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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Neil…
… And I’m Alice. My chair feels [audibly shifts about in her chair] uncomfortable today. How does yours feel?
Um… mine is fine - very comfortable, thank you.
Well, it would be nice if you offered to give me your chair, Neil.
What? No chance. Well, I would be uncomfortable then, wouldn’t I?

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🎁 中英文稿:
The floor of Yosemite Valley is littered with piles of rocks that crumbled off the park’s iconic cliffs. These rockfalls happen all the time, becauseYosemite’s granite walls are riddled with cracks produced by geologic stress. Scientists know the rockfalls can be triggered by things like earthquakes, rainfall, and freezing and thawing ice. But many falls occur without an obvious cause. Now researchers think that heat may be the culprit.
Yosemite Valley山谷的地面散落著成堆的從公園內特有的懸崖峭壁上崩裂下的岩石。這些散落岩石之事時有發生,因為Yosemite山谷上的花崗岩峭壁因為地質上的壓力造成了許多斷裂的空洞。科學家們知道這些岩石散落的原因可以是地震,暴雨以及凍融的冰河。但是,多數情況下岩石墜落的毫無徵兆。現在研究人員認為熱能也許是罪魁禍首。
“We noticed that there had been a bunch of rockfalls that were happening in the summertime, on particularly hot days.” Brian Collins, a research civil engineer with the U.S. Geological Survey. “And we noticed when we looked at the timing that they were happening in the afternoon, when we thought the temperatures were at their hottest.”
我們已注意到,當在夏季的時候,會有許多的岩石墜落,特別是很熱的那幾天。這是Brian Collins,美參與國地理調查的城市工程研究人員。我們還注意到,發生岩石墜落的事件往往是下午,我們過去認為此時是一天中最熱的一段時間。
Collins and Greg Stock, Yosemite’s park geologist, wanted to know if small rock movements, induced by changing temperatures, might weaken cracks and contribute to rock falls. So the researchers—who are both climbers—found a suitable fracture near the base of a 500-meter-tall cliff and installed instruments called crack meters, which monitored the width of the crack over time.
Collins 和 Greg Stock, Yosemite公園中的地理學家,他們希望知道是否由於溫度的變化引發的小型岩石移動事件,會使山體的裂縫變得脆弱,從而最後導致岩石墜落。所以這些研究人員們——他們還都是登山愛好者——在接近500米高的山崖底部發現了的 一塊小片地區,並且安裝了被稱為裂縫儀的設備,用於檢測不同時間下岩石裂縫的寬度。
The devices revealed that the crack grew almost a centimeter wider during the warmest part of the day. It shrank again when temperatures cooled off, for instance, at night and during the winter. But overall, the scientists found that the average width of the fracture grew over the course of a summer and over the entire three and a half-year study period, bringing the crack closer to breaking.
“We think that what happened was that every cycle — as the rock goes back and forth and back and forth — you’re getting to a part that we call subcritical crack growth. And that means that the crack where the rock is attached to the cliff is actually fracturing at a microscopic level. And so if you do that over the course of a year, then eventually you’re going to do some permanent damage to those points of attachment.” The study is in the journal Nature Geoscience.

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👯 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello, I’m Finn, welcome to 6 Minute English. With me in the studio today is Neil.
Hi there, Finn.
Hello Neil. Today we have a royal story about Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge – or as she is still often known – Kate Middleton.
Yes, Prince William’s wife has been in the news this week after a well-known British novelist compared her to a “shop-window mannequin with no personality of her own”.
Yes, now the novelist in question is a woman called Hilary Mantel. She has won a number of awards for her books set during the rule of Henry VIII - he’s an English king from the Tudor period.
是的,上述小說家是一個女人,叫做Hilary Mantel。她曾因以亨利八世(都鐸時期的一位英國國王)統治為時代背景的書籍而贏得了多項獎項。

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🎁 中英文稿:
Communication on Twitter is artificially constrained: 140 characters per tweet, max. So it turns out the more words in a tweet, the shorter each word tends to be—at least according to one analysis. Sorta makes sense on Twitter: there's a limited amount of space to play with. But the weird thing is, that pattern—longer phrase, shorter words—also holds true in our everyday language too. It's called Menzerath's law.
"And it's this idea of essentially compression in information." Morgan Gustison, a psychologist at the University of Michigan. "So Menzerath's Law, the way you define it is, the larger the whole, the smaller the parts."
Gustison and her colleagues tested out that rule of human language on the calls of geladas—relatives of baboons. They analyzed more than a thousand of those call sequences—which are strung together from six distinct call types. And they found that, just as the law would predict in human communication, the longer the gelada sequence, the shorter the constituent calls. And the shorter the string? The longer the calls. The study is in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Gustison says the meaning of the calls is still a bit of a mystery. But the fact that they obey the rule could suggest something important is going on. "The interesting thing about it is it suggests there are universal principles that can underpin complex vocal systems. And so the more you say, you find a more efficient way of saying it. So that's what we think is going on with the geladas, is that they have so much to say, so they’re finding these strategies to make what they’re saying more efficient." Might not be a bad thing to consider…the next time you have a lot of say.

