

✺ Japanese company launches world’s first washable mobile phone
It may look all shiny and new, but your smartphone is probably one of the filthiest things you own. The amount of bacteria and germs it carries is disgustingly huge, which is probably why a Japanese company is targeting germaphobes with the world’s first washable phone.
✺ The Snapdragon 410 processor, 5-inch android phone, called Digno Rafre, is all set to be released in Japan by tech company Kyocera Telecom this week. It’s USP is that it’s waterproof and soap resistant, so it can be thoroughly washed under running water. There’s no risk of water entering the device because it’s entirely sealed to keep water and bubbles from getting in. It doesn’t even have a speaker, relying instead on a Smart Sonic receiver that transmits sound through vibrations on the phone’s screen. The built-in 13MP camera is also waterproof.
配備驍龍410處理器,這款5英寸的安卓手機,名為Digno Rafre,由京瓷科技將於本週發行。它的賣點就是防水抗肥皂,所以它可用自來水沖洗。水不會進入設備中,因為它全身設計成完全封閉的,以防止水和氣泡進入。它甚至沒有話筒,而是通過智慧聲波接收器,通過手機螢幕震動進行傳輸。它內置的1300萬圖元主攝像頭也是防水的。✺
✺ Apart from being washable, the phone is also ideal for kids, for people who are clumsy and keep dropping their phones everywhere, or like to take bathtub selfies. It even comes with a special rubber duck-shaped floating stand. To wash the phone, the company suggests gently rubbing soap foam all over it before thoroughly rinsing it with plain water. And, as an added bonus, there’s no danger of scratching the phone, because its plastic back cover is supposed to be self-healing.
✺ Digno Rafre, which comes with 16GB storage, 2GB RAM, and a 2MP front camera is priced at ¥57,420 (about $467), but it isn’t available for purchase outside of Japan. The company has announced no plans of releasing the gadget in foreign markets, but if interest is high enough, who knows?
Digno Rafre配備16G記憶體,2G RAM,前置200萬圖元,售價57420日元,但只限於日本國內購買。該公司稱目前沒有在海外市場推出的計畫,但如果手機足夠吸引人,誰又知道呢?✺

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Boss crush refers to the situation when an executive falls for someone, loses all judgment, refuses to listen and ensures that trouble will follow.
The syndrome, which is a major character flaw of some of the world's finest managers.
A version of this was played out recently between David Cameron and Camila Batmanghelidjh. The prime minister developed a crush on the mesmerising, rainbow-turbaned head of Kids Company; large quantities of cash were shovelled into her charity; civil servants asked questions, but nothing happened — until things went so spectacularly wrong the plug had to be pulled.
Like real love, the boss crush is blind. Worse than that, once the boss has publicly singled out the love-object as worthy of promotion, his pride is on the line. The crush object simply has to be good; nothing else will do. All warning signs are ignored, the truth only outs when it is too late. Then the after-effects of the crush are brutal — the former loved one is treated to rage and disdain and usually in the end is fired.
The most troubling thing about this phenomenon is that there isn't an answer. You can't ban executives from crushes any more than you can ban teenagers. All you can do is notice the sorts of people who are prone to them, and be warned.

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🎁 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Children who experience neglect, abuse and poverty have a tougher time as adults than do well-cared-for kids. Now there's evidence that such stress can actually change the size of brain structures responsible for learning, memory and processing emotion.
The finding is in the journal Biological Psychiatry. [Jamie L. Hanson et al, Behavioral Problems After Early Life Stress: Contributions of the Hippocampus and Amygdala]
Researchers took images of the brains of 12-year-olds who had suffered either physical abuse or neglect or had grown up poor. From the images the scientists were able to measure the size of the amygdala and hippocampus—two structures involved in emotional processing and memory. You can find more 60-Second Mind onchinavoa.com.
And they compared the sizes of these structures with those of 12-year-old children who were raised in middle-class families and had not been abused. And they found that the stressed children had significantly smaller amygdalas and hippocampuses than did the kids from the more nurturing environments.

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【12/13 托福閱讀真題三篇完整解析】

12/13 閱讀三篇文章分別是:
1. Effects of Plate Tectonics on Species (板塊構造對物種的影響)
2. How Plants and Animals Arrived in the Hawaiian Islands 
3. Newspapers in Western Europe (西歐報紙)重複2014-06-15真題

Effects of Plate Tectonics on Species


第二篇 : 
How Plants and Animals Arrived in the Hawaiian Islands 
有一篇是舊貨Hawaii的noendemicc animaland plants.是如何immigrant到島上的,by wind, by animal fur and digest, by human through ship etc-植物方面
fern stiny seed make them easy to immigrant by airborne;有果實的plant比dry seed plant更易傳播,因為吸引動物吃它們;還有一種植物傳播過來後進化成另一種F植物,進化後的植物的種子不能disperse。動物方面昆蟲來的少不是因為Haiwaii環境不行而是它們沒機會immigrant過來,以ant為例。


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考點:健康檢查 病症狀況表現 醫生診斷結果 治療方案 相關建議
mental hospital 精神病醫院 
clinic 診所
physician/internist 內科醫生 
oculist/eye doctor 眼科醫生
surgeon 外科醫生 
dentist 牙醫
vet 獸醫 
shrink 心理醫生 ( 俚 esp US)
symptom 症狀 
have/catch a cold 感冒
have a sore throat 嗓子痛 
have a stomachache 胃痛
have a fever 發燒 
pneumonia 肺炎
flu 流感 
have a cough 咳嗽
have a headache 頭痛 
have a toothache 牙痛
liver trouble 肝炎 
allergy 過敏症
twisted/sprained 扭傷的 
feel dizzy 頭暈
feel chilly 覺得發冷 
asthma 哮喘
diabetics 糖尿病患者 
cramps 抽筋
vomit/throw up/nauseate 嘔吐 
diarrhea 腹瀉
vomitive/pukey 噁心的 
luggies/phlegm 痰
have a stuffed nose 鼻子不通 
cholera 霍亂
stiff neck 脖子發僵 
abscess 膿腫
yellow fever 黃熱病 
hay fever 枯草熱
pills 藥丸


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