

ూ 打哈欠會傳染 女性間尤如此 ూ
Yawning is MORE contagious among women due to their higher levels of empathy
It's a well-known fact that yawning is contagious and can spread around a room in a matter of seconds, but it turns out the phenomenon is more common among women.
➻ 眾所周知,打哈欠是會傳染的,一個房間裡的人陸續打哈欠,也就是幾秒的事兒。更有結果證明,這種傳染在女性之間更為普遍。
During tests, researchers found that while men and women yawn spontaneously at equal rates, women are more likely to yawn in 'reply' to another person's yawn.
➻ 在測試過程中,研究人員發現,相同頻率下,男人和女人自發地打哈欠時,女性更可能會受他人影響打哈欠。
Yawning in response to someone else is a recognized sign of empathy, which suggests that women are more empathetic and attuned to others than men.
➻ 回應別人的哈欠是個公認的移情標誌。因此上面的結果表明,與男人相比,女性更加善解人意。
The research was carried out at Pisa University in Italy.
➻ 這項研究是在義大利的比薩大學進行的。
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the internal emotional states of others, and previous research has already shown that women are better at it than men.
➻ 移情是理解和分享他人內心情緒狀態的能力,以前的研究已經表明,女性的移情能力要比男性更強。
For example, research has revealed women more often mimic the facial expressions of others, showing they are picking up on the other person's state of mind.
➻ 例如研究發現,女性更經常模仿別人的面部表情,這表明她們正在揣摩別人的心理狀態。
A team led by Elisabetta Palagi, set out to examine whether women are more likely to unconsciously mimic another person's yawning.
➻ 伊莉莎白·帕拉吉帶領的團隊,對女性是否“更可能無意識地模仿另一個人打哈欠”進行了研究。
To test their theory, the experts secretly observed people in hundreds of work and social situations over a period of five years.
➻ 為了檢驗他們的理論,專家們在五年時間裡,秘密觀察了數百名不同工作背景和社會環境的人。
They particularly noted if subjects 'returned' another person's yawn within three minutes.
➻ 他們特別注意受試者是否會在三分鐘內對他人的哈欠做出回應,
The authors, writing in the journal Royal Society Open Science, defined yawning scientifically as 'an involuntary sequence of mouth opening, deep inspiration, brief apnoea [stopping breathing] and slow expiration'.
➻ 研究結果發佈在《皇家社會開放科學》雜誌上。作者把哈欠科學地定義為“先張口,深吸氣,簡短的無呼吸狀態[呼吸暫停],然後慢慢的呼氣”這樣一個不由自主的過程。
While they said men and women yawned spontaneously at equal rates, they discovered that once someone had yawned, female participants were more likely to yawn as well.
➻ 雖然研究人員稱男人和女人打哈欠的自發率相同,但他們也發現,一旦有人打了個哈欠,女性更容易跟著打哈欠。
Explaining why they think women are more likely to unconsciously mimic somebody else's sleepiness, the researchers said that having a close emotional bond with the 'trigger' yawner – if they are friends or relations - makes a person more likely to pick up on their mood than that of a stranger.
➻ 在解釋為什麼認為女性更可能會無意識地模仿別人的哈欠時,研究人員表示,如果你與最先打哈欠的人有親密的情感關係——比如打哈欠的人是你的朋友或親戚,你就會比一個陌生人更容易理解他們的心情。
The rates of contagion were significantly lower between acquaintances than between friends and family members, and significantly higher in women than in men.
➻ 熟人之間的接觸傳染率明顯低於朋友與家庭成員之間的接觸傳染率,而女性之間的接觸傳染率又明顯高於男性。
The phenomenon has been seen in other social animals, such as chimps, dogs and wolves.
➻ 在其他群居動物(如黑猩猩、狗和狼)身上,研究人員也看到了這種現象。

