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Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Sophie…
And I’m Neil. I was watching the news the other day, Sophie.
Learn anything interesting?
Yes, actually. UK scientists have been authorised by the government to genetically modify human embryos for research. What they can’t do though is implant modified embryos into women. They talked a lot about gene editing...
Can you explain to us what gene editing is?
Mmm… I think this means there are these letters in a code – A-B-C something…I can’t remember exactly…
Gene editing is the ability to manipulate – or control – DNA. And in case you didn’t know, DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid – this is a substance in the cells of animals and plants that contains genetic information. And a gene is part of the DNA in the cell that controls the physical development and behaviour of a plant or animal and is passed on from its parents.
Phew! Thanks for the science lesson, Sophie.
You’re welcome. Now here’s a question for you, Neil: Which science fiction film anticipates gene editing in a dystopian society where humans are genetically engineered? Is it…a) Robocop b) Gattaca or c) Blade Runner
不客氣。有一個問題要問你:哪部科幻電影預言了反烏托邦社會的基因編輯,那裡的人們接受了基因工程的改造?a) 《機械戰警》b) 《千鈞一髮》還是c) 《銀翼殺手》
Mmm… I don’t really understand the question but I’m going to say c) Blade Runner. What’s dystopian?
恩,其實我不太明白這個問題,我選c) 銀翼殺手。什麼是反烏托邦?
Dystopian means an imaginary society where people are unhappy and afraid.Well, moving on, let’s listen to BBC journalist Fergus Walsh talking about how gene editing works.
反烏托邦指一種假像的社會,人們在其中生活得不幸福,充滿恐懼。好了,繼續,我們來聽聽BBC記者Fergus Walsh講述基因編輯如何起作用。
Think of gene editing as a molecular sat nav. It scans the DNA searching for the error. Then it uses molecular scissors to snip through both strands, which switches off the faulty gene. Or it can repair the code by inserting a healthy copy of the gene. These techniques raise the prospect of treating – even curing – some genetic diseases – and it’s not science fiction.
So DNA is a set of instructions for how our bodies work written using a chemical code of four letters – A, T, C, G. But sometimes the code contains mistakes.
DNA是一系列指令,以四個字母A, T, C, G組成的化學編碼指示我們的身體如何運作。但是有時這些編碼會出現錯誤。
Yes. You find spelling mistakes by scanning – or searching – through the DNA. Then you snip – or cut out – the mistake or faulty gene from the code using molecular scissors. Faulty by the way, means something that isn’t working properly – like the faulty brakes on my bike.
That sounds really dangerous, Neil!
Yeah, but I’m more worried about my faulty genes. I might have all sorts of genetic mistakes inside me.
That wouldn’t surprise me. But you’ve actually touched on a serious point. Latest research suggests all our bodies do contain genetic mistakes, some of which could cause disease. And as reporter Fergus Walsh said at the end of the clip, gene editing could be important for treating or even curing inherited genetic diseases. For patients with blood, immune, muscle or skin disorders it offers the possibility that their faulty cells could be removed, or changed in the lab, and then put back.
這我一點也不驚訝。不過你確實提到很關鍵的一點。最近研究顯示我們的身體都存在基因缺陷,一些甚至會導致疾病。就如Fergus Walsh記者最後所說,基因編輯對治療甚至治癒遺傳疾病很重要。對於血液、免疫系統、肌肉或皮膚疾病的患者來說,基因編輯為他們的治療提供了可能性,他們有缺陷的細胞可以被移除,或者在實驗室將其修改,然後放回體內。
That sounds amazing. But is there a catch?
And that means a problem or drawback. Yes. Some people think that if editing the genes of a human embryo is allowed for curing disease, this will lead to editing the genes of embryos for reasons other than health. Let’s listen to Marcy Darnovsky, executive director of the Centre for Genetics and Society in California talking about her concerns.
隱患是指問題或缺陷。有的。一些人認為如果人體胚胎的基因可以修改,用以治療疾病,這將導致以健康外的目的進行的胚胎基因修改。Marcy Darnovsky是加州遺傳學與社會中心的執行董事,我們來聽聽她的擔憂。
It’s too risky, we don’t need it, there are other ways to have healthy children, and it would open the door – possibly – to a world of genetic haves and have nots. We don’t need more inequality, we don’t need more discrimination in the world.
An embryo by the way is an animal or human starting to develop inside its mother. Marcy Darnovsky is against gene editing because it may be used to create designer babies– or babies whose genes have been selected to have certain desirable characteristics.
胚胎是指動物或人類在母體內發育時的最初形式。Marcy Darnovsky反對基因編輯,因為這會被用來進行人工培育良種嬰兒,即父母選擇嬰兒具備怎樣的基因特點。
She says it may open the door – or make it possible – a situation where embryos are genetically enhanced – or improved – to be more intelligent or physically stronger, for example.
And this will lead to more discrimination in the world – which means treating some people less fairly than others…
…which is something that science fiction has been predicting for many years. It’s that dystopian society we were discussing earlier, Neil! Which science fiction film anticipates gene editing in a dystopian society where humans are genetically engineered? Is it… a) Robocop b) Gattaca or c) Blade Runner?
這就是許多年前科幻小說就已經預言到的事。就是我們之前討論過的反烏托邦社會。哪部科幻電影預言了反烏托邦社會的基因編輯,那裡的人們接受了基因工程的改造?a) 《機械戰警》b) 《千鈞一髮》還是c) 《銀翼殺手》
And I said c) Blade Runner.
我選的是c) 《銀翼殺手》。
Sorry, Neil! It was b) Gattaca. This 1997 sci-fi film centres on the character Vincent Freeman, who wasn’t genetically engineered, but is able to buy the genetic identity of another man in order to pursue his dream of travelling into space. The film’s title uses the letters G, A, T and C, which are the four chemical codes making up DNA.
不好意思,尼爾!正確答案是b) 《千鈞一髮》。這部1997年的科幻電影主要圍繞主人公Vincent Freeman展開,他並未接受基因工程的改造,但為了能實現自己遨遊太空的夢想,他買下了另一個人的基因身份。這個電影的名字用到了G, A, T, C這幾個字母,這是組成DNA的四個化學代碼。
Now here are today’s words:
gene editing 基因編輯 / manipulate 操縱 / DNA 去氧核糖核酸 / gene 基因 / dystopian 反烏托邦 / scanning 流覽 / snip 剪斷 / faulty 缺陷 / catch 隱患 / embryo 胚胎 / designer babies / 人工培育良種嬰兒 / open the door 有可能 / enhanced 改善 / discrimination 歧視
Well, that’s the end of today’s 6 Minute English.Please do join us again soon!

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