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🎁 中英文稿:
Monarch butterflies are famous for their long haul to Mexico—a migration of more than 2,500 miles. But far more impressive is a species of dragonfly, Pantala flavescens. It's commonly known as a "globe skimmer," and it lives up to its name, migrating between 9,000 and 11,000 miles.
帝王蝶,因其長途跋涉到墨西哥而出名——遷徙距離超過2500英里。但是更令人印象深刻的是一種蜻蜓:Pantala flavescens。這種蜻蜓全球奔波,並且實至名歸,它們遷移的距離從長達9000到11000裡。
"Being really good at gliding, being able to take advantage of winds, being able to track rainy seasons, having short developmental times, because the larvae can develop very, very quickly,"—all those factors, according to Rutgers evolutionary biologist Jessica Ware, suggest the dragonflies may actually be one huge global population of interbreeding insects.
它們非常擅長滑行,善於利用風力,能夠監測雨季,發育時間極短,因為幼蟲能夠很快的發育成熟——根據羅格斯大學進化生物學家Jessica Ware的建議,根據這些因素,這類蜻蜓數量在全球範圍內,是雜交繁殖的昆蟲中最多的。
To test that idea, Ware and her colleagues sequenced DNA from dragonflies collected in Guyana, Japan, Korea, India, Canada and the United States. And since the genes they sequenced tend to mutate very quickly, if the populations were not interbreeding you'd expect to see differences from region to region. Instead, they found dragonflies in Japan that were more closely related to ones from Guyana than their own Japanese cousins. And that pattern of cross-continental similarities held true around the world. "This is a really compelling story that this is a species of the entire planet, of the Earth—it's not regional. The region is the planet." The results appear in the journal PLoS ONE.
As a truly global species, though, how will it react to global change? "If anything, climate change might just affect where it's able to set up these other populations, like in Canada. Maybe it'll be able to still establish and breed slightly north of where it is now. But I doubt it would necessarily change its routes dramatically." It's too early to know for sure—we’ll just have to see which way the wind blows.

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🔍  11為啥不叫ONETEEN? 🔍
◤ English number words are pretty logical after a point. From twenty-one to ninety-nine, the same principle applies: the tens place followed by the units place. But the teens are different.
◤ Eleven and twelve come from the Old English words endleofan and twelf, which can be traced back further to a time when they were ain+lif and twa+lif.
11和12來自古英語endleofan和twelf,可以追溯到倆數位還寫作ain+lif和 twa+lif的時候。✽
◤ So then the question is, why don't we have threelif, fourlif, fiflif, sixlif and so on? The answer has to do with the development of number systems over history.
於是,問題來了,我們為何沒沒有threelif, fourlif, fiflif和sixlif 呢?答案和歷史上數字體系的發展有關。✽
◤ A long, long time ago, when the number words were first being formed, most people didn't have muchreason to distinguish numbers above ten. In fact, some languages of primitive cultures only have number words for one, two, and many. So the basic number words up to ten formed first, then they were extended a bit with the –lif ending.
很久很久以前數字剛剛形成的時候,多數人並沒有太多能耐去辨識十以上的數字。事實上,有些原始文化的語言裡表示數位的詞只有一、二和許多。於是乎,先有了到十的基本數字,然後稍稍拓展,以–lif 結尾。✽
◤ Many number systems are based on 12 because it's divisible by the most numbers, and because you can count to 12 on one hand by using your thumb to count three knuckles on each of the other fingers. If 11 and 12 are being used more frequently, the forms for them will stick, even when another system starts to develop.
◤ You can extend that idea to other number words. We have more irregularities of pronunciation in the tens (twenty, thirty, fifty instead of twoty, threety, fivety) because we've been making everyday use of those numbers for longer than we have for two hundred, three hundred, and five hundred). 。Thousand is an old word, but its original sense was "a great multitude," a non-numerically-specific, but very useful idea. The words we needed earliest, and used the most frequently are usually the most irregular.
這樣思想可以類推到其它數位。幾十的數字發音不規律(twenty, thirty, fifty 而不是twoty, threety, fivety)。一千是個古老的詞,最初的意思是“量很大”,具體數值不詳,但這一概念很有用。有些詞彙我們很早就有需要、 使用頻率最高,也恰是最不規則的。✽
◤ So the short answer is, we created words for 11 and 12 a long time ago by calling them "one left after ten" and "two left after ten." They were more useful to us than the higher numbers, so we said them more and they became a habit that we couldn't shake.
文章來源: http://goo.gl/D4UYEk


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ி出國要如何辦理機場登機?(EnglishTown - Airport Gate Action)

♬ 更多出國登機相關單字片語:
1. airport terminal 機場候機室
2. domestic departure 國內航班出站
3. international terminal 國際候機室
4. nothing to declare 不需報關
5. departure time 起飛時間
6. currency exchange 貨幣兌換處
7. luggage claim 行李領取處
8. coach service 公共汽車
9. luggage tag 行李牌
10. boarding pass (card) 登機牌




󾭖教你如何使用 Airbnb,最棒的住房軟體!

✿商用英文每日溫習【出差出遊單字 機場篇 5】
廁所 toilet; W. C; lavatories; rest room
男廁 men's; gent's; gentlemen's
女廁 women's; lady's

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【今日最新:3月19日 托福口說真題與解析與範例】

Task 1 試題解析
If your are going to take a group of kids to go for a trip as a tour guide, where would you like to take them to?

1. a local science museum 
2. a local farm 
3. a theater to watch a performance.

Explain why? Include reasons and examples to support your response.


解析:可以選Museum,首先孩子們會很感興趣,細節說下孩子們對博物館的那些東西感興趣,比如帶他們去科技博物館,裡面有brilliant inventions, fantastic robots, 還能觀察一些 stunning experiment, 這樣他們可以很開心和fully engage in, 第二個理由是幫他們expand horizon, 可以說自己是物理專業的,非常擅長用簡單的語言解釋複雜的原理,能讓他們明白一些電啊,機械啊,光學之類的知識我會很有成就感。
I would take them to a sciencemuseum, because I want my students to learn something from this experience anda science museum is the most motivating place to do that.Students are able to do a lot of cool things there like seeing the fossil thatthey've learnt about in class and what not, which is something they normallycan't do.

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📢 實例講解托福閱讀修辭目的題解題技巧 📢

托福閱讀修辭目的題的格式是這個樣子的:“why does author mention ”注意這裡的why不是定位文中的because來找答案,而是應採取這樣一種思維即:題幹作為一個細節,其存在的價值是為了支撐前面出現的觀點,所以答案在題幹細節出現的位置前面去找,也就是找到觀點 (注意避開其他同樣支撐觀點的細節)

The fins are stiff, smooth, and narrow, qualities that also help cut drag. When not in use, the fins are tucked into special grooves or depressions so that they lie flush with the body and do not break up its smooth contours. Airplanes retract their landing gear while in flight for the same reason.
1. Why does the author mention that Airplanes retract their landing gear while in flight?
A.To show that air resistance and water resistance work differently from each other.
B.To argue that some fishes are better designed than airplanes are.
C.To provide evidence that airplane engine have studied the design of fish bodies.
D.To demonstrate a similarity in design between certain fishes and airplanes.

本題中的利用題幹中的landing gear很好定位,答案在此資訊之前,文章作者用airplane來舉例說明landing gear的功能,它受到這個的啟發來自於fin are tucked into the grooves ordepressions(魚鰭藏於側身凹槽而不會破壞其本身的流線型題型)。而CD選項都提到了design, 但是C提到 了airplane engine,這一概念文中並未提及,所以是錯誤的,正確答案是D項。

Paragraph 6: But neither the human imitativeinstinct nor a penchant for fantasy by itself leads to an autonomous theater.Therefore, additional explanations are needed. One necessary condition seems tobe a somewhat detached view of human problems. For example, one sign of thiscondition is the appearance of the comic vision, since comedy requires sufficientdetachment to view some deviations from social norms as ridiculous rather thanas serious threats to the welfare of the entire group. Another condition thatcontributes to the development of autonomous theater is the emergence of theaesthetic sense.
2. Why does the author mention “comedy”?
A. To give an example of early types of theater.

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簡單的“10-3-2-1-0睡眠公式”讓你每天效率爆棚 💤 💤 💤
This simple 10-3-2-1-0 formula could make your days more productive
➤Finding peace and quiet in today’s 24-hour society can be tricky but a simple technique could help boost your productivity, it is claimed.
The 10-3-2-1-0 formula can help you sleep better, feel great in the morning and increase productivity at work, according to author and fitness coach Craig Ballantyne.
He calls it the ‘Perfect Day’ formula and it’s all to do with giving yourself the best possible chance to start your day feeling well-rested and energetic.
Switching off at the right time before you go to sleep is essential, with the formula encapsulating much of the advice given by a number of health expertsfor better sleep.
🌄  The 10-3-2-1-0 formula
10 hours before bed: No more caffeine
3 hours before bed: No more food or alcohol
2 hours before bed: No more work
1 hour before bed: No more screen time
0: The number of times you hit the snooze button in the morning
➤“The single most important factor in winning your mornings and owning your days is to get up 15 minutes earlier and work on your No. 1 priority before anyone else is awake. It's that simple,” he explains.
“When you follow this formula, you'll get more done and stop letting the big opportunities in your life slip away.”
Tips for getting a better night’s sleep include sharing your bed with a pet, starting work at 10am and enjoying a warm cup of cocoa.
A different 4-7-8 technique, pioneered by Harvard-trained holistic health doctor Andrew Weil, could also be helpful for insomniacs.
🌄  The 4-7-8 technique
- Breathe in through your nose quietly for a count of 4
- Hold your breath for a count of seven
- Blow air out through your mouth for a count of 8, making a 'whoosh' sound
- Repeat the process three more times
➤Why lack of sleep is bad for your health
Regular poor sleep puts you at risk of serious medical conditions, including obesity, heart disease and diabetes – and it shortens your life expectancy.
Most of us need around eight hours of good-quality sleep a night to function properly – but some need more and some less.
As a general rule, if you wake up tired and spend the day longing for a chance to have a nap, it’s likely that you’re not getting enough sleep.
If you seem to catch every cold and flu that’s going around, your bedtime could be to blame. Prolonged lack of sleep can disrupt your immune system, so you’re less able to fend off bugs.
➤Lack of sleep can also make you put on weight
Chronic sleep debt may lead to long-term mood disorders like depression and anxiety.
Studies have suggested that people who usually sleep less than five hours a night have an increased risk of having or developing diabetes.
Long-standing sleep deprivation seems to be associated with increased heart rate, an increase in blood pressure and higher levels of certain chemicals linked with inflammation, which may put extra strain on your heart.
文章來源: http://goo.gl/fbtHKk


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