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🎁 中英文稿:
Private education is becoming more egalitarian

WHEN Charlotte Hobbs decided to teach her 11-year-old pupil about the 「imaginary」 maths needed to work out the square root of a negative number, she knew it would be a stretch. But her ambition paid off: the girl quickly mastered the concept and now hopes to study maths at university. Most remarkably, Ms Hobbs achieved her feat in a foster home, not a west London Victorian terrace.

Private tuition has long been popular with the rich. A gaggle of London-based firms hire new graduates from Oxford and Cambridge who charge £70-£100 an hour to prepare children for independent-school entrance exams taken at 11 or 13. Yet thanks to ambitious parents and government policies, many more children from lower-income families are being tutored.

The primary force is the pupil premium, a scheme that channels extra money to schools with poorer pupils. This payment, which is rising from £623 ($950) per pupil this year to £900 in 2014, has created a market for private tuition in state schools. Ms Hobbs works for Tutor Trust, a not-for-profit organisation which provides one-to-one sessions for £18 an hour. The firm's 220 tutors tend to be students at Manchester University keen to earn some extra cash. Since February 2012 they have taught for more than 10,000 hours in schools across the city. According to figures from Ofsted, the education regulator, two-fifths of schools are using their pupil-premium cash to pay for one-on-one tuition; a third are using it for group tuition. The aim is to improve results and shrink the yawning gap between the academic achievements of poor children and richer ones in England's schools.
這一現象最主要的動力來自學生獎學金計畫,這個計畫把額外的錢撥給貧困學子。這筆款項將從今年的623英鎊(約合950美元)在2014年漲到900英鎊,這也為在公立學校提供私人補習創造了市場。霍布斯女士為「Tutor Trust」工作,這個非營利組織提供每小時18英鎊的一對一輔導。公司的220名老師大多是曼徹斯特大學想要賺點外快的學生。從2012年2月開始,他們已經在這個城市教授超過10000小時的課程。根據教育主管機構Ofsted的數據,五分之二的學校用學生獎學金支付一對一輔導費用;三分之一用此支付集體輔導費用。這項計畫的目的是要提高教學成果並減少英國學校貧富學生之間學業成績的鴻溝。
But it is not just the hardest-up who are getting private help: parents on ordinary incomes are hiring more tutors, too. Explore Learning, a private-tuition chain, says that many of its customers use government child-care vouchers (which are tax-free) to pay for tuition. Lower earners receiving tax credits can claim back up to 70% of the cost. It helps that franchises such as Kumon, a Japanese firm, lower costs for parents by teaching in groups. These kinds of out-of-hours outfits have long been popular in East Asia: roughly three-quarters of South Korean students attend a hagwon after school.

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🎁 中英文稿:
When you think of birds, you probably imagine their dazzling plumage or their beautiful songs. But since the days of Darwin, scientists have figured that individual species of birds should not have both: they'd either be drab virtuosos or eye candy that sings only one note.
Now a study shows that some songbirds are in fact show-offs in sight and sound. The work is in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B. [Nicholas A. Mason, Allison J. Shultz and Kevin J. Burns, Elaborate visual and acoustic signals evolve independently in a large, phenotypically diverse radiation of songbirds]
Bright feathers and complex songs are different ways to attract a mate. The more flamboyant the display, the more likely a bird will get noticed. But these exaggerated calling cards take a lot of energy to produce. Which is why scientists assumed that birds would have to choose between melody or looks. You can find more 60-Second Science onchinavoa.com.
But an exhaustive survey of the tanagers, a family of songbirds from Central and South America, shows no sign of a tradeoff. Although some tanager species do emphasize oration over attire, like the aptly named drab hemispingus, some, like the mountain tanager, are both dashing and melodious. While the white-bellied seedeater is fine with looking and sounding rather dull.
The different species likely experienced different selective pressures, leading to their varied strategies. Whatever it takes to catch the eye, and/or ear, of a potential mate. —Karen Hopkin

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Receiving an invitation for a job interview can be an exciting time – especially after you’ve been job-searching for a while.
Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to kill off all your chances of getting a job by saying just a few wrong words during your job interview.
To make sure your job interview leads to the next round or a job offer, here’s a list of words which you should aim to avoid.
♞ Um..嗯…♞
The biggest problem with this word is that you’re probably unaware of how much you use it. 這個詞的最大問題就在於你可能沒有意識到你用它用的有多頻繁。
If you listened to a recording of yourself, you’d probably be surprised (and probably horrified) at the amount of “umming” you do.

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mega/ pre/ post/ inter/ trans


 英文字首 (Prefix) 有什麼功用


1. Mega 大;百萬倍

“Mega” 來自希臘文中的 “megas”(巨大的),在英文的運用之間,也自然的成為「巨大的」(great) 的意思。而在數字的代表中,“mega” 自首的出現是「百萬倍」的意思。如果是單獨的 “mega” 單字,意思就是「許多」、「非常」。在英文千變萬化的轉換中,也可以把 “mega” 放在各種不同的字的前面,製造強調的語態。就像我們可以說 “Learning prefixes and have fun at the same time is mega-cool!” (快快樂樂地把英文字首學好超級酷!)

 英語實用字首─ “Mega" (百萬倍)

mega 許多;非常

megabuck 一百萬美金(口語)

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✼ “吃”透托福閱讀經典題型 ✼


這種題型的主要測驗目的是:測驗考生們理解文章中某一特定複雜句子所傳達的基本內容,並不受細枝末節的干擾,用簡化的句子表達原句基本內容的能力。因此,考生們的語法水準在解題過程中就顯得尤為重要。這種題目在托福閱讀中的具體表現是題目中有“high sentence”。



Ⓐ 利用零散的時間背單詞。利用零散的時間背單詞可以使用單字卡片。

Ⓑ 進行高頻率的重複,建議把重複的週期控制在7天以內。

Ⓒ 把背單字和閱讀相結合。廣泛的閱讀也是增加字彙量的一種方法,並且能夠在閱讀中加強對已經背過的字詞的記憶。


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🎁 中英文稿:
Pack rat. The name is synonymous with hoarding. And researchers have learned that pack rats can actually increase the range of foods they're able to eat because of their collection of gut bacteria.
Pack rats live in the American Southwest, where they nosh on the native vegetation. Some of these plants produce protective toxins, for example the junipers in the Great Basin desert or the creosote bushes of the Mojave. But pack rats seem to eat these noxious shrubs with impunity.
The researchers found that pack rats from the Mojave harbor gut bacteria that can break down creosote. When antibiotics depleted the pack rats' gut bacteria, the animals suddenly found creosote nearly indigestible.
Further, the researchers found that they could take pack rats from the Great Basin—the ones that eat juniper—and give them the ability to eat creosote. All they needed was a fecal transplant, which supplied the necessary gut bacteria from their Mojave-based neighbors. You can find more 60-Second Science on chinavoa.com.
The work appears in the journal Ecology Letters. [Kevin D. Kohl et al,Gut microbes of mammalian herbivores facilitate intake of plant toxins]

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