
 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Various animals evolved coloration that keeps them hidden. A jaguar's patterns help it slink undetected across the sun-dappled rainforest floor. The mottled pigmentation on the wings of some let them rest on tree bark undisturbed. And then there are animals that can quickly change their appearance—for example, the Central Bearded Dragon.
This two-foot-long lizard lives in the more arid parts of Australia.
"They can change color really quickly, just in a matter of seconds or minutes.”
University of Melbourne biologist Katie Smith.
“And they do this by moving pigments within specialized skin cells called chromatophores."
Bearded dragons modify their colors for camouflage, or to maintain their body temperature, or to communicate with other dragons. Smith wanted to know how they meet all those needs with the same tool kit.

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📌Stay on top of
  如果你覺得在工作中倍受打擊,那你很可能並沒有staying on top of your work。這以為著要處於主動地位,而不是在工作中落後或讓工作堆積如山。
  📌On the ball
  這個短語來自於運動場。當你on the ball,你必須要警覺並處於掌控制地位。"Make sure you are on the ball with those reports." 相反的是 drop the ball,意思是你沒有完成任務並讓和你一起工作的人失望了。
  📌Think outside the box
  許多的雇主希望他們的員工能夠創新並用不同的方式完成專案。 在這個短語中,the box代表著傳統的智慧,或眾所周知的東西。這句短語意思是想出新的革新的方法。"For this marketing project, we need to think outside the box."
 📌Get the ball rolling
  這句諺語意思是開始某事並使之運作起來。"Let's get the ball rolling on this project."一旦你有個良好的開端,你可能通過使用keep the ball rolling.表示你的意願。
  這意味著花時間想很多的注意。許多的公司會召開brainstorming sessions來應對問題並構思新的想法。"Let's brainstorm new ideas for the advertising campaign."
  📌Pull strings
  如果你拉一個木偶的線會怎麼樣呢?木偶會按你的想的做。這個短語意思是做超出平常的可能的事讓某事發生。"It will be difficult to talk with her. You may have to pull some strings with her department."

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1. To keep one's eye on (or to take one's eye off) the ball – to keep (or fail) to keep one's focus on a particular matter 盯著球(或者沒有盯著球)——把重點(或者沒有把重點)放在某件事上

Ex: “In this business if you want to be successful, you need to keep your eye on the ball”.


2. To know the score – to know the essential facts of the situation 知道比分——了解重要的事實和情況

EX: “I was going to bring Jane up to date with the situation but she already knows the score”.


3. A game changer – an event or procedure that could have a dramatic effect on the current policy or thinking 改變比賽形勢的人或行為——能對目前的政策或者是想法產生重大影響的事情或者步驟

Ex: This new contract with The States could be a real game changer for our business.


4. To blow the whistle on someone – to expose an illegal activity and the person(s) responsible within an organization (A Whistle-Blower – Noun) (裁判)吹哨提醒有人犯規——揭露組織內某人的不法行為(名詞:A Whistle-Blower 檢舉者)

Ex: “She was fed up with the way things were going and decided to blow the whistle on the company's illegal activities”


5. League – a class or category of excellence and quality (足球)聯賽——高質量和品質的代表

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Last week, tens of thousands of gallons of sewage gushed into urban streams in Baltimore, because of leaky pipes and flooding rains. And when that happens, it's not just organic matter and microbes that get flushed into aquatic habitats. It's drug residues, too: caffeine, antihistamines, headache drugs... even amphetamines and heroin.
Researchers actually detected all those drugs a few years ago, in a survey of urban and suburban streams in Baltimore. And they wanted to see what effect illegal drugs, like amphetamines, might have on aquatic ecosystems. So they built artificial streams in the lab, stocked with insects and real creek rocks—slippery ones with biofilms of algae and bacteria growing on them. Then they doped half the streams with amphetamine residues—similar to the concentrations found in real urban streams.
After three weeks, the mix of microbial life in the amphetamine-laced streams changed significantly, compared to the untainted waters. And insects like midges emerged earlier than usual—suggesting that drug residues might be able to alter food webs underwater, and on land, too. The results appear in the journal Environmental Science and Technology.
Previous studies have shown that even treated sewage has lots of drug residues in it—because most wastewater treatment plants weren't built to filter out pharmaceuticals. One solution, the researchers say, is more up-to-date wastewater infrastructure. Think of it as preventive medicine…for the nation's aquatic life.

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👯 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Alice…
And I’m Neil.
Could you lend me some dosh, Neil?
Sure. How much do you need?

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Used to be, teenage kids had to carry around a bag of flour wrapped in a blanket to learn the responsibilities of parenthood. But these days? The same lesson is taught with hi-tech dolls that cry and record every interaction.
曾經,十幾歲的孩子必須隨身攜帶一袋麵粉裹著毯子學習為人父母的責任。但是,現在呢? 通過高科技娃娃以及記錄與娃娃的互動,孩子們也可以學到為人父母的責任。
"You know they get grumpy, you have to rock them to calm them down, they have to be fed." Sally Brinkman, an epidemiologist at the Telethon Kids Institute, in Australia. "It's supposed to be so tiring and so difficult that it puts them off and they say 'I don't want to be a teenage mom.' And then they think about contraception and all of those sorts of things."
Problem is, that theory--that the dolls will discourage teenage parenthood—doesn't seem to be true, according to a new study by Brinkman and her colleagues. The team recruited nearly 3,000 13- to 15-year-old girls for the trial, from 57 schools in Western Australia. All the girls got the standard Australian curriculum on contraception and sexual health. But half had to care for the infant dolls—and got extra education sessions with the school nurse.
The team's hypothesis? "We thought either it's going to make a difference, or it's going to make no difference whatsoever. We hadn't expected that it would do the opposite." And in fact, the girls who cared for the dolls were nearly one and a half times more likely to get pregnant before age 20, than teens in the control group. The findings are in The Lancet.
The company that makes the dolls has criticized the trial, and says the researchers didn't properly implement the educational portion of the program. But Brinkman disagrees. Maybe, she says, the program itself is flawed. "If we're inadvertently increasing teenage pregnancy rates, you know, this program needs to stop. We shouldn't be delivering it in schools."

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