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📖 📖 去英國留學前必須讀的5本書 📖 📖
📖 The English: A Portrait of a People, By Jeremy Paxman
In The English, the famously no-nonsense journalist and broadcaster Jeremy Paxman assesses what it means to be English today - specifically English, that is, not Welsh, Scottish, or Irish. In this wide-ranging work, Paxman charts the rise of a peculiar stereotype of Englishness that arose abroad in response to British colonialism, and its subsequent obsolescence following the disintegration of Empire. Emphasizing the pluralistic interconnections between England's regions, cultures, and classes, The English gives historical grounding to some of the country' scurious social quirks and places them in the context of its people's fluctuating identities.
📖 White Teeth, By Zadie Smith 
Treating a broad sweep of British post-war history, White Teeth deals with the issues of London's immigrant population and their often conflicting desires to both assimilate and preserve their indigenous cultural identities. In an inimitable style that is now painfully funny, now heartrending, Smith also satirises the British middle and working classes while writing sensitively on such social issues as the generation gap in immigrant families, and even religious fundamentalism. A must-read for those seeking to know more about the diversity of Britain's cities.
📖 Porterhouse Blue, Tom Sharpe
Whether you're looking to throw yourself bodily into life at Britain's most traditional educational institutions, or searching for a stick to beat them with, look no further than Tom Sharpe's rip-roaring parody of life at the fictional Cambridge college, Porterhouse. Crippled by the need to adhere to its own traditions, Porterhouse is thrown into disarray when the College Master dies before naming his successor; meanwhile, research student Lionel Zipser's desperation to keep a lid on his attraction to his maid leads him through a series of preposterous plotlines towards a hilarious finale. A taste at the cordon bleu end of fine British humor.
📖 The Road to Wigan Pier, George Orwell
In Wigan Pier, a middle-class writer composes one of the finest examples of working-class journalism ever set down on paper. The British are a nation acutely aware of social class, and navigating the proverbial minefield of class distinctions can often prove challenging for visiting students. Orwell documents living conditions for workers in the impoverished north of England in the late 1930s, before discussing the practical solutions to the problem. Very much a document of its time, but still one of great use for those interested in the roots of Britain’s ongoing class tensions

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 日本員工的忠誠度最低 墨西哥最高 
Study suggests Japanese workers are deeply distrustful of their employers
✤ A study found that workers in Japan distrust their employers significantly more than workers in the US, UK, Canada and Australia do.
✤ In the past, Japanese work culture revolved around one core belief: “lifetime employment”. Workers would join a company after graduation from university and remain with that company until their retirement. Often, a strong bond would form between the worker and his (rarely her) company, with customs such as company-wide trips, and “bring your family” events. Accordingly, workers in Japan used to have an awful lot of job security, and job-hopping simply wasn’t a thing.
✤ Now, however, the only people who are generally granted job security for life are civil servants, who work at city hall for their entire career and get shuffled around every couple of years in a process called jinji-idou (personnel transfers) which is designed to keep things fresh. Those who work for regular companies, however, have much less obligation to stick with their employer than they used to, and, in turn, that has led to companies showing significantly less care for their employees. One has only to consider the high incidence of contract workers and part-time workers, and the emergence of so-called “black companies” which flout labor laws and in some cases treat their employees so badly, it can even drive them to suicide.
✤ A new survey conducted by Edelman PR polled Japanese workers to discover just how loyal they feel towards their employers in this economic climate. The results are unsurprising — only 40 percent of those polled agreed with the statement: “I trust the company I work for”.
✤ The results come as part of a larger poll in which the same question was posed to workers in 28 other countries; of that number, Japan ranked bottom in employer company trust. Mexico ranked highest with 89 percent agreeing to the statement. Other results included: United States (64 percent), United Kingdom (57 percent), Australia (54 percent), Canada (64 percent), Germany (62 percent), and France (48 percent).
✤ Another statement, “I foresee improvement in the next five years for myself and my ability to provide for my family” , was met with only a 19 percent agreement rate amongst white-collar workers, dropping to 15 percent amongst blue-collar workers. The global average was 55 and 47 percent respectively for white- and blue-collar workers, indicating that Japanese workers are generally highly pessimistic about their futures in their current companies.

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Imagine the evolutionary advantage of being able to hear a predator rustling in the tall grass nearby—or in the ability to hear a comrade making a sound to warn you about that predator. Now a study finds that early human species may have had sharper hearing incertain frequencies than we enjoy. The finding is in the journal Science Advances.
“We’ve been able to reconstruct an aspect of sensory perception in a fossil human ancestor known as Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus from South Africa.”
Binghamton University anthropologist Rolf Quam.
Binghamton大學的人類學家Rolf Quam說道。
“Both of these fossil forms lived about two million years ago and represent early human ancestors. We took CT scans of the skulls. We created virtual reconstructions on the computer of the internal structures of the ear that will predict how an organism hears based on these measurements of its ear.”
And the reconstructed physiology reveals that those early hominins likely heard differently than both modern chimps and modern humans.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Rob...
And I’m Neil. Hello.
I’d like to start by asking how did you get up here to the studio - on to the sixth floor - this morning?
Well, by lift, of course.
I thought so. That’s what we’re going to talk about in this programme - lifts. Or elevators, as Americans call them.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Alice...
… and I’m Neil. Alice, have you got two pounds? I forgot my wallet and I need a coffee. I’ve only got these pennies.
Sorry – I always use my bankcard in the cafeteria.
You use a card to buy coffee?
Yes. It’s a tap-and-go card so it’s quick – you don’t enter a PIN number– and everyone in the coffee queue uses them… except you. And today’s show is about how we pay for things.

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