slow climate change. But paradoxically, it also emits more particulate matter, including black carbon, or soot—a pollutant implicated in global warming.
Zimmerman and her colleagues analyzed studies of direct injection engines to see how this pollution tradeoff works out for the climate. "The answer is that it's really complicated and it's not certain." But on average, she says, boosting fuel economy five to nine percent would probably cancel out the warming effects of black soot, and score a net positive for the climate. The findings are in the journal Environmental Science and Technology. [Naomi Zimmerman et al., Assessing the Climate Trade-Offs of Gasoline Direct Injection Engines]
The fuel economy goal might be different in places with big temperature swings, and where gasoline has more aromatic compounds—which seem to boost black carbon emissions. One place that fits the bill: Canada. “There we might need to be closer to the 10 percent, 15 percent mark in terms of improving fuel economy. Which is actually a very aggressive increase in fuel economy."

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👯 中英文稿:
This is 6 Minute English from the BBC. I’m Rob…
And I’m Neil.
Today we’re talking about something we must all have an opinion on – it’s cinema etiquette. In other words, what is the right way to behave when you go to see a film at the cinema?
Yes, the cinema, the movies or the multiplex. How we behave there is different from how we behave when we’re watching a film at home – but some people seem to forget that, don’t they Rob?

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🎁 中英文稿:
Walk through Times Square—you're bombarded with advertising. And it turns out, a bumblebee might have a similar feeling, buzzing through a field of flowers. "So these flowers are these billboards, they're advertising a good, this delicious nectar reward, and bees are very picky shoppers." Anne Leonard, a pollination biologist at the University of Nevada, Reno.
She describes a flower field as a sort of pollination marketplace. And one way bees choose where to visit? "Bees are nectar experts. They are really good at assessing even really small differences in the sugar concentration of nectar." They also scope out flower shape and size, color and scent. And now Leonard and her colleagues have discovered that bumblebees are pollen aficionados, too.
They found that out by lacing batches of cherry pollen with either table sugar or bitter quinine. And to display the pollen to bees, "We got really into it—we started 3-D printing flowers in our lab." And for the anther— the male flower part, which presents the pollen—pipe cleaners. "So we bought out Michael's craft store supplies of these pipe cleaners and used them in our experiments."
Turns out bees would return again and again to the same color flower that dispensed sweet pollen, and spend more time collecting there. But when confronted with the bitter pollen? They sought a different colored flower for their very next stop. All of which suggests that , in addition to savoring nectar, bees taste pollen too—and judge flowers by it. The results are in the journal Biology Letters. [Felicity Muth, Jacob S. Francis and Anne S. Leonard, Bees use the taste of pollen to determine which flowers to visit]
實驗證明,蜜蜂會在相同顏色含有甜蔗糖花粉的花朵間重複往返,並且花費更多的時間來採集。但當遇到含有苦奎寧的花粉時呢?它們在下一次停留時將會尋找一種與之不同顏色的花朵。所有這一切表明,除了品味花蜜,蜜蜂也會品嚐花粉的味道——並且通過花粉來判斷花朵。該研究結果刊登在《生物學快報》(Biology Letters)雜誌上。

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Alice…
… And I’m Neil. Can you pass me my drink, Alice?
Cola, Neil? That’s very unhealthy.
You told me to stop drinking coffee because it’s unhealthy – now you’re telling me cola is bad too.

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