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello, I’m Rob and this is 6 Minute English and I’m joined this week by Callum. Hello Callum.
Hello Rob.
Today we’re talking about tall buildings – very tall buildings in fact.
I suppose we could call them skyscrapers – because they’re so tall they almost touch the sky.
They do. Many countries compete with each other in trying to earn the title of having the tallest building in the world.And this month, London has opened its newest structure but unfortunately it’s not going to win the world record for being the highest.

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🎁 中英文稿:
Over the past 10 years, many scientific papers have shown that speaking more than one language can convey some cognitive rewards. For example, bilingualism seems to boost the brain's ability to focus, plan, and perform certain mentally taxing tasks. But a few papers show no such advantages.
\Now a study finds that research that challenges a bilingual benefit is less likely to be published than studies that find one. This party pooping, or fiesta-foiling, finding is in the journal Psychological Science.
Researchers compared studies presented at conferences to those actually accepted for publication. Of the 104 meeting abstracts they examined, about half supported a bilingual advantage and half challenged or failed to find one.
But when it came to publication, 63 percent of the bilingual boosting studies made it into a scientific journal, as opposed to 36 percent of the studies with null findings.
The data do not address whether the bias toward affirmative results comes from the journal editors and reviewers or from the scientists themselves. And they don't suggest that bilingualism offers no advantages. Regardless of brain function, there exist undeniable social benefits to having two tongues versus just one.

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👯 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Rob.
And hello, I’m Vera.
In today’s programme, we have news of a pioneering scheme to help families in one of the World’s poorest countries.
Yes, that country is Nepal, where it is estimated 40% of the population live in poverty. So they have poor living standards and do not have access to facilities that some of us take for granted. But how bad do things have to be to live in poverty?
It’s a good question. The government in Nepal has launched a new scheme to assess the extent of poverty in the country – in other words, to find out how bad it really is.

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🎁 中英文稿:
“The Creator would appear…endowed with a passion for stars, on the one hand, and for beetles on the other.” That quip from biologist and atheist J.B.S. Haldane in 1949 is really about the extraordinary number of beetles researchers had characterized, some 300,000 at that time.
Now we know of about 400,000 beetles. And scientists have just added 98 previously unlisted beetle species to that tally, as well as one rediscovered species thought to be extinct.
The beetles hail from Bali, Java and Lombok in Indonesia, showing once again that islands can be major cradles of biodiversity. The 99 species can be found in the open access journal ZooKeys, and in the leaf litter of Indonesian forests.
But those forests are falling, to make room for people and palm oil plantations. With the forests go the forest creatures, including unique fauna like these newly discovered beetles. And there no doubt exist many, many more unknown species, as the tropical forests of Indonesia remain largely unexplored—despite expeditions since at least the time of naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace, co-discoverer with Darwin of evolution via natural selection.
The question is, will deforestation wipe away the other unknown insects—and nematodes, microbes and other uncharismatic microfauna—before we had a chance to know them?

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English, I’m Neil and with me today is Chris.
Hello there.
Now Chris, are you fan of driving?
Erm not really. I do have a driving licence but I don’t actually drive that often.
OK then, so how do you think you would you like to try driving on Mars?

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🎁 中英文稿:
About half the world's population doesn't have access to the Internet, for a variety of reasons. Now two prominent entrepreneurs say they'll address the tech issues contributing to this digital divide.
SpaceX's Elon Musk wants to launch a new$15-billion constellation of mini communications satellites into near-Earth orbit to provide fast, low-cost and more comprehensive global Internet coverage.
Communications satellites generally operate from geosynchronous orbit some 22,000 miles above the Earth's surface. The Musk satellites would transfer data packets only 750 miles up, through the planet's exosphere, rather than via a tangle of terrestrial networks. If successful, the new network could rival fiber optic cable service speeds and be available in currently poorly served areas.
That is, if rival tech mogul Greg Wyler doesn't get there first, with his OneWeb venture. Wyler appears to have a leg up with his proposed 648–micro satellite network: he claims to own access to the spectrum frequency needed to communicate in low Earth orbit.
Internet satellite ventures do not have a good track record and it's not clear that there's room for two distinct networks. The bet here is that the two billionaires eventually team up and divide the pie in the sky.

