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🎁 中英文稿:
The microbes in our gut play a big role in helping us digest our food. But as they break down nutrients, they also generate secondary compounds that can influence our health. Take carnitine, or lecithin—substances found in red meat. When your gut microbes break them down, the bugs excrete the waste product trimethylamine, TMA. Which your liver enzymes convert to trimethylamine-N-oxide, TMAO, a substance that ups the risk of heart disease.
But this effect isn't limited to red-meat eaters. "We're constantly feeding our gut microbes these compounds. Even in the most ardent vegetarian or vegan it happens." Stanley Hazen, a physician in preventive cardiology at Cleveland Clinic. "Every time you eat, even when you eat a pickle or a cucumber or a pure piece of lettuce, once you eat something, your gallbladder contracts and squirts some bile into the intestines to try to help digest the food." And even bile, he says, has compounds, like lecithin, that gut microbes digest into TMA.
So why not block the gut microbes from making TMA in the first place? Hazen and his colleagues found a substance that does just that. It's a kind of butanol called DMB, and it's found in extra-virgin olive oil, grapeseed oil, and some red wines and balsamic vinegars. When mice ate DMB, the compound blocked the gut bacteria from producing TMA—which in turn prevented clogged arteries in the animals.
"I kind of like to think of this as a statin for microbes. When we take a statin, or something that blocks cholesterol synthesis in our body cells, we're not killing the cell, we're just preventing the body from making cholesterol . In an analogous way, this is preventing the microbe from making TMA, and that therefore in the host reduces TMAO levels and is reducing diet-induced atherosclerosis." The study is in the journal Cell.
As for whether this finding explains the heart-healthy benefits of the Mediterranean diet for humans? "We haven't studied the Mediterranean diet. But you can start connecting the dots. And I think that is an area where future studies need to go. " Until then, no harm in a little olive oil—especially if you're putting it on a nutritious salad.

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在托福聽力專有名詞的記錄過程中,我們要儘量記下自己對聽到音的縮寫,由於考生普遍對母音判斷並不很準確,我建議大家儘量多記輔音:可以用大寫或者記完後畫圈圈的方式將專有名詞標註的明顯一些,方便在做題時進行尋找。比如chromatophore,我們可以記成CHROM 並且畫個圈圈,這種托福聽力技巧能幫助我們更易記下繁雜的專有名詞,幫助我們更好的理解文章意思。

一般我們在聽到專有名詞的前後,由於它們本身不屬於托福聽力詞彙的考查範圍,所以我們大多數都能聽到對專有名詞的解釋,我們要迅速記下解釋中的重要詞彙,這可以幫助我們理解該專有名詞的大意,比如在chromatophore的前後,我們就可以聽到一個解釋:Chromatophores consist of tiny sacs filled withcolor dye.意思是C是裝有染色體的小囊。同時,在考試中,時常也能碰到直接用專有名詞的解釋來考題的現象。當然,這項要求是建立在大家有一定的詞彙基礎之上的,所以大家在備考過程中,一定要多注意詞彙的累積。

如果很不幸,我們沒能將專有名詞的釋義及時記錄下來,那麼這時,我們需要透過前後文中的觀點去判斷。托福聽力的文章一般都是非常有邏輯性的,觀點性非常強。在聽的過程中,每部分的內容都是緊緊圍繞觀點而展開的,我們應透過觀點去幫助我們判斷。比如說上文中提到的chromatophore一詞,出現在章魚利用細胞來變化顏色,所以就算我們不知道 chromatophore是色素細胞,也可以透過前後文判斷,它是章魚身上可以幫助變化顏色的東東。


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♛ 托福聽力六大錯誤點 ♛


★ RULE NO.1 永遠不要把聽力做成閱讀
1 Reading while you are listening.

★ RULE NO.2 口譯訓練並不適用於托福聽力。
2 Translating while you are listening

★ RULE NO.3 聽寫只聽不寫,重過程不重結果。
3 Adapted Dictation.

★ RULE NO.4 聽力不僅僅是大量時間和次數的聽,一定要有方法。
4 Find an appropriate approach.

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❖❖“Captain's Call”當選澳大利亞2015年度熱詞❖❖
Australia makes 'captain's call' on best words of 2015
Captain's call - a phrase "plucked" from the cricket pitch and politicized by former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott - has become the Macquarie Dictionary's Word of the Year for 2015.
Mr Abbott's controversial choice to award Prince Philip a knighthood was one of his many "captain's calls".
The noun is defined as "a decision made by a political or business leader without consultation with colleagues".
The dictionary said the word "perfectly encapsulates" Australia in 2015.
"There has been an interesting change in usage; an infrequent item of the jargon of cricket makes the leap into politics and is now being used generally with an ironic tinge to it that is very Australian," the Macquarie Dictionary said in a statement.
Coming in second was the word "lumbersexual" - a portmanteau of lumberjack and metrosexual - referring to urban men who adopt the style of an outdoorsman as a fashion statement.
Other contenders for Australia's best word in 2015
1. deso: Colloquially refers to a designated driver, who refrains from drinking alcohol in order to drive others safely home. Also, deso driver.
2. open kimono: A business policy of sharing information freely with an outside party.
3. keyboard warrior: a person who adopts an excessively aggressive style in online discussions which they would not normally adopt in person-to-person communication, often in support of a cause, theory, world view, etc.
4. ghost plate: a clear plastic numberplate cover which becomes opaque when viewed from certain angles, thereby obscuring the registration number; designed to circumvent identification by speed cameras.
5. athleisure: clothing, shoes, etc., designed for both exercise and general casual wear.
6. tri-tip: a cut of beef, taken from the bottom of the sirloin.
7. digital disruption: Commerce the impact of digital technology in making various established industries and products obsolete.
8. abandoned porn: a genre of photography which romanticises abandoned buildings and urban areas in a state of decay. Also, ruin porn.
➥廢墟藝術照:一種攝影類型,通過攝影技術使被遺棄的建築和衰退區呈現一種頹廢的浪漫色彩。英文也可以稱之為“ruin porn”。
9. wombat gate: a swing gate installed in a ditch going underneath a fence, so that wombats, who follow very predictable patterns at night, can come and go without destroying the fence.
❖ knighthood:騎士身份
❖ encapsulate:概述
❖ obsolete:廢棄的;老式的

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🎁 中英文稿:
As you sit round the Christmas tree, consider the TLC you give O Tannenbaum: plenty of water and a relatively comfortable climate. Wouldn't want to dry out the tree, after all. Now consider that in the house we all live in—the planet—we're hardly giving the same courtesy to your Christmas tree's wild cousins. (Who, I might add, are actually still alive.)
As the planet warms, droughts are getting even drier—and they're getting hotter too. In fact it's getting so bad that researchers are now forecasting that conifers in the arid southwestern United States could be completely wiped out by the end of the century. No more pinyon pines, ponderosas or junipers. No more forests.
"It's definitely a distressing result for all of us. None of us want to see this happen. It's a bummer, honestly." Sara Rauscher, a climate scientist and geographer at the University of Delaware. She and her colleagues gathered data on how real -world evergreens in the southwest respond to drought and heat—they basically starve, unable to carry on photosynthesis or transport water.
“那對我們來說,是一個令人心痛的結果,我們都不想要看到這種情況發生。真的。”Sara Rauscher是特拉華大學氣候學家和地理學家。她和同事們蒐集美國西南部常青樹如何應對乾旱和高溫的數據——樹木在飢餓時,不能夠進行光合作用和運輸水分。
The researchers then combined those physiological data with a half dozen projections of how climate change might proceed. "But no matter what model we used, we always saw tree death." Specifically, 72 percent of the trees dead by 2050, and a near- complete annihilation by the year 2100. The results are in the journalNature Climate Change.
But we'll always have Paris, right? "Even if we used a scenario similar to what the Paris accords have agreed upon—so limiting global warming to 2 degrees—we still saw widespread die-off. It happened later in the century, but it still happened." That said, the study does not account for trees' ability to adapt, or whether new populations could find friendlier climes. That is, whether conifers in the southwest can pull up roots fast enough to beat climate change.

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♒♒♒ “完美食欲症”小測試 ♒♒♒
✎急於吃“健康食品”或者“乾淨食品”,一旦吃了自認為“不健康”的食品就心情沮喪、壓力巨大,小心!你可能患上了完美食欲症(orthorexia nervosa)。
✎The "clean eating movement" has taken the world by storm in recent years.
✎Magazines, fitness blogs and Instagram are filled with people posing with their green smoothies, kale salads and sugar-free desserts.
✎While healthy lifestyle changes should be applauded, people have become increasingly neurotic about what they put on their plates, some experts say.
✎The desire to eat more healthily can veer into an obsession, with rising numbers of people - mainly women in their 30s - suffering from orthorexia nervosa.

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