科比告別賽票價刷新歷史 沒有800美元別想看 🏀 🏀 🏀
Want to see Kobe Bryant's last game? You'll need to pay at least $800
Kobe's retirement is good for business.
✾ 科比的退役帶來了巨大商機。
The five-time NBA champion is set to play his last game on Wednesday, and tickets are reaching exorbitant levels.
✾ 本週三,這位曾五次獲美國職業籃球聯賽(NBA)冠軍的球員將獻上自己的告別賽,票價也是一路飆升。
The average price for a ticket to the Lakers game in Los Angeles is listed at over $2,100 and selling for about $1,400. To even get in the arena costs more than $800.
✾ 洛杉磯湖人隊的門票標價平均都超過2100美元,實際售價約為1400美元。就算只是進到體育館裡都要花費800美元以上。
The most expensive ticket is listed for $29,200. At least it's courtside. Tickets for Wednesday's game have gone up more than six times in price.
✾ 標價最貴的票為29200美元,位置是在球場邊。週三這場比賽的票價漲幅已經超過6倍。
TiqIQ, which started tracking ticket resales in 2010, said these are record levels for a regular season NBA game.
✾ TiqIQ從2010年就開始追蹤門票轉售情況,該機構透露,在NBA常規賽中,這樣的票價可謂創造了歷史。
Ticket prices for Wednesday's game are up 89% from last year's final Lakers home game, according to StubHub.
✾ 二手票券交易平臺StubHub顯示,週三這場比賽的票價比去年湖人隊最後一場主場比賽的價格要高出89%。
Bryant has spent 20 seasons in the NBA and has played for the Lakers since signing with them at 17.
✾ 布萊恩特自17歲就與湖人隊簽約,已為該隊效力20個賽季。
During the last two seasons, Bryant has been hobbled by injuries and the Lakers have finished in last place. But, after he announced his retirement in November, ticket prices immediately began to shoot up, according to SeatGeek.
✾ 在前兩個賽季中,布萊恩特受傷病困擾,行動不便,湖人隊也排名末尾。然而,據票務搜索平臺SeatGeek顯示,自從他於去年11月宣佈退役以後,票價開始暴增。
Fans who bought away-game tickets after Bryant's announcement spent about 26% more than those who bought their tickets before. Tickets to home games increased by 33%.
✾ 退役消息出來後,球迷買到的客場球票比之前要高26%,主場球票要高33%。
The Lakers have become the second most expensive team to watch since Bryant announced his retirement. This is in spite of the fact that they've won only 16 games this season -- they've lost 65.
✾ 布萊恩特宣佈退役後,湖人隊比賽的門票成了第二貴的,儘管這賽季他們只贏了16場,輸了65場。
Bryant's upcoming exit from the NBA has also led to a 500% increase in sales of his merchandise on Fanatics.com.

Over the past 30 days, Bryant gear has been so popular that he's currently the second best-selling player in the NBA -- only gear of Warriors' star Steph Curry is more popular.
✾ 布萊恩特即將離開NBA的消息傳出後,Fanatics網站上他的相關商品也多賣了500%。過去一個月以來,布萊恩特的裝備非常受歡迎,現在他的產品熱銷度僅次於勇士隊斯蒂芬·庫裡,排名第二。
How much money Kobe Bryant made playing basketball
✾ 科比·布萊恩特打球掙了多少錢
The Los Angeles Lakers star has earned $323 million in salary from the Lakers over the course of his career, according to sports salary tracker Spotrac. And he's collected more than $280 million from sponsorship deals, according to Celebrity Net Worth.com

, making him one of the best-paid athletes in the world.
✾ 根據運動員薪水追蹤機構Spotrac的資料,這位元洛杉磯湖人隊球星在他的職業生涯中,從湖人隊領到的薪水達3.23億美元。根據名人資產網站資料顯示,他從贊助商處也賺取了超過2.8億美元,這讓他成為了全世界賺錢最多的運動員之一。
Bryant's jersey is a best seller in China, and his company, Kobe Inc., recently signed an agreement with Alibaba (BABA, Tech30), China's biggest online marketplace, to create and sell a series of Kobe branded products.
✾ 在中國,布萊恩特的球衣也是最暢銷的,最近,科比股份有限公司與中國最大的線上購物平臺阿裡巴巴簽訂了協議,來打造並銷售一系列科比品牌的產品。
Bryant is likely to stay busy in retirement, doing everything from broadcasting and coaching or team management said Bob Dorfman, editor of the Sports Marketers Scouting Report.
✾ 《體育行銷者偵查》編輯鮑伯·多夫曼表示,布萊恩特退休後也會很忙,可能會做廣播,教練,或者是做球隊管理工作。
exorbitant: (要價等)過高的
away-game: 客場比賽
jersey: 運動衫,球衣
文章來源: http://goo.gl/hH5M6U