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👯 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Alice…
And I’m Rob… Now, Alice – how old are you?
I’m 21, Rob – not a day older!
Come on, don’t be coy about your age, Alice! – Coy, by the way, means not wanting to give away information about yourself.
I’m not being coy, Rob. I just… don’t feel like telling everyone how old I am. Some people think it’s rude to ask.

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🎁 中英文稿:
YouTube is full of videos that promise more power and influence. All you've got to do is: [YouTube montage: "Get a deeper voice… How to have a deep voice… You don't have to live with a small weak voice…"]
But it turns out, you may already deepen your voice—without realizing it. Just like you already use nonverbal cues, like crossing your arms behind your head. "So we think just like those kinds of nonverbal postures, changes in voices probably happen without us thinking, without our conscious awareness."
Joey Cheng, a social psychologist at the University of Illinois. She and her team suspected people who do deepen their voices while speaking might hold more sway in an argument. They tested the theory by recording 191 university students as they debated, in small groups, about which equipment would be most essential after a disaster on the Moon. Oxygen tanks? Heating units? It's an old psychology game.
Joey Cheng是伊利諾大學的社會心理學家。她和同事們猜想人們在講話時,聲音低沉可能在論證方面更有影響力。有191名大學生以小組的形式在辯論月球發生災難後,哪種設備將會必不可少,Joey記錄了他們的辯論聲音以驗證理論。氧氣瓶?加熱設備?這是一個舊的心理遊戲。
They found that group members who lowered the pitch of their voices during the game—both men and women—were more likely to rally the group around their ideal supply list. They were also rated as more influential by team members and outside observers. "And this approach ends up being effective in that, if you lower your voice, chances are you'll probably be more effective at becoming leaders and influencing others, because it changes how others see you." The results are in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
The key is, initial voice pitch didn't matter. It was whether the voice got deeper during the exchange with their group. Meaning people of all voice pitches may possess the power to persuade.

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello, I’m Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m joined today, at the start of a brand new year, by Neil.
Hello, Rob! I’m really looking forward to 2015, but I have to say that last year was great. So great I’m thinking about creating my own time capsule.
Rob,你好~ 新年確實值得期待,不過過去的一年我必須承認過得很棒。以至於我正在構思做我自己的時間膠囊。
Really? A time capsule? You mean a kind of box or container where you can store objects and information so that people in the future -yourself included - will know how we lived at this particular time?
That’s it! And I’m already collecting items. My old mobile phone which I don’t use anymore. And a woolly jumper with a snowman on it my granny gave me that I never wear…
You never wear?

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🎁 中英文稿:
Some birds produce beautiful songs
Woodpeckers are not among them. The most familiar sound they make is when they tap on tree trunks with their bills to produce what’s called “drumming."
"This drumming that they show is essentially them kind of slamming their head against a tree at remarkable speeds.” Wake Forest University biologist Matthew Fuxjager
但是啄木鳥卻不在其列。我們最熟悉的聲音就是它們用嘴敲打樹幹所發出的咚咚咚的聲音。“啄木鳥咚咚咚的聲音實際上是它們在用極快的速度用頭敲打樹幹”。維克森林大學的生物學家Matthew Fuxjager說道。
“Some of the woodpeckers will use this kind of drumming-type maneuvering to excavate a nest, they'll make little caches in a tree to store food, or some of them will actually forage that way. But then they also use it for this social signal."
Fuxjager’s team broadcast the pre-recorded sounds of head slams to mated pairs of downy woodpeckers in the woods nearby. They discovered that there's a lot of information communicated in the drumming.
For example, woodpeckers that produce shorter drums are probably kind of wimpy, and easy to beat in a fight. But if a drum is longer, the challenger might be advertising itself as a stronger, tougher bird, one that's a bit harder to fend off.

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🎁 中英文稿:
Ask anyone what sound a frog makes and they'll probably say "ribbit." But there’s only one frog that makes that sound: the Pacific chorus frog. It may have become the go-to frog call because it just happens to live near sound artists in Hollywood.
Herpetologists have long known that frog calls are more diverse than just ribbit. But their communications are more diverse than just calls—they also signal each other by sight.
Say you’re a male of a species called the Brazilian torrent frog. And you live alongside a fast-flowing stream in the Amazon jungle. You happily chirp away, advertising your availability to whatever female torrent frogs are around. But when another male comes too close, your chirps give way to peeps and squeals.
So you wave your red and brown arm in front of your cream-colored face. The ensuing color contrast turns your body into a warning light. The intruder gets the hint and hops away to bother someone else.
Brazilian zoologist Fábio P. de Sá witnessed Brazilian torrent frogs using eighteen different visual displays, five of which had never been seen before in other frogs. He and colleagues published their findings in the journal PLOS ONE. The frog semaphore system probably developed because streams are noisy places. Instead of shouting over the sound of rushing water, these frogs communicate by jumping, head bobbing, arm waving or even wagging their toes.
巴西動物學家Fábio P. de Sá就曾目睹過巴西河流蛙使用了18種不同的可見的資訊展示方式,其中五種在其它種類的蛙中從未被觀察到過。該研究結果已經發表在《公共科學圖書館》雜誌上。由於河流非常的喧囂,青蛙的信號系統可能進化了。巴西河流蛙並沒有用嘹亮的歌聲蓋過湍急的河流,而是通過跳躍,晃動頭部,擺動手臂或者甚至搖擺腳趾這類方式進行交流。

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 💼👯\MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English, I’m Neil and joining me in this programme to talk about dangerous holiday activities is Rob. Hi there Rob.
Hello Neil.
So tell me Rob, I know that you’ve done a fair amount of travelling in your time.You must have come across a few situations or signed up for some activities which you look back on now and think… hmmm, that was really dangerous.
Yes, I went white water rafting in Indonesia a few years ago and that was quite scary, particularly because of the size of the boat they brought along – it was the sort of boat you get at the seaside, almost like a toy that you’d go out on the sea on.So what about you, Neil? What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve done on holiday?
Well, I was backpacking in South America with a friend of mine a few years ago and I saw a sign advertising ’The most dangerous bike ride in the world’, so we thought…ooh that sounds interesting.

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🎁 中英文稿:
Water laced with heavy metals—like the drinking water in Flint, Michigan—can be stripped of contaminants using chemicals, filters, membranes, even electric current. But now researchers say they've created what could be a cheaper, more effective solution: a fleet of microscopic, self-propelled, aquatic robots. Each one the size of just 10 lined-up bacteria—so tiny that a billion will fit in a syringe.
Each tube-shaped microbot is a sandwich of three materials. A graphene outer layer, which binds to heavy metals. A middle layer of nickel, which gives the bots magnetic polarity, so they can be pulled through wastewater with magnets. And platinum inside—for propulsion. Just add a bit of peroxide to the wastewater, and it'll react with the platinum to form water and oxygen bubbles, which propel the tubes along.
In an hour, a swarm of 200,000 bots scavenged 80 percent of the lead from three millimeters of tainted water. And the researchers estimate that it costs only about five cents a liter to do so. The findings are in the journal Nano Letters.
The researchers envision the bots as a portable solution for small companies—they’d treat their water onsite instead of carting it to a treatment plant. And after the robots do the rounds, the heavy metals can be stripped away. Meaning companies can reuse the heavy metals, and, ultimately, keep them out of our waterways.

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello, and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m joined today by Cath. Hi Cath.
Hello Rob.
Now we’re talking about the growing trend in online shopping today.
Ah yes, shopping via the internet. That is something I like to do.
OK, well you’re not the only person who likes to shop this way. Millions of people choose to shop online and last week saw the biggest day of the year for doing this – it was called Mega Monday. More about that soon but first, I’ve been looking online to find you a question Cath!

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🎁  中英文稿:
Four billion years ago, our solar system was a very different… very violent place. "This is the time when life was just emerging on our planet." Stephen Mojzsis, a geologist at the University of Colorado, Boulder. "It's the time when most of the big scars of the craters of the moon formed."
Those scars are the remnants of what he calls a game of planetary billiards. And Jupiter's gravity is the big break, which sends comets and asteroids flying. "And then these things go bouncing around all over the place. Many of the directions that they go are unpredictable even if they are governed by gravity."
Mojzsis and his colleague Oleg Abramov used supercomputers to model the beat-up surface of Mars at that long-ago time. And they found that all that planetary pummeling—from tiny sand grains on up to a rocks at least 25 times as big as the one that killed off the dinos here on Earth—could have translated into enough thermal energy to cook the surface of the planet, melt the Martian ice and start up hydrothermal springs.
"And for microbial life, hydrothermal systems, also known as hot springs, it's like the free buffet bar in Vegas—everyone just rushes there. It's just lots and lots and lots of food for microbial life. And they flourish." The study is in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
Mojzsis has this advice for anyone hunting for alien life on Mars: stick to crater bottoms, "an area that had heat for a long time, that could drive hydrothermal activity. I do not know if life originated in such places, but I can tell you now, wherever there's a hot spring environment it's just completely jam-packed with microbes. So that's where I would look." And that happens to be where NASA's Curiosity rover is looking right now.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to Six-Minute English from BBC Learning English, I’m Neil and with me today is Rosie.
Hi there.
Well, today we’re talking about men.
That sounds interesting.
It is very interesting especially if you’re a man because it seems we’ve had our existence extended.

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