


1. curry favour 討好;奉承;拍馬屁(curry咖喱)
例:He's always trying to curry favour with the boss.
2. be in apple-pie order 井然有序;整齊;井井有條(apple-pie蘋果派)例:Their house is always in apple-pie order.
3. jam tomorrow 可望不可及的東西(jam果醬)
例:As children we were always being promised jam tomorrow, if only we would be patient.
4. (as) cool as a cucumber 鎮靜;靜;泰然自若(cucumber黃瓜)
例:She walked in as cool as a cucumber, as if nothing had happened.

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Alice…
And I’m Neil. So Alice, can you think of an example of how the English we speak is changing?
Yes, I can – teenagers saying like all the time…
Oh, that’s, like, really like annoying, like?
like, 就是很煩人,like?

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 數位遊牧者看過來:最適合你工作生活的十個城市 🌇
Want to escape the office? Top 10 cities for digital nomads

Thanks to the Internet and increasing opportunities for remote working, more people can move abroad and live like "digital nomads."

These are people who telecommute and live nomadic lifestyles -- spending as much time as they'd like in cities of their choosing.

The following are 10 most popular cities for digital nomads, based on real-time check-ins on Nomad List.


1. Chiang Mai, Thailand 泰國清邁 👑
This mountainous city perpetually ranks at the top for digital nomads as a calm place to work and play.

"It's the perfect combination of low costs of living, stable Wi-Fi, friendly people and community," says Johnny Jen, who left his corporate job in California to move to Chiang Mai.

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to The English We Speak, I’m Feifei…
… and hello I’m Rob.
Rob, thanks for giving me a lift home from the station tonight.
No problem Feifei. Happy to help…and look we’re almost home…just turn this corner.

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English to win your manager heart / 用英語博得經理的青睞🎀

I took the liberty of ...依照字母排列登記。美國及英國經理非常感激員工們積極進取來完成任務,甚至於他們不曾給任何要求之下。因此,自己尋找一些機會做個好幫手,使用上述的說法告訴你的老闆。
I'd like to run something by you.對於重大的主意或專案,西方經理人會非常感激你能主宰人物環節,或參與其中。他們也非常欣賞有好點子的人。因此,如果你下次想出一件大事,使用上 述的說法說明細節。 I can help out with that.根據上述表示,美國及英國經理們也尊重志願精神。協助新專案的執行代表了你對於這份工作的熱忱並且值得信賴。但是,要注意的是,千萬不要太貪 心,自願擔任超過你可以勝任的工作任務。 I'm already on top of that.當經理提及一項任務需要你來完成,而你已經在執行中,使用這個說法能展現您是一位很有能力的員工,在任務的執行前,或者較你的經理事先多準備了 一些。 Would you mind clarifying something for me?在積極進取心之上,美國及英國經理們會感激這種很有效率。如果你不了解一套的指示,不需要覺得尷尬,只需要使用上述的說法問明問題,讓工作任務在第 一時間內完成。如果你的工作並未達到標準,或達到期望標準,是由於你的誤解,當然就感到非常的尷尬了。

Having worked at a number of overseas entities of large American multinational companies, I've found that local employees often try to impress their American or UK managers with difficult English words or complicated, long-winded sentences. But, to be honest, the way to a Western manager's heart isn't through complex English compositions, but through strategically-used English phrases that can reveal you're the type of employee they can't live without.
I took the liberty of ?alphabetizing the enrollment forms. American and UK managers appreciate employees who take initiative by performing tasks even when they haven't been asked to do them. So look for opportunities to do something helpful, and then inform your boss using the phrase above.
I'd like to run something by you. For big ideas or projects, Western managers appreciate your keeping them in the loop, or involved. They also admire people with great ideas. So if you come up with the next big thing, say the sentence above, and follow up with the details.
I can help out with that. In line with the characteristics above, US and UK managers also value a volunteer spirit. Offering to assist with new projects shows that you are enthusiastic about the job and dependable. Be careful, though, not to bite of more than you can chew by volunteering for more work than you can handle.
I'm already on top of that. When a manager mentions a task that needs to be done which you have already started working on, using this phrase can reveal that you are a capable employee who is one step ahead of, or slightly better prepared than, your manager. Would you mind clarifying something for me? On top of initiative, US and UK managers appreciate efficiency. No need to be embarrassed if you don't understand a set of instructions. Just ask for clarification using the above question, and get the work done right the first time. If your work isn't up to scratch, or up to the expected standards, when you turn it in, it will certainly be a much bigger embarrassment.

碧瓏司-BeLong'S 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


♞I don't think I've ever had relevant experience for any job that I've worked in the past 11 years. As a result, I've come to believe that the experience you do have is more relevant than you may think. Past jobs have always helped inform my choices at future jobs, and none of the experience was ever useless. If you have experience in something, that may be all you need. Here are my recommendations:

♞Find Relevant Experience You Didn't Realize You Had

First, figure out a way to use any experience you do have to seem more relevant to the job at hand. I once used a technical support job to get a job on a film set. It's possible to focus on certain aspects of a position while still being honest. Think about what you did at your past and/or current job and concentrate on the days you enjoyed the most. Chances are there's at least one project that you worked on that has some relevance. On your resume, and in your interview, be sure to focus on that. If you can make it a good story and speak passionately about the work, it will go a long way.

♞Create Your Own DIY Experience

If you have no official experience it's great if you've got sample work you've done on your own. If you've ever been to art school, you know that half the reason you go is to create a portfolio. If you want to get into graphic design, you need to have examples of your work. You don't need to be employed to design a web site, so mock up some relevant designs and use those as your work samples. If you want to write for a blog, create your own blog so you have writing samples. Even if the job you want isn't necessarily creative, you can still do work that can help you. You might think you can't, but let's pretend you want to be a tax accountant. While you technically could do a bunch of fake taxes, you could also do taxes for your friends and your parents. Not only will this give you real experience, but it'll demonstrate to your potential employer that you have enough passion for the job. If I were hiring an accountant to do my taxes and knew they enjoyed it so much that they were willing to do it for free, I'd be excited to have them on my team. The simple point is this: you can easily give yourself a leg up by practicing and creating experience. You don't need anyone's permission, and you don't have to be employed to do it.

♞Get an (Unpaid) Internship

If you can, I would recommend starting with an internship. Seek out companies you'd want to work for and try to become an intern even if they've never had an intern before. Offer to work unpaid for 3-6 months and then push for a job as soon as you feel they can't live without you. If you can't afford to work without pay right now, either save enough money until you can or just offer to work a few days a week and find a paying (and likely crappy) job to handle your bills. This can be a rough road and it will wear you down, but it's only temporary. If you're a great worker and they don't want to lose you, they'll find a way to keep you around